

Guest lectures


The Chinese Economic Presence in Central Asia. Sinophobia and Sinophilia among Central Asian Elites, Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, October 30, 2008.


The Chinese Presence in Central Asia and its Social Reception, Centre français d’études de la Chine contemporaine (cefc), Hong Kong, October 29, 2008.


Political and Geopolitical Stakes of the Sino-Central-Asian Relations, Graduate Institute of Russian Studies, National Chengdu University, Taipei , October 17, 2008.


Cultural and Economic Mediators of the China-Central Asia Relations, Taiwan Graduate Institute of Central Asia, Ching Yun University, Taipei, October 16, 2008.


Rethinking Russian Nationalism as a Political and Social Consensus, Graduate Institute of Russian Studies, Tamkang University, Taipei, October 15, 2008.


La présence chinoise en Asie centrale et sa réception sociale [The Chinese Presence in Central Asia and its Social Reception], Doctoral Workshops of the French Center, Beijing, May 8, 2008.


Russo-Turkish Rapprochement Through the Idea of Eurasia: Alexander Dugins Networks in Turkey, Jamestown Foundation, Washington D.C., April 29, 2008.


Russian Policy on Central Asia and the Role of Russian Nationalism, Central Asia and Caucasus Institute, Washington D.C., April 23, 2008.


From Repatriation to Remittance: The Evolution of Migration Flows from Central Asia to Russia, Kennan Institute Seminar, Washington D.C., April 30, 2007.


Nationalism and Imperialism. The Neo-Eurasianist Think Tanks in Russia, Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies (CERES), Georgetown University, Washington D.C., April 24, 2007.


In Seach of an Imperial Identity. Neo-Eurasianism in Russia, Harriman Institute Lunch Talk, Columbia University, New York, April 17, 2007.


The Return of the Aryan Myth: Tajikistan in Search for a National Ideology, Central Asian Seminars, Tokyo University, September 16, 2006.


Rethinking the State: Nostalgia for the Empire and Russian Nationalism in the New Academic Disciplines, Summer Symposium of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, July 9, 2006.


Teaching Patriotism in Contemporary Russia : Finding the Line between Russian Civilization and Ethnocentrism, Kennan Institute, Washington D.C., March 23, 2006.


Civic Nationalism and Ethnic Nationalism in Putins Russia, Work in Progress, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., March 21, 2006.


Central Asia Fifteen Years after Independence : The Drift towards Authoritarianism, Kennan Institute Seminar, Washington D.C., March 20, 2006.


Central Asia Fifteen Years after Independence. A Mitigated Balance, Fondation for Strategic Research, Paris, March 1, 2006.


Central Asia, the Drift towards Authoritarianism, Center for International Relations Studies (CERI), Paris, February 24, 2006.



Colloquium Presentations


Neo-Eurasianism: Thinking Eurasia as a Regional Space in a Globalized World, International Conference “Constructing Regional identities in the Post-Communist Space: Eurasia or Europe?”, Lancaster University, June 27-28, 2007.


Histoires d'histoire nationale en Ouzbékistan [Histories of National History in Uzbekistan], Conference La recherche en sciences sociales face à l'actualité politique dans l'espace postsoviétique [Research in Social Sciences in view of Current Political Affairs in Post-Soviet Space], EHESS, Paris, March 30, 2007.


Occultism in the Russian Neo-Pagan Movements: in Search of a National and Natural Spirituality, International Conference The Occult in 20th-century Russia. Metaphysical roots of Soviet civilization”, Harriman Institute/European Academy, Berlin, March 11-13, 2007.


The Eurasianist Ideology and the Eurasian history: Empire as the Natural Solution for the Post-Soviet Space?, 6th Annual International Young Researchers Conference “Orienting the Russian Empire”, Havighurst Center, Oxford-Miami University, Ohio, October 26-28, 2006.


