Here are some things you can do before you become pregnant.

FOLIC ACID - Folic Acid is a "B" vitamin your body needs every day to be healthy. It can reduce your risk of heart disease, colon cancer and stroke. If you take it before you become pregnant, it also greatly reduces your chances of having a baby with a birth defect of the brain or spine.

ALCOHOL/DRUGS - Drinking alcohol or taking any type of legal or street drugs during the early weeks of pregnancy can badly hurt your unborn baby. That’s when the brain and other organs are forming.

SMOKING - Couples who are interested in pursuing pregnancy or attempting to achieve pregnancy should also understand that tobacco smoking, as well as any tobacco usage, has a negative impact on their ability to become pregnant and carry a pregnancy to term.

DIET- The golden rule of good health can be summed up like this: Be good to your body so it will be good to you. That means eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Health problems are linked to weighing to much or too little before and during pregnancy. Your health is affected by what you eat and by your physical activity.

EXERCISE - Couples with infertility often wonder if lifestyle habits might compromise their fertility. Two important lifestyle factors, weight and exercise, can affect fertility.