<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/markhamy/foreveryoung1.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The Stupiderest Website on the Internet
This Site Goes Offline October 26, 2009 - Go to Bottom for Epilogue
News of the Day
Monthly Objective

Month of the Mont
Extreme Sport
Crazy Animal
Poems of Ill Reput
Old Friends/Alumn
Of Our Time
Of Out Pas
Of Our Futur
Pirate Tales

The Family Albu
Crazy Interactive Pag
Image by Hamy Hamilton
Only a handful have set their sights on this sullen scene, which creeps quietly through the forests of the deepest wild. And those that have know better than to return, for it is here that Hamy Hamilton is thought to dwell amongst the canopy of boughs and fog along the chilling wake of Old Whiskey Creek. Through the darkness of this bleak and empty land walks a man who knows nothing but the smell of dirt and the taste of whiskey upon his tongue and in his black and empty veins.
Epilgogue to oocities.com/markhamy
Who knew that October 26th, 2009 would be the saddest day in the history of the inter-webs, or even the world. 10 years ago this site began as a crazy interactive page, a picture of a rat, and an ode to popular months. Just as the once prototypical internet evolved to the now sentient intertron that we know, love, and fear, this site has developed several other pages that have accumulated several hundred hits. Although we can still visit this site on the wayback machine, it will never quite be the same. Good luck old site, as you get gobbled into the interstellar cloud of dust that is the intertron.