Yes, I'm serious!

I am a Hellenic Pagan. More than a few people have said that, but many of them seem embarassed to mean it, and others use it as a codeword for other things. Atheists with a love of Greek philosophy and others to whom the gods mean little have claimed that title. For myself, I'm having none of that. A Pagan, as far as I'm concerned, is a person of religious faith who believes in more than one god. Regardless of whatever loss of belief may be considered every so trendy in Europe right now, if faith is reduced to being nothing more than play acting, then it is no longer faith. As far as I'm concerned, Hellenic Paganism is about building a relationship between Man and the gods, and whatever my capitalization may have been in that last phrase, a relationship in which we have no doubt as to who occupies a higher place in the scheme of things, and rightly so. The gods, with all of their imperfections, are still our betters and our generous guides and benefactors, and we are to view them with love and respect. Those who feel otherwise are those I will not welcome into my presence as I offer worship, because as I do so, I seek to do what I can to honor the Divine, not Man, and being "more openminded than thou" in order to win a few popularity contests would suggest that these priorities had been reversed.

There isn't much on this site so far, just a homepage the Hellenic Pagan Midwest networking and discussion list, and a page of reciprocal links to those sites linking to this one. More may go up later, probably in late Autumn, most likely material devoted to Dionysos.