
Placing images

To place an image on a web page use:
<img src="image.gif">

Text wrapping

To place an image to the left or to the right of a string of text use:
<img src="image.gif" align="left"> or <img src="image.gif" align="right">

Image mapping

An image map is used to map diferent parts of a web page to an image, or to map different web pages.

To map the rectangle use the upper left and the lower right corners.
To map the circle use a point of the outer extremeties and the center.
To map a polygon use every point that changes a direction.
<map name="client">
<area shape="rect" coords="26,72,144,145" href="">
<area shape="circle" coords="262,112,42" href="">
<area shape="poly" coords="389,65,440,65,466,106,440,150,390,150,364,106" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="2,2,503,214" href="">


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