Hullo everyone! I apologise profusely for the length of time that it has taken to update the Recs Page - RL has been incredibly overwhelming lately and I have not had good access to a computer.

For those of you that don't visit my LJ and don't know what is going on with the Challenges and such, I am afraid that Llinos and I are suspending them, at least temporarily, until RL becomes more manageable. The Challenges had a good, long run of nearly four years and were responsible for almost 900 hobbity fics so I shouldn't be sad, but they are near and dear to my heart and hopefully we will be able to get them going again in a few months. Many, many thanks to all of you that participated in any way, whether as an author, reader/reviewer, or with administrative help!

We do hope to be able to continue the Recommendations Page, though it won't be posted weekly in the foreseeable future - there should be at least one entry per month though, and more once we have more time for fun things. So keep checking back for updates!

I do have a fic rec for you this week though, and it's a good one!

I am very pleased to be able to announce at last that Llinos has finally updated The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435! Not only has she updated it, but she is well into finishing the next chapter, so she will be updating the story regularly now! This latest chapter is called I'll Wager It's A Dragon! and it concludes with a really intriguing cliffhanger!

Now I can start poking her for the next instalment of Recaptured!

Please review, and hang in there with us! We haven't abandoned the fandom, we just can't be as active as we wish to be right now. We're still here!

