Hi group!

Its been a while, but I've finally managed to jump back into the fray and try my hand at another fic! I've never posted to the group (A Sense of Loss was posted directly to FFN) and I would LOVE to get your feedback.

Many thanks to JT and AJ for their support, their suggestions and most importantly, their beta-skills! And JT...thanks for kicking me in the butt to get it posted. As promised, here it is (albeit late!)

Ok, girls...let me know what you think! Questions, comments, concerns all welcomed! <gulp>

The Kiss

A kiss. Mara Jade thought to herself, as she lay face up on the bed, staring at the ceiling, and wrestling with the decision of whether or not to leave the comfort and warmth of the sheets that enveloped her.

Not just a kiss, her mind corrected, but a total assault on your senses that rendered you weak-kneed, robbed you of your own free will and blurred the lines of reality…

Mara sighed softly and brought a hand to her face to sweep a strand of hair from her eyes. What no other man had ever dared, she mused, Luke Skywalker had accomplished in the span of one evening.

One evening… Ten years and one evening…

Her insides spun tightly as flashes of memory from the previous night intertwined with one another, steadfastly refusing to be arranged in any coherent order. When had she lost control of the situation and allowed herself to be swept away by Luke Skywalker? She pondered, once again turning unfocused eyes to trace the shadows on the ceiling above her. By anyone, for that matter?

Three days ago, her subconscious answered, when you decided against leaving Coruscant, even though word had already reached you of his impending arrival and even though your business matters had already been concluded.

She squeezed her eyes shut at the memory. It had been months since she and Skywalker had been on the same planet together. Months since she had once again refused his latest offer to train her as a Jedi Knight and months since she had stormed out of his suite, leaving him reciting his beloved Jedi Code in an effort to calm himself.

"Why should I go tearing off planet just because Skywalker is making an appearance?" She had reasoned to herself. And, so, amidst departure preparations, she had inexplicably talked herself into remaining in-system for another day.

Or was it when he stepped down from his X-Wing, strands of wispy, blond hair pointing in every direction as he removed his helmet? Or when his face erupted in than now famous, Skywalker smile, as he noticed you standing alongside the landing platform, causing your heart to skip a beat?
Mara shifted slightly, suddenly uncomfortable under the scrutiny of her own memory.

Or was it when you accepted his invitation to join him in his suite for a bite to eat and a light workout? The mocking voice within the confines of her head continued, unabashed.

Or could it have been during dinner, when he brought a taste of his dessert to your lips, and then followed the offering with a kiss.
Mara's back stiffened against the mattress as another burst of images swirled in her mind. His sudden, uncharacteristic brazenness…the look of sheer amazement in his light azure eyes when they finally pulled apart…and that kiss!

That kiss…

A moment of perfect clarity, symmetry and harmony in the Force had created a single instant during which spellbound eyes closed, personal space disappeared and lips met, longingly. A kiss that had set in motion a series of events that neither had anticipated nor ever thought possible.
One by one, he pushed her unspoken protests aside, overwhelming her with his touch, his caress and with his whispered words of devotion. Whatever feeble objections her mind attempted to formulate, the onslaught of his kisses managed to dissolve into thin air, and before she could pull free and assert her objection, her own lips had responded, begging for more and betraying her to the man she had once intended to kill.
Mara inhaled deeply and released the breath slowly, reveling in the memory of his touch and of the feel of his mouth on her lips, her neck, her shoulders…

And when impassioned kisses were no longer enough, she recalled, Luke Skywalker had pressed the length of his inflamed body against her own, wordlessly transmitting his arousal, causing her to melt into his embrace, and allowing him to lift her off her feet and carry her into his bedroom.
Once in the confines of his bed, Mara's body seemed to move independent of her conscious mind, unquestioningly acquiescing to the demands of Luke's own body, which took her spiraling to the heights of pleasure. Undoubtedly, the intensity of his passion had taken her by surprise, but it was the depth of his emotions that had truly touched her. The sudden realization that he had kept the secret of his affection locked away hit her like a thunderbolt, momentarily paralyzing her. Stunned, she reached up and cradled his face in her hands to see a look of torment in his blue eyes that sent a bolt of pain cursing through to her heart. He rested his forehead against her own and she could feel him tense against her, awaiting her rebuff and silently cursing his decision to expose his feelings once again.

Instead, Mara found herself reveling in the warmth radiating from him and in the feeling of love and desire he had kept hidden from her for so long. These were feelings that she had never experienced and that she had long ago, convinced herself she would never have any use for. Just one of the many useless entrapments she had been taught she must discard for the sake of her Emperor. Tears slipped silently from behind closed eyes as emotions threatened to overcome her, causing her body to trembled slightly beneath him.

Astounded by the reaction of the woman in his arms, Luke brushed her mind softly, soothingly, and kissed her tears away. Then, for the duration of the evening, he endeavored to demonstrate to her the full measure of his love with any means at his disposal.

