The Retarded World Around Us
Battling Stupidity since 2004
People have bettered themselves by reading this site
4/12 - Facebook is out of control.  Read the article I found (click below).
Facebook Article (Word format, open and read)
3/15 - The Rosa Parks Complex and other Racial Issues:  First off, if you are not from south of the Mason Dixon line, dont watch Dukes of Hazzard religously or dont have someone in your family named Bubba, you should probably stop reading here.  Also, keep in mind that not all black people are bad.  I personally agree with Berto's ratio: that for every 100 black people, there are 99 angry, rude, ignorant assholes, and 1 is a respectable member of society.  If you had, for any reason, decided to view the University of Delaware website recently, you will have noticed the giant advertisement for the "Stop Hate Crimes" campaign: a multi-million dollar joint venture between the city of Newark and the School in an attempt to reduce racial based crimes.  Crap, I messed up, i meant to say, stop crime against black people.  Because in America now, if you are black, you get a silver spoon shoved in your mouth whether you like it or not (the worst example of this being affirmative action, the most ridiculus idea in the history of the USA).  Dont worry about girls getting raped and people getting robbed, lets make sure no black person ever hears the word nigger ever again.  Good thinking school.  Then if you were to look slightly to the right of this add, you would see an article about the black football players who were expelled for robbing a team of his steroids and returning to their house where they kept their assortment of guns and street ready drugs.  I dont think a comment here is necessary.  Because of this irony and crazy bullshit system, I am starting a campaign to end reverse racism and protect the rights of white people everywhere.  Please send check care of Mark Nauman.  Everyone knows about reverse racism so Ive decided to focus on something else.  The bus system at this University has a serious problem also.  Every so often, I decide to take a break from walking and ride the bus back to my room.  The only problem here is that it is impossible to get on the bus.  In kindergarden, I learned how to get in a line, because it is the most efficent way of organizing and moving people.  But black people dont go to kindergarden apparently.  I was put over the edge when the bus stopped right in front of me for the first time ever.  As the doors opened to reveal an entire bus-full of empty seats awaiting my ass, some kind of cow-like creature pushed me to the side to get in front of me, pushed her face practically into the bus doors and then stepped backward onto my feet so that the bus doors could open.  I later determined that the animal that assaulted me was a huge Latifah-esque black girl.  I was pondering for a long time on the reason for this.  Then it hit me: all black people think they must sit on the front of the bus because Rosa Parks did it.  That and they are just ignorant to their surroundings.  I then thought how to fix this problem and there is only one clear solution.  If we force black people to always move to the back of the bus and give up their seat to white people if they are standing, they wont fight theyre way onto the bus anymore.  Its so easy, I dont know why we didnt try this before.
Guest Rants
11/20 - Matt's Article
9/29 - My Pet Gerbil
4/25 "Biology" - by anonymous
4/25 "Faith" - by anonymous
2/20 "Traveling" - by anonymous
Old Rants
2/20 - Short People providing to society
12/1 - Facism at University of Delaware
10/17 - The Ring 2: Ruining Dates since 2005
9/30 - State of Delaware vs. Mark Nauman, the saga continues
9/12 Ode to My beloved Roommate/dirtball
3/21 Salute to my Friend
3/14 The Duke Powerhouse of homosexuality
3/?7 21st century slavery
3/1 Abercrombie is so cool
2/20 Mark Nauman is dead.  I am the punisher.
2/13 How to become healthy by being a slob
2/9 Australia is no match for me
12/13 Instant Messanger is mad cool
12/2 Natural Selection VS Pedestrians
11/21 The Whitetrash Eulogy
11/14 Anthony "flash" Carroll breaks the Laws of Physics
11?/8 The Asian Persuasion and the downfall of Western Civilization
10/31 Facebook is Sweet, all the cool people are doing it
10/28 Guys who smell delicous, and how I appreciate them
Comments and Criticism
Disclaimer: If you disagree with any of the opinions on this site, you are wrong
Supported Websites
Maddox - The original and still the best.  All of my educational pursuits are so that one day I can be as smart as Maddox
Tucker Max - I strive everyday of my life to be a little more like Tucker
Eat Your Pets - My cousins site.  Weird but awesome.  Nauman's rule