MMATE Center of Regent University Survey
"How Are Marriages and Romantic Relationships in Hampton Roads?"
You should only complete this questionnaire if you
live in Hampton Roads area AND are
Married but separated
Engaged or
Living with a Romantic Partner
First 150 people will be paid $5.00
The Marriage Ministry Assessment, Training and Empowerment (MMATE) Center at Regent University is completing some questionnaires on marriages and romantic relationships in Hampton Roads.  Please complete these questions honestly.  They are important for us.  This survey is only for people who are living together, engaged or married.
Risks & Benefits:  You will be paid a small amount of money for completing this questionnaire.

We will ask for your address and email address so that we can ask you a few more questions in a few months.  This questionnaire will be stored separately from your personal information so that no one will know your answers to the questionnaire.  This data will be kept in a locked file by Dr. Ripley’s research team at Regent University.  The results of the study will be communicated in professional forums like conferences, but your identity will not be revealed.

(Regent University requires the following statement on all research).  Although there are no known risks or discomforts associated with this study, I understand that it is impossible to anticipate all possible risks associated with participation in this study and that the consequences of my participation in this research are unpredictable.  Nevertheless, I give my informed consent and release Regent University, its agents, trustees, administrators, faculty and staff from all claims, damages or suits, not limited to those based upon or related to any adverse effect upon my participation in this research.  I understand that this release of liability is binding upon myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, and anyone else who might make a claim through or under me.

Withdrawal:  You are free to decline participation in the research at any time.  You are free to ask the investigators any questions you may have about the study. 

If you have any questions about the research project you may contact the principal investigator, Jennifer Ripley, Ph.D. (757) 226-4296 or  If you have any questions about the study or your rights as a participant, you may contact the Regent University Chair of the Human Subjects Review Board at (757) 226-4371. 

Clicking below means you have read and agree to this research.
We'd love to have you answer our questions, but the funding for the research is completed.  We will not be able to pay anyone else the $5.00 for completing the questionnaire.   -  Dr. Jennifer Ripley