Le Concept d’ethnogenèse en Asie centrale. Son contexte politique et ses médiateurs institutionnels (1940-1950) [The Concept of Ethnogenesis in Central Asia: Political Context and Institutional Mediators (1940–50)], International Worskshop “Circulation du savoir et histoire des sciences humaines en Russie et en URSS” [Circulation of the Knowledge and History of the Human Sciences in Russia and the USSR], EHESS, Paris, May 26-27, 2006.


Nationalisme, patriotisme, civisme. Réflexions terminologiques autour du Programme pour léducation patriotique des citoyens russes [Nationalism, Patriotism, Civism. Some Terminological Reflections on the Program for Russian citizens Patriotic Education], International Conference “Russian Nationalism in the official structures of the Russian Federation”, French-Russian Center in Social Sciences and Humanities, Moscow, October 24-26, 2005.


La Discipline de la culturologie ou lélaboration dune science de la nation [The Discipline of Culturology or the Elaboration of a Science of the Nation], International Conference “Russian Nationalism in Social Sciences and Humanities”, French-Russian Center in Social Sciences and Humanities, Moscow, June 30-July 1, 2005.


La Philosophie de lhistoire de Lev Gumilev [Lev Gumilev’s Philosophy of History], International Conference “Between etnos and Eurasia . A Conference on the Ideas and Influence of Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev”, Moscow, June 27, 2005.


LIntroduction du concept dethnogenèse dans les historiographies républicaines : regard sur le stalinisme des années 1940 en Asie centrale [The Introduction of the Concept of Ethnogenesis in the National Historiographies: A regard on Stalinism in the 1940’s in Central Asia], Workshop “About the concept of Etnos: the Question of Ethnic Determinism in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Space”, Center for Russian, Caucasian and East-European Studies (EHESS) and the French Center for Post-Soviet Societies Studies (INALCO), Paris, April 22, 2005.


Les Eurasistes et le monde des steppes. Des ambiguïtés du regard orientaliste russe [The Eurasianists and the Steppic World. About the Ambiguities of the Russian Orientalist Perception], International Conference “Occidente - Russia - Oriente. L’eurasismo ieri e oggi” [The West, Russia , the East: Eurasianism Here and Today], Bergamo University, Italy, April 14, 2005.


Alexandre Dugin, médiateur des nationalismes occidentaux en Russie [Alexandr Dugin as a Mediator of the Western Nationalisms in Russia ], International Conference “Russian Nationalism in the Political field. From the Radical Groups to the Political Parties”, French-Russian Center in Social Sciences and Humanities, Moscow, February 21-22, 2005.


Rodina : institutionnalisation et unification politique des mouvances nationalistes russes [Rodina: Institutionalization and Political Unification of Russian Nationalist Currents], International Conference “Russian nationalism, Election Campaigns and Results, 1993-2004”, French-Russian Center in Social Sciences and Humanities, Moscow, February 17-18, 2005.


La triangulaire Russie-exil russe-culture daccueil. Le prisme occidental non assumé de leurasisme [ Russia , Russian Exile, and Land of Welcome. The Non-Assumed Western Prism of Eurasianism], First meetings of the European Institute of East-West Relations, Lyon, December 2-4, 2004.


Les difficiles relations des (néo-)eurasistes au champ politique : entrisme dans les structures étatiques et indifférence envers lopinion publique ? [The Neo-Eurasianists’ Difficult Relations with the Political Field: Entryism in State Structures and Indifference towards the Public Opinion?], Workshop “Eurasianism and Neo-Eurasianism. Two Ideologies of the Russian Empire in the 20th century, Rennes University, September 22, 2004.


Autour du concept detnos. La cristallisation nationaliste des années 1940-50, un moment méconnu de lhistoriographie ouzbèke [About the concept of etnos. The Nationalist Crystallization in the 1940-50’s, an Unknown Segment of the Uzbek Historiography], Second Workshop “Permanency, Variations and Instrumentalizations of the National Referent from the 19th century to the Communist Regimes”, INALCO, Paris, May 13, 2004.