Mara Jade turned slowly to glimpse at the face of the man lying next to her. In the comfort of sleep, his face appeared childlike and serene. She watched as his bare chest rose and fell steadily and marveled at how unthreatening he appeared. Luke's strength in the Force resonated throughout his body, yet pulsated beneath deceptively fair looks and bright blue eyes that still managed to regard the galaxy with a sense of wonderment and awe. The universe at large admired and respected the Jedi Knight, but it was the latter qualities that endeared him to the people closest to him. Even herself.

Mara Jade had spent a lifetime avoiding any semblance of intimacy with any sentient being. The Emperor had demanded it, and her profession had made it a necessity. And so, she had lived her life convinced of the fact that she needed no one, keeping everyone at arms length and dismissing the romantic tales depicted in holo-novellas as meaningless fluff meant to fill the minds of women that had nothing better to do with their time. The notion that a single man could reduce her to a trembling, quivering mess was as abhorrent as it was alien.

Now, years after the Emperor's death, she had innately continued to strengthen the self-imposed armour that had once kept her alive. Only now that she was free, it simply served to alienate her from a galaxy that had gone on with their lives, no longer drawing the line so clearly between traitorous Rebel and dutiful Imperial citizen. What had once made her strong and resilient, now only reaffirmed her position as an outsider and an outcast. The Empire had crumbled at the hands of Luke Skywalker and it was at his hands, that she had come to realize that solitude did not necessarily translate into strength. Luke Skywalker was a loner, but he was not alone. He was surrounded with a circle of family and friends that loved and cared for him and he was stronger for it, not weaker. Now she was struck with the realization that she had been gravitating closer to that circle for years…offering support, taking part in the camaraderie, and edging closer to its center…to Luke Skywalker himself.

She let her gaze follow the length of his body and once again allowed her memory to drift to the events of the previous night. In one evening, Luke Skywalker had ignited a spark that had awakened feelings she never knew she had. His fingers had trailed a blaze down to her very core and his lips had followed suit, sending currents of pleasure throughout her being. They had moved as one, touching, exploring and allowing their force senses to resound as a single, living entity. And when the painful burning of his entry caused her to gasp aloud, he slowed his own inflamed body and refocused his attention to other parts of hers until the waves of desire within her matched his own. Ultimately, she pleaded shamelessly for him to finish taking her, once and for all. She clung to him, breathlessly encouraging his slow, fevered thrusts and delighting in the tortured moans that escaped his lips until her sighs turned into screams of delirium that echoed throughout his suite.

And so, as the moon traversed the Coruscant sky, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade completed the last of the concentric circles that had characterized their ten year relationship, and had become one.

Yes, Luke Skywalker had taken her breath away, and she knew instinctively that he had not only made love to her, but had left the imprint of his soul on her very heart as well.

The recollection of intimacy caused her to fidget uncomfortably once again and she raised her head to glimpse out of the window a few feet from his bed. The faint light of dawn had begun its ascent and with it, the re-emergence of her defense mechanisms began screaming for her body to move away. Ignoring the demands of her subconscious, she slid closer to him, seeking the warmth of his body and losing herself once again in the smell of his skin. Measuring her movements carefully, she extended her fingertips to brush his hair out of his eyes and watched as he inhaled deeply. Her conscious mind continued to sound the alarm, yet her body refused to obey.

Then suddenly, Luke Skywalker stirred. He reached out sleepily, and moved to pull her into his arms. Mara almost jumped out of her skin and reached for the edge of the bed to propel herself up, but she was too late. Murmuring something unintelligible, Luke wrapped his arms around her and pressed her to him. Mara lay perfectly still, silently praying that he wouldn't fully awaken and found herself settling her head beneath his chin, laying her face against his chest and almost immediately, falling back asleep.

to be continued....

Alright group!

JT has given me the go ahead and so, here's part two! As always, I'd love your thoughts, comments and concerns!

Many thanks to JT, for her beta-skills and nudges of inspiration! AJ, hurry up and stop swilling the 'caine so that you can give me your invaluable two cents worth, girl!

The Kiss

by Aria

Chapter Two

Mara Jade's unconscious basked in the warmth of the arms embracing her and relished in the feeling of love and security that it never knew it craved. Her slender arm, which encircled Luke's chest tightened, and her leg reached across and draped itself over his thigh, her knee tucking between his legs. She then nuzzled her face beneath his chin and sighed contentedly.

Luke Skywalker tightened his own grip in response and softly caressed her unknowing mind, whispering his heart-felt desire to have the moment extended, but all the while bracing himself for her inevitable emergence into consciousness, and the fallout it would unleash.
A few moments longer, his mind pleaded, as he placed a kiss on the top of her head, just a few moments longer.

