APPLES and ARLO's Corner

These rats were my first ones.  They were all part of my initial breeding project.  Sadly, only the three babies posted survived.  To take a look at more rats that live in the Ark follow the rat!                                           ~~~~(   )8:>


This is my first rat, Apples.  I bought her for breeding purposes from a pet store.  She's real sweet but not too cuddly.  She had two unsuccessful litters where only one from her first survived, and two from her second.  She is an american blue berkshire.


Angie is Apples first daughter.  She is a black berkshire carrying blue.  Right from the start she has been pretty wild and skittish, but still very cute! 

These two are from Apples' second litter.  Brother and sister, they should turn out to be a Himalayan like their father.  They both carry blue.

Here is Arlo, mate of Apples.  He was purchased at the same pet store and is very calm and quiet.  He's smart too... he is an experienced maze runner!