Marissa Cox


            Writing is a subject that I have mixed emotions about. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate it. When writing on a subject I enjoy I tend to like writing. When writing on a subject that is difficult for me I tend to hate it. All in all I feel writing is a way to express my emotions and my thoughts about certain topics. It is also allows a writer to become more educated about certain topics because of research needed in order to write about particular subjects. When writing I also have a chance to be creative and show my own style of writing. In a way, writing allows someone to show his or her personality through words. For those people who are usually quite in society and seem to be invisible, it is a way for them to reveal their feelings and thoughts about certain issues.  Writing is a wonderful way to increase knowledge and become more educated.



            I would like to achieve several things in English 106. First of all, I would like to increase my writing ability and my vocabulary. Throughout my high school career, I always had a problem with using the correct words in my essays. I would try to find big words that sounded educated, but they would never really relate with the subject in my sentences. I would like to be able to incorporate educated words into my essays that relate with my subject in order to make my essays more formal and effective. Secondly, I would like to become more confident with my writing. After writing an essay most of the time, I feel like it is insufficient and not good enough. I know that essays can never really be perfect, they can always be revised and made better but I would like to be able to have some satisfaction with my essays when turning them in. Finally, I would like to be able to write a satisfactory essay in a certain amount of time. I find that when writing in-class essays, my essays always tend to be not as good as those I write out of class. All in all, I would like to become a better writer with some amount of confidence when I finish this class.



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Proposal: The Importance of Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography

Definition: Colonial Education

Evaluation: Outline for Evaluation

Presentation: Title

Causal Analysis: Title