He and Mara had forged a tenuous relationship that had gradually become more comfortable, if not always peaceful. For years, they had unconsciously gravitated towards one another, only begrudgingly admitting their friendship and oftentimes, not even admitting as much. Their time spent together was usually born out of necessity, and not out of personal choice, and the realization of that fact had recently come to grate on Luke more and more. On occasion, he had even caught himself measuring the passage of time by how long it had been since he had last seen or heard from her.

Luke couldn't deny the gratification he derived from being her company, even when their collaborations resulted in an argument, as they usually did. There were times when he inadvertently drove Mara to fits of anger, and he found himself unconsciously enjoying her discomfiture, if not always certain he would survive the experience. Other than the members of his family and a few close friends, Mara Jade was the only other person in the galaxy who treated him with a healthy dose of irreverence that sometimes bordered on outright disdain. Oftentimes, her treatment of the Jedi Master in the presence of his students had raised many an eyebrow and did little to endear her to members of the Academy, not that Mara cared in the least what his students thought of her.

What few realized is that the Jedi Master had come to appreciate Mara's diatribes at his expense, having grown increasingly more uncomfortable with the reverence and worship most of his students lavished on him. Simply put, Mara Jade made him feel again, and he had just begun to understand that those feelings were leaning in a direction other than friendship.

The point was brought home further when he realized that his insistence on her completing her training no longer stemmed from his sense of duty, but rather from his desire to have her by his side.

Not any way for a Jedi Master to behave, he admonished himself.

Neither was last night, came the unsolicited answer.

He knew he had crossed the line. He would pay dearly for his transgression, of that, he was certain. Mara's friendship had been hard-won and in a matter of minutes, he had thrown caution to the wind and jeopardized one of the most important relationships in his life.

Reckless! His old master's raspy voice rang in his ears.

He absent-mindedly wrapped a tendril of red-gold hair around his finger and brought the lock to his lips, kissing it softly. He then ran his fingers through his own hair and glanced down at the woman in his arms. That she had responded to his advances had been a shock to his system. That she hadn't run him through with his own lightsaber, had been nothing shy of a miracle, but he had a sneaking suspicion that his luck was about to run out.
What came over you, Skywalker? He asked himself as he closed his eyes, attempting to catalog the events in chronological order.

She had been at his assigned landing platform when he arrived on Coruscant, filling him with a sense of joy that he had found difficult to conceal. He battled with his heart momentarily and finally succeeded in slowing its pounding to a measured beat. Slowly, he forced his body to conceal its reaction to her presence and forced some semblance of casualness to his voice before suggesting they meet in his suite for dinner and a workout.
The evening was spent filling each other in on the tidbits of their time spent apart. Knowing that Mara averted any conversation in which training Jedi was a large part, he was content to sit across from her and listen to the details of her various business ventures. In all actuality, he had done little listening. Instead, he found himself mesmerized by the movement of her mouth as she formulated the words of her discourse. He sat hypnotized by the way her lips alternately came together, pursed and formed a smile as she spoke.

He awakened from his state just long enough to serve the dessert but then, had impetuously reached across the table with a fork full of sweetened fruit and brought it to Mara's mouth. He watched, entranced, as she caught a piece between her lips and savoured it, rolling it in her mouth slowly. And in an instant, he had lifted her chin and kissed her, sweeping the tip of his tongue over her lips provocatively. Before either of them knew it, they were on their feet, locked in an embrace, deepening the kiss and allowing the rest of the galaxy to fall away in a tailspin.

A legion of Imperial stormtroopers could not have pulled them apart at that moment, as Luke held her to him and withered away her defenses with a barrage of kisses. His tongue luxuriously caressed hers, slowly exploring the contours of her mouth then tracing the curve of her ear down to the lobe before taking it in his mouth and sucking on it gently. Each one of her sighs encouraged him further and further until their kisses were no longer enough. Seeking the warmth of her body, he crushed her to him, pressing his erection against her, groaning deep in his throat as her hips responded in kind. Then, he was lifting her off her feet and carrying her to his bed, never once detaching his lips from hers.

He had opened his heart up to her last night, allowing her to sense his emotions and she had absorbed the knowledge unquestioningly. In return, Mara Jade had entrusted him with her body and the realization that he was her first, had sent his heart soaring and further deepened his feelings of protectiveness.

Luke sighed and brought Mara closer to him as the recollection of the events brought his body to a fevered pitch once again. He shifted, and Mara pressed against him once more. The inadvertent moan she elicited from him in response caused her eyelashes to flutter open. Instantly aware of her surroundings, Mara lifted her face and gazed into a pair of expectant blue eyes whose owner held his breath, and then offered a faint smile.
"Sithspawn, Skywalker!" she spat out, as she brought her hands to her face and bolted to sit upright and turn away from him. Alarm bells went off in her mind once again, making her head swim. Instantly, barriers went up and walls were reconstructed to shut out his presence.

"Redundant," he whispered softly. He sat up and placed his hand gently on her shoulder, trying in vain to keep the situation from deteriorating any further.