Lappartenance à lislam comme critère politique ? La politisation des Directions spirituelles et la constitution de partis musulmans en Russie [Belonging to Islam as a Political Criterion? The Politization of the Spiritual Boards and the Constitution of Muslim Parties in Russia ], International Conference “Islam, Politics and Nation in former USSR. A Comparative Analysis between Russia and Central Asian Republics”, Kazan, Russia, April 1-2, 2004.


Question impériale et question nationale dans lhistoriographie soviétique : la réhabilitation de la colonisation russe des steppes kazakhes et de lAsie centrale [Imperial and National Question in the Soviet Historiography: the Rehabilitation of Kazakh Steppes and of Central Asia Russian Colonization], First Workshop “Permanency, Variations and Instrumentalizations of the National Referent from the 19th century to the Communist Regimes”, INALCO, Paris, November 28, 2003.


La pensée des intellectuels russes sur lAsie : imaginaire orientaliste ou géopolitique anti-européenne ? [The Russian Intellectuals’ Perception of Asia: an Orientalist Imaginary or anti-European Geopolitics?], Workshop “Nation and National Ideology”, New Europe College, Bucarest, April 6-8, 2001.


Lempire vu dOccident. La branche parisienne de leurasisme et ses liens avec Prague et Kharbin [The Perception of Empire from the West. The Parisian Eurasianist Group and its Relations with Prag and Kharbin], Workshop “Paris and Russian Emigration”, Paris, French Institute of Slavic Studies, January 18-20, 2001.


Continuités et discontinuités idéologiques des courants eurasistes des années vingt à nos jours [Ideological Continuities and Discontinuities in the Eurasianist Movements from the 20’s until Nowadays], Workshop “Eurasia: Ideology and Reality”, Paris, CNRS, Paris X Nanterre, and INALCO, June 10-12, 1999.



Conference Papers


Academia and the Rewriting of National Identity in Central Asia: The Soviet Union and Colonialism Issues, International Conference on Central Eurasian Studies: Past, Present and Future, Maltepe University, Istanbul, March 17-19, 2009.


The Human-Rights Supporter: Anti-Western Sentiment and Xenophobia in Putin’s Russia, Annual Convention of the Association for Study of Nationalities, New York, Columbia University, April 12-14, 2007.


Early Eurasianism. Anti-Westernism and Philosophy of History, National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington D.C., November 16-18, 2006.


The Teaching of Culturology in Post-Soviet Russias Higher Education System, Annual Convention of the Association for Study of Nationalities, New York, Columbia University, March 23-25, 2006.


The Politicization of Science. Ethnology in the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Washington D.C., November 18-20, 2005.


The Debated Influences of the Eurasianist Theories on Alexandr Dugin, National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Salt Lake City, November 4-6, 2005.


Alexandr Dugins Stance on the Russian Political Scene, 2002-2004, VII World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies, Berlin, June 25-30, 2005.


Futuristic Religion and Air Space Conquest: the Conception of the Universe (kosmos) in the Russian Cosmism Ideology, VII World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies, Berlin, June 25-30, 2005.


Between Ethnicism and Eurasianism: L. N. Gumilevs Philosophy of Sciences and Philosophy of History, National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Harvard University, Boston, December 4-7, 2004.


The Cossack Renewal in Central Asia . An Analysis of the Contemporary Identity Reconstructions, Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society, Bloomington University, Indiana, October 14-17, 2004.


An Unknown Russian Vision of Asia: The Aryan Mythology in the 19th Century, National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Toronto, November 20-23, 2003.


Thinking about National and Regional Boundaries in the Central Asian States: Intellectual and Political Discourses, Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Anchorage, November 6-9, 2003.


The Teaching of Nationalism in the Academic System in Post-Soviet Central Asia, Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society, Harvard University, Boston, October 3-5, 2003.


Faire le deuil de lempire : les enjeux de mémoire autour de la frontière russo-kazakhe [Resigning oneself to the End of the Empire: the Memory Stakes about the Russian-Kazakh Frontier], “Réseau Asie” First Conference, CNRS-MSH, Paris, September 24-25, 2003.


