Marijuana Party of Alberta Platform

Agriculture & Environment
Education & Health
Law enforcement
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The Marijuana Party of Alberta would end the barbaric war on Marijuana and cut the cost of law enforcement by almost one-half of what it is.

Money that is now spent to lock up the sons and daughters, fathers and mothers of Alberta for a plant no different that a wild rose, could be put to better use. Like catching polluters, serial killers, rapists and those actual criminals that really harm society.  A Policy even all the law enforcement officers and officials can agree with.

Instead of a "green team," that perpetrates harm upon innocent victims, we could have a "crime team" that went after actual criminals.

A Law enforcement policy that all in Alberta can agree with and live with. Sensible, workable, and less costly to the tax payer than the farce that is in place now.

All it takes is your Vote for the Marijuana Party of Alberta at the ballot box during the next provincial election, its that simple.


Please drive carefully