"Mara, please look at me," he asked softly, "let's talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about, Skywalker," she countered, keeping her back to him and gathering the sheets more tightly around her. She hadn't run screaming from his bed, and in that realization, Luke Skywalker found some solace.

She moved to stand but was held in place by the weight of his body on the opposing corner of the bed sheet. She turned, speared him with a glassy-green glare and tugged, hard, in frustration. The offending sheet gave way, and she rose, walking to the floor length window that looked out over the Coruscant skyline. She placed her forehead against the pane and welcomed its coolness against her skin. Her mind whirled and the flashes of memory from the previous night assaulted her, demanding entrance and acknowledgement of their existence.

Resigned, Luke watched her silently from the corner of his bed. He could sense her turmoil, and the urge to join in on the onslaught of her own mind pressed ardently against his own. His heart constricted painfully in his chest and his insides churned, but he resolved to keep his mind clear. He dropped his head onto his chest and sighed heavily.

Calm. Tranquil. Serene.

He felt as if his last chance at love and happiness hung in the balance. It stood against his bedroom window - hair set ablaze by the morning light, her body draped in the linen coloured sheets, leaving her shoulders enticingly bare. The same shoulders whose freckles he had linked with his fingertips, tracing a path which he had immediately followed with his lips. The same sheets that had enveloped them both as they had kissed, stroked and caressed each other to ecstasy.

What have you done, Skywalker? His mind asked. In one evening you've managed to destroy a friendship ten years in the making!
He brought his hand to the nape of his neck and craned his head from side to side, trying to soothe the muscles sore from Mara's grip. The events of the previous evening would not have taken place without her consent, he realized. She had been willing, and while she had not opened her heart to him, her body had responded to his lovemaking repeatedly.

His mind drifted back to the moment his body entered hers…her breathless gasp, the tightening of her grip around his neck and his sudden realization that this was her first time.

Her first time, his mind repeated.

It would have been obvious to anyone who knew Mara Jade, but Luke Skywalker had never given the matter much thought. Save the Emperor, Mara had never allowed anyone close enough to establish a friendship, much else develop a romantic relationship. Her life had not been designed to accommodate a romance. No man had ever held her in his arms, whispered sweet nothings nor pledged his devotion to her during sleepless nights. His heart leaped in his chest, the implications of that pouring into his mind.

Neither had he, he realized. Instead, he had acted on impulse alone and had physically overcome her barriers. He had won over her body. Now, he had to capture her heart.

His mind snapped back to the moment at hand, and his eyes narrowed against the streaming light that now shone in an elongated stream, across his bed. He brought his hand to his face and with thumb and index finger, squeezed the bridge of his nose.

Resolved, and focused anew, he looked up and saw Mara, still standing, her forehead and hand resting against the window. He pulled his pants off the floor, slipped them on and willed his feet to move towards her.

"Mara," he said softly, bringing her out of her own reverie, "I'm sorry."

She turned to face him, initially astonished by his apology, then allowing her anger to seep into her consciousness.

Immediately, Luke was aware of his mistake. "What I mean to say is...I'm sorry that you're sorry. Not that it happened," he stammered.
But Mara had already turned away and had begun collecting articles of clothing from the floor, quickly dressing herself.

"Mara," he entreated once again, "Please don't shut me out like this."

"Look, Skywalker," she started, struggling to keep her voice low and even, "It was just one night. It doesn't change anything between us." Her attempt at dismissing what had transpired between them sounded hollow in her own ears, but she pressed on. "Let's just forget about it."
Luke Skywalker crossed his arms over his chest and set his chin in determination before regarding the red-headed beauty before him. While collecting her belongings, she had worked herself into quite a state and she now huffed angrily while fastening her belt to her hip. She then spun and surveyed the room around her, taking inventory of her possessions. This would not be the time to convince her of his sincerity, he realized. But he desperately needed to buy time…

He crossed the distance between them and gently placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her to look at him. She tensed in his grip but did not pull free.

"Mara, promise me something," he said, as he took a step back away from her, "promise me that you won't go tearing off planet without telling me."
"Skywalker, the mere fact that you're able bodied enough to stand here in front of me is proof enough of my good will," she spouted between clenched teeth, "don't push your luck!"

"Please, Mara…" Luke whispered.

"Fine!" she spat back, hands resting on slender hips. Her mind continued screaming for her to get out, but her body remained frozen in place.
"I believe in what happened between us, Mara," he offered, taking her hands in his own and turning serious, "but I know you don't."

"And why should I?" she shouted, wrestling her hands free and turning to leave.

"Exactly!" he agreed, startling her, "You were right when you said that one night didn't change anything, but maybe a few nights will."

His last words stopped her in here tracks. "Why you egotistical, misguided, self-appointed relic of a Jedi…" she began, turning to face him, not even attempting to hide the look of anger and disbelief on her face.