An Imperial Version of Russian Nationalism: Neo-Eurasianism, Annual Convention of the Association for Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, New-York, April 3-5, 2003.


Une idéologie impériale russe méconnue : la fraternité aryenne. Analyse des comptes-rendus du Cercle damateurs darchéologie du Turkestan [An Unknown Russian Imperial Ideology: the Aryan Fraternity. An Analysis of the Turkistan Archaeology Amateurs Circle ], European Society of Central Asian Studies Annual Convention, Bordeaux , France , September 25-28, 2002.


Lintellectuel entre “pouvoir” et “dissidence”. Approche comparative des acteurs sociaux de leurasisme en Russie et en Asie centrale [The Intellectual between the Power and Dissidence. A Comparative Approach of Eurasianism Social Actors in Russia and Central Asia], Annual Conference of the French Association of Middle East Studies, Tours , France , July 2-4, 1999.


“Orient” and “Occident”: the Russian and Turko-Muslim Eurasianist Discursive Paradoxes, 6th Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, March 27, 1999.


Concepts et realia de leurasisme : de lorientalisme russe à leurasiatisme kazakh [Concepts and Realia of Eurasianism: from Russian Orientalism to Kazakh Eurasiatism], Annual Conference of the French Association of Middle East Studies, Lyon, France, July 2-4, 1998.



Seminar Presentations


L’eurasisme et ses racines occidentales. Transferts culturels en Russie [Eurasianism and its Western roots. Cultural Transferts in Russia ], Seminar on “Cultural Transferts” (Michel Epagne), Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure, January 9, 2009.


The Political and Religious Situation in Contemporary Central Asia, Graduate Institute for Central Asian Studies, Xian Normal University, China, October 9, 2008.


The Economic and Social Situation in Contemporary Central Asia, Institute for Central Asian Studies, Lanzhou University, China, October 2, 2008.


La modernité par le patriotisme ? Les mouvements de jeunesse pro-présidentiels en Russie [Modernity via Patriotism? Pro-Presidential Youth Movements in Russia ], French Center for Post-Soviet Societies Studies Seminar (Jean Radvanyi), Paris, December 18, 2007.


Anti-cosmopolitisme, culturalisme et xénophobie en Russie : le nationalisme comme évidence ? [Anti-Cosmopolitism, Culturalism and Xenophobia in Russia: Nationalism as Obvious Fact?], Seminar on “Cosmopolitism and anti-cosmopolitism” (Olivier Remaud), EHESS, Paris, December 17, 2007.


Nationalisme, patriotisme et civisme. Réflexions terminologiques sur l'évolution de la Russie contemporaine [Nationalism, Patriotism and Civism: Terminological Reflections on the Evolution of Contemporary Russia], Center for Studies on the Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet world Seminar, EHESS, Paris, May 25,  2007.


Le Néo-eurasisme en Russie : mouvement intellectuel ou courant politique ? [Neo-Eurasianism in Russia : Intellectual Movement or Political Current?], Seminar on “Contemporary Russia” (Myriam Désert and Gilles Favarel), EHESS, Paris, May 25, 2007.


Le Mythe aryen en Russie au xixe siècle : race et érudition [The Aryan Myth in Russia during the 19th Century: Race and Erudition], Seminar on “Race and Erudition in the 19th century” (Maurice Olender), EHESS, Paris, March 29, 2007.


Construire lidentité nationale : continuités et ruptures des stratégies identitaires en Asie centrale au xxe siècle [Building National Identity: Continuity and Ruptures of the Identity Strategies in 20th-century Central Asia], Seminar on “Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space” (Alexandre Goujon), Institute for Political Studies, Paris, May 26, 2006.


The Eurasianist Answer to Russias National and Imperial Questions, History Department, Brock University, Saintes-Catharines, Canada, January 27, 2006.


Un Nationalisme russe du groupuscule à lopinion publique : les théories néo-eurasistes et la discipline de la culturologie [A Russian Nationalism from the Groupuscule to the Public Opinion: the Neo-Eurasianist Theories and the Discipline of Culturology], Seminar of the Institute of Geopolitics (Alexandre Lavrov), Saint Denis University, Paris, April 16, 2005.


