Password generator

This JavaScript program was created on October 23, 2000, or earlier. It is published at The JavaScript Source, and has been there since October 27, 2000.

First character can be:NumberLowercaseUppercaseOther
Latter characters can be:NumberLowercaseUppercaseOther

Extra password characters:
New password:
Automated tools could successfully guess your password if you use it verbatim (see next paragraph). I recommend adding your own 'special touch' (e.g. an extra character only known in your brain) to passwords generated by this page.

The password is being generated within your browser; this web server cannot detect what password you choose to use, if any, from this site. However, as the random number seed is fixed by the JavaScript language, it is considerably more possible to guess your password than I figured when I wrote this JavaScript code in 2000. If an attacker knows approximately when you used this tool to generate a password, the number of possible random number generator seeds is limited to the range of seconds at which this page was loaded. This can form the basis for an automated password discovery system.

HomeHome Last updated at 2004-09(sept.)-02-0359h (UTC/GMT).