"A date, Mara!" He spat out, holding up his hands to keep her from advancing and possibly grabbing him by the throat. "Dinner, a holo-show, you name it! All of it, some of it…your choice."

Floored, Mara cocked her head to the side and regarded him sternly. "Let me get this straight, farmboy," she questioned, eyes ablaze, "You want us to go on a date?"

"Yes," he whispered softly, "a date and a chance to get to know each other away from…from all of this." He gestured wildly around them with both hands.

I must be losing my mind, Mara thought to herself, if I'm even considering another one of Skywalker's crazy propositions. Sighing, she glanced at his face and was suddenly taken aback by the expression she found there. Dejected, but still holding out hope that she would change her mind, Luke stood before her chewing on his lower lip like a little boy.

"No attempts to drag me to that God-forsaken planet where you train your devotees?" she asked, fighting the urge to reach out and caress his face.
Luke shook his head somberly.

She crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head in mock exasperation. "Alright, Skywalker. Though I don't know what you hope to accomplish with one date!"

And then, she was gone, leaving Luke standing amidst the disarray of his bedroom, pondering his next move.
"Another date," he countered, smiling meekly.

To be continued…..

Chapter Three

Mara Jade ran along the polished stone floor of the building and threw herself through the door of the awaiting lift. Once inside, she circled the perimeter like a caged feline, muttering curses at Luke Skywalker, at the Force that linked them, and at the universe at large. Mostly however, she cursed at herself for agreeing to see him again.

"A scant few years ago I wanted to kill that man!" she spat out, as she continued frantically circling the tightly enclosed space around her.
That man… the voice inside her head repeated. The same man who kissed you senseless last night. The one whom you let seduce you…undress you…make love to you. The one you clung to and whose name you bellowed shamelessly.

Mara stopped circling and buried her face in her hands, furiously trying to make sense out of the situation she found herself in. Instinctively, she touched the tips of her fingers to her swollen lips and traced them. Looking down at her body, she became aware of how sore her legs and inner thighs were. She closed her eyes and exhaled a slow breath. She could still feel his hands on her skin, his weight atop her body and the taste of him on her lips. Her inner muscles tightened at the memory and she winced slightly from the pain.

Sithspit! She had hated him at one time! She had made it her life's goal to put an end to his! And yet, through a series of events that she didn't fully understand, they had forged an uneasy coexistence that had solidified into a friendship. A friendship that had been easier for her to deal with since she had killed his clone and fulfilled the Emperor's last command. They had worked together periodically since then, side by side, and she had learned to understand the man, if not his role as a Jedi, and the self-destructive paths it often forced him to travel. Still, months would often pass her by without any word or mention of Luke Skywalker.

Then there were those times in which she felt an almost unbearable compulsion to make contact with the Jedi Master. Out of the blue, her mind would drift to thoughts of him. Thoughts that would permeate her very existence, and she could scarcely formulate a coherent thought until she had spoken to him and satisfied the unfathomable need to hear his voice and briefly catch a glimpse of his face. Even though parsecs separated them, the timbre and resonance of his gentle voice served to calm her…reassuring her even when she wasn't aware of her need to be reassured. Within the confines of the lift, Mara Jade could not think of another single human having had that kind of effect on her…ever!

She was jerked from her memory by the sudden stop of the lift at top level and she stepped out, her body weaving in and out of the foot traffic. Her green eyes were an empty stare that could barely fix on a single face, or on any detail of her surroundings. By the time she had reached her own suite, she had run through a thousand excuses she could employ to get out of their date. And yet, she knew it would be no use. Luke Skywalker had set his mind on something and unless she was prepared to blast out of Coruscant and break her promise to him, she would just simply have to go along with it…for now.

"It's just one date," she whispered to herself tiredly, and prepared to set about her day.


By early afternoon, Mara Jade has checked her comm unit at least two dozen times. She hadn't heard from him, and that in of itself was enough to set her mind into a fury of activity. Under normal circumstances it wouldn't be like Luke not to contact her. Not unless…

"He's changed his mind," she whispered, a knot forming in her stomach as she ran the last set of diagnostics tests on the Fire's navigational system. "He's had time to think about what's happened and he's changed his mind!"

Her hand hovered over the communication console for a moment, her mind racing. An increasingly large part of her wanted nothing more than to call for a departure clearance and blast herself off planet, effectively putting light years between them. Giving in to her rapidly mounting anger, she moved forward in her seat, then caught herself as her comm unit went off, echoing through the cabin.

"Blast him!" she shouted, throwing herself back against her seat in frustration. Skywalker's timing was as impeccable as ever. Her heart, however, began thudding louder in her chest and her pulse thundered in her ears.

"Jade, here."

"Mara?" His voice filled the cabin and she had to fight to regain her composure.

"Yes, Skywalker. Who else would it be?" she answered hotly.

Ignoring her outburst, Luke pressed on. "Have you given any thought on what you'd like to do tonight?"

"Been busy, farmboy. It hasn't crossed my mind at all." She responded tersely.