La Notion de diaspora : débats identitaires autour des Russes du proche-étranger [The Notion of Diaspora: the Identity Question among the Near Abroad Russians], Slavic Studies Seminar (Roger Comtet), Le Mirail University, Toulouse, December 10, 2004.


Le “Retour” des Russes du proche-étranger en Russie. Enjeux institutionnels, politiques et identitaires [The “Return” of the Near Abroad Russians in Russia. Institutional, Political and Identity Stakes], Seminar of the French-Russian Center in Social Sciences and Humanities, Moscow, October 29, 2004.


Milieux académiques et état des lieux de la recherche dans lOuzbékistan post-soviétique [Academic Circles and the Situation of Research in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan], Seminar of Center for Studies on the Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet world, EHESS, Paris, May 14, 2004.


Recherches culturologiques et idéologie eurasiste au Kazakhstan [Culturology and Eurasianist Ideology in Kazakhstan ], Uzbekistan Institute of Oriental Studies and IFEAC Joint Seminar, Tashkent, February 18, 2004.


Les mouvances eurasistes en 2003 : enjeux électoraux et question musulmane en Russie [The Eurasianist Movements in 2003: Electoral Stakes and the Muslim Issue in Russia ], Seminar on “The Recomposition of Post-Communist Spaces”, Paris X Nanterre, December 16, 2003.


Philologie slave et recherches des origines aryennes chez Khomiakov et ses successeurs [Slavic Philology and the Question of the Aryan Origins by Khomiakov and his Successors], Seminar on “Knowledge in the Building Process of National Societies: Central Europe, Russia , and Germany , 1750-1850” (Michael Werner and Marie-Elizabeth Ducreux), EHESS, Paris, December 12, 2003.


Les Russes du Kazakhstan : enjeu politique pour le nouvel Etat, enjeu identitaire pour la nouvelle diaspora de létranger proche [Russians in Kazakhstan : Political Stakes for a New State, Identity Stakes for the New Near Abroad Diaspora], Seminar on “The New Identities in the Post-Soviet Space”, INALCO, Paris, December 8, 2003.


Le Mythe aryen en Russie au xixe siècle. Contribution à une histoire des échanges intellectuels France - Allemagne - Russie [The Aryan Myth in Russia in the 19th Century. A Contribution to a History of Intellectual Exchanges Germany - France - Russia ], Slavic Studies Seminar (Roger Comtet), Le Mirail University, Toulouse, December 4, 2003.


Limaginaire russe et occidental sur lAsie centrale : la recherche du berceau des premiers Aryens [The Russian and Western Imagination on Central Asia: Searching the Aryans’ Cradle], IFEAC Research Seminar, Tashkent, March 13, 2003.


A-t-il existé un mythe aryen dans la Russie du xixe siècle ? [Was there an Aryan Myth in the 19th-century Russia ?], Seminar of the Center for Studies on the Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet world, EHESS, Paris, December 20, 2002.


LEurasisme au Kazakhstan , la constitution dune idéologie de la nation ? [Eurasianism in Kazakhstan : Creating a Nation Ideology], Seminar on “The words of Nation, Independence and Territory in contemporary Central Asia ” (Vincent Fourniau), EHESS, Paris, December 11, 2002.


Les Néo-eurasistes en Russie et en Asie centrale : le dédoublement dune idéologie [The Neo-Eurasianists in Russia and Central Asia : the Splitting of an Ideology], Seminar on “The new identities in the Post-Soviet Space”, INALCO, Paris, December 9, 2002.


Lidentité russe face à lOccident : la vision eurasiste [The Russian Identity facing Occident: The Eurasianist Vision], Seminar on “The Recomposition of Post-Communist Spaces”, Paris X Nanterre, June 17, 2002.


Les différents types didéologies eurasistes [Different Types of Eurasianist Ideologies], Seminar on “The Recomposition of Post-Communist Spaces”, Paris X Nanterre, February 12, 2002.