"Then we can figure it out as we go along, I guess. I should be finished here in a couple of hours. Meet you at your place?"

"Fine," she spat out, more strongly than she had intended and quickly, cut off their connection.

Silence once again hung around her. Mara Jade sat alone in the cool darkness of her ship's cockpit and drew her knees close to her body. She was nervous, apprehensive and suddenly…happy. She wrapped her arms around her knees and pulled them closer to her, rocking slightly. The feeling was alien, but not unappealing. And for a moment, she allowed herself the luxury of enjoying what she was experiencing. But only for a moment…
In the next instant, images of her time spent in the service of her beloved Emperor began their assault and her mind slipped easily into default. Palpatine had possessed her. Not just her body, but her mind and spirit as well. Her innermost thoughts were an open holo-book and the safety of her own mind could be breached whenever he wished. Now the thought of another man in her life…another force sensitive man… turned her blood to ice. Luke Skywalker was Darth Vader's son!

She has seen glimpses of Vader on occasion. Whereas she had known what to expect from the Emperor, Vader had always seemed an enigma to her. His mere presence exuded barely contained raw power. Power she could feel, but had never seen. Power she knew had been passed on to his son. Suddenly, she was struggling against the mere thought of allowing Luke Skywalker within arm's distance ever again.

"Only one date," she whispered once again, releasing her legs and straightening them out in front of her "Any delusions he's managed to formulate should disappear after tonight! Even Skywalker is not that dense!"

And with a new sense of conviction, she made her way out of the cockpit and headed towards her suite.


Luke ran his hand across the series of clothes hanging in his closet for the third time and stepped back, trying to come to a decision. It had never occurred to him to have to dress to impress anyone and so, his attire reflected his trade. All black and worn almost threadbare. He had always considered black to be dignified, classic and most of all…easy to coordinate. Mara, on the other hand, had almost made a career out of chiding him about his wardrobe and its lack of variety and he desperately wanted to start this night off on the right foot. He ran his hand along his damp hair and readjusted the towel at waist.

For the first time in my life, I want to make an impression on a woman, he thought. I'm in my late thirties for star's sake, and I've no idea what I'm doing!

He checked his chrono and reached for a shirt and slacks. If he hurried, he could manage the purchase of a new tunic, a set of pants and still make it to Mara's on time.

Provided nothing out of the ordinary diverted his attention.

Who am I kidding? He asked himself, out of the ordinary describes my entire existence for the past twelve years!

And now he was attempting to court Mara Jade! Sprinting towards the door, he decided to add insane to the list of adjectives describing his life.


Chapter Four

She could feel his presence approaching her suite long before he arrived. Strong, vibrant and just a bit nervous…but overwhelmingly hopeful, just like the man himself. Unmistakably Skywalker! Vader might have been a strong presence in the Force but his son was nothing short of a beacon! He broadcasted his emotions openly for all to see most of the time, even when his face belied any expression, which was seldom.

Mara glanced at herself in the mirror and smoothed out the skirt of her dress. All the while she was getting ready, she had in mind exactly what she would wear. The simple, yet classic tunic and pants would suit the occasion perfectly. It was only at the last minute that her fingers had stopped at the teal-colored dress hanging towards the back of her wardrobe.

The dress was elegant, formfitting, and revealed a bit of cleavage. And the color set off her hair, or so she'd been told once. She held the dress up to her and twisted her torso to examine herself from each angle. She found that it flattered her figure and bordered on the provocative. Oh, hell! Why shouldn't she cause the Jedi Master some discomfort tonight? He had certainly been the source of many uncomfortable moments in her life!

Mara took a look in the mirror one last time and readjusted the neckline of her dress, all the while wondering why she even bothered checking her appearance. She would bet her ill-gotten fortune that Skywalker would be sporting his signature black ensemble tonight. The man was as predictable as a hot day on Tatooine!

Until the moment he kissed you! Her mind whispered. You didn't see that one coming, Sister!

She shook her head slightly and forced the memory from her mind. A simple lapse of judgment brought about by curiosity, she told herself. That was it! Curiosity as to what lay beneath the black clothes and calm demeanor.

And behind the crystalline azure eyes and a heart-melting grin, her mind added. But you didn't expect to find what you did, did you? Passion and a depth of emotion not ever alluded to nor often displayed. Not since Callista, that is!

The memory of that reunion just after the Eye of Palpatine exploded into oblivion came back to her in spurts. They had clung to each other, sobbing in between kisses and breathless reassurances. Mara had turned away, unable to bear the exchange of emotion between them, even as Leia and Han looked on, mesmerized. Why had she felt the need to distance herself from that scene? Why had she been unable to withstand the sight of the woman who was then the source of his newfound happiness? He was her friend, was he not? And if anyone deserved to be happy, it was Luke. He had sacrificed so much, so often.

Before she could formulate an answer, she felt his presence reverberate stronger, closely followed by the sound of her door chime. She sighed and stole one last glimpse at her reflection before heading towards the door.

The first thing that caught her attention was the flash of color. There he stood, his back to her, wearing a shirt of ocean blue with black piping that matched his black pants and boots. But the full impact did not hit her until he turned around and smiled. Blue eyes twinkled in perfect coordination with the color of his high-collared shirt. His hair had been trimmed too, and though shorter in back, his bangs still dipped below his eyebrows a bit, adding to the boyish quality of his appearance.

She smiled involuntarily at the man before her. Transparent as ever, Luke Skywalker had obviously put some effort into his appearance for their date. Her heart warmed at the realization before she quickly reminded herself of tonight's mission to discourage his delusions. She gathered her composure and toned down her smile, offering a wan expression in its place.

"May I come in?" he asked, catching the edge of her change in demeanor.

"Sure, Skywalker. I'll be ready in a moment." She tried to keep her voice flat and void of any enthusiasm, but her pulse began to beat a little quicker. She took in a deep breath as he walked by her, and then she quickly disappeared into her bedroom, leaving Luke alone to glance nervously around her suite.

Mara studied her expression in the mirror once more. Get a hold of yourself, Mara Jade! She whispered to her reflection. It's just Luke! You remember him, don't you? Unsophisticated, Jedi Code-reciting, accident prone Luke! As loyal as a Wookiee, and as annoying as a Jawa!
She had to find a way to affect disinterest, if not disdain, for at least a couple of hours! But how? Seeing him again caused her mind to flood with memories that she found almost impossible to control.

The taste of his kiss, the feel of his tongue seductively caressing hers, the warmth and strength of his arms as he carried her to his bed and held her firmly against him. Even the pain of his initial entry had been dulled by the sheer ecstasy of the feel of him inside her, hard and thrusting towards climax. His eyes had silently pleaded for her to succumb to him and she had, allowing her body to explode with waves of pleasure, over and over again.

She looked down at her hands and noticed that they trembled almost imperceptibly. I can't look into his eyes, she resolved. That was the key! Those blue eyes that acted as a portal to all of his feelings, while at the same time appearing to see right through to the depths of her soul. It was disconcerting, to say the least. Especially now that they had…


"Blast that man!" she whispered to herself, then ran her fingers through her hair and stormed out of the bedroom.

"I'm ready, Skywalker. Let's get going."

As she breezed by him, he caught his first real glimpse of the clingy dress and the sleek curves it helped emphasize. He took a deep breath, and found it permeated with her perfume. Instantly, the scent invoked scenes of the night before to begin playing in his head. The way her body had molded to his, the soft swell of her breasts pressing against his chest and the sound of her breathless voice whispering in his ear. He knew then that he would have to call upon his Jedi Code more than a few times if he was to make it through the evening without attempting to steal at least one kiss.


Luke had chosen a rather upscale restaurant that was out of the way but not so hidden as to be characterized as discreet. He didn't want them to attract attention but didn't want to seem as if they were going to extremes to avoid being seen together either. Mara seemed to approve of his choice, or at the very least, didn't offer up any disparaging remarks. Luke interpreted that as a good sign and mentally recorded a point in his favor.
As he suspected, he and Mara received the customary glances from the other patrons as they were escorted to their table. A few of them whispered together, but no one stared outright and they were left to eat their dinner in relative peace and tranquility.

Luke managed to keep the conversation on superficial matters of mutual interest throughout their meal. Her business ventures, his continuing role as mediator between this Core World and that one, all the while noting Mara's reluctance to look him in the eye.

They also talked about the latest modifications Mara had made to the Fire's navigational systems and weaponry, and ultimately, about his sister's tactful yet persistent insistence that he expand his role in the political arena. Soon, Mara appeared well at ease even though she still seemed unable to meet his gaze.

"I think it's a good idea, Skywalker," Mara surmised, between sips of her wine. "It would get you away from that Gods-forsaken jungle planet once in a while. Not that my opinion means anything."

"I'm not a politician, Mara. You know that," he responded. "And actually, it does, you know," he added, moving forward. "Quite a bit."

She did her best to keep her expression blank, "Does what?"

"Matter. Your opinion, that is." He smiled, looking up from behind his bangs and Mara caught a glimpse of those brilliant blue eyes. Quickly, she diverted her attention back down to her plate.


That makes two! Luke thought to himself, smiling inwardly. And the evening was still young! If he could just keep the mood light, friendly and non-threatening, he might just be able to gain some ground with this woman who had suddenly become the center of his universe.

It takes a trillion grains of sand to make a desert, his Aunt Beru used to tell him. He didn't know exactly why his Aunt's motherly advice came to mind at this moment in time, but he knew the phrase fit. Mara would not be won over easily.


By the time they had completed their dinner and left the restaurant, Mara had all but forgotten her initial discomfort. They had conversed easily, just as they had in the past, and Luke had thus far, not made any romantic overtures to raise her hackles. She had no way of knowing just how much difficulty the Jedi Master was having maintaining his distance.

Once outside, he casually suggested they walk back instead of taking motorized transportation. And so they did, leisurely stopping here and there to glance inside storefronts and listen to the different types of music emanating from the various restaurants and cafes along the way.

Mara was amazed at how comfortable she felt in Luke's company and had begun to wonder whether it might not be possible to maintain an amicable relationship with the Jedi Master, given the events of the previous night. They might not be able to undo what had taken place, but that didn't necessarily mean they couldn't continue to be friends. Surprisingly, she found that the thought unsettled her.

She stole a sideways glance in his direction as he examined a number of crystals displayed in a store window, hands clasped behind his back. Maybe he, too, realized the impossibility of a deeper relationship and had settled on salvaging what was left of their friendship instead of forcing any further romantic involvement.

She was perplexed to find that the thought offered her little comfort. Instead, it brought about a pang in the pit of her stomach. She winced inwardly. He hadn't laid a hand on her all evening. They had walked side by side but not necessarily close to one another, and she found herself hoping to have the evening extended rather than having it end after a couple of hours, as she had originally anticipated. As friends, they had always been comfortable with one another, and Mara knew in her heart that she didn't want to give that up. So why did she suddenly feel so empty inside?
The streets and storefronts had begun to crowd as Coruscant's nightlife began in earnest, and they had to maneuver the sidewalk with some difficulty as more and more life-forms spilled out onto the streets. Luke reached for her hand and gently pulled her closer to his side as they picked up the pace.

"Come on, Mara. There's something I want to show you."

Amazingly, she didn't resist and her fingers wrapped comfortably around his hand.

I've seen it, Farmboy! her inner voice quipped, but she kept her silence and let him guide her along.

In a matter of minutes, Mara instantly recognized the building, if not his motivation for leading her to his sister's place of residence.

"Skywalker, isn't it a bit late to be making a social call?" she asked him sarcastically.

He offered her a broad smile, and she felt her knees weaken. Luke entered the code that allowed him access to the building's inner set of lifts which ran along the structure's center. Once inside, he again punched in a series of numbers. This time, she immediately recognized the code that would lead them to the Penthouse level where the Organa-Solo family had their suite.

Already annoyed and quickly losing her patience, Mara folded her arms across her chest and squared to face him.

"Look, farmboy, I don't think this…"

"Shhh!" he whispered, placing his hand on her arm. "We won't be disturbing anyone. They won't even notice we're here!"

She speared him with a look laden with skepticism and let out a sigh. What manner of scheme was rattling around in that blond head of his? And why did she always find herself going along for the ride?

The lift doors opened and she stepped out onto the courtyard, surrounded by the octagonal shape of the walls that composed the first level of his sister's suite. Mara had been in the Organa-Solo household several times in the past, but had never stepped foot onto their courtyard. She had always assumed that it was where the children's play set might be located. Instead, she found that it contained an elaborate greenhouse, whose transparent structure was partially clouded and speckled with beads of moisture.

Mara turned and gave Luke a wide-eyed glance.

"Go ahead," he whispered, smiling slightly at her surprise. "Step inside."

She pushed the sliding glass door to one side and let the chill and dampness of the air surrounding her caress her face. All around were plants, vines and topiaries of every species and variety. Some she recognized, others looked completely alien to her, but the effect was no less extraordinary. She took a few steps, surrounded by greenery on either side and let her fingertips brush against the dew-soaked leaves and multi-colored blooms. Every tree and flowering plant had been manicured to perfection and had been landscaped in intricate patterns. Plant life had long ago vanished from Coruscant and most structures did not allow for the space or the equipment to maintain a garden of any sort. Yet Leia Organa-Solo had obviously gone to a considerable amount of trouble and expense to keep a lavish, indoor garden.

"It's a moisture farmer's dream come true," she heard Luke whisper behind her. Mara turned to face him, reawakening from the delight of the sight around her.

"I don't think your sister would appreciate us trampling through her garden in the middle of the night, Skywalker," she whispered back.

"Oh, I don't think she'd mind much," he grinned. "Besides, it's not her garden. It's mine."

Her head snapped up and she stared at him, her mouth hanging slightly open. Would wonders never cease?

"You did this?" she asked incredulously.

"Well, I must admit that my expertise was limited to choosing and planting the seeds. I researched the nutrient needs and amount of moisture required for each plant too. But it's Threepio and the children that do most of the pruning and landscaping, much to Threepio's chagrin, I'm afraid! Still, it's something we enjoy doing together whenever I'm around and can find the time."

She nodded silently, amazed at how much she didn't seem to know about this man. Of course, upon further reflection it made perfect sense. Luke Skywalker had grown up on a desert world, completely void of any greenery and had spent his early life coaxing moisture from an unrelenting sky. It would stand to reason that he would be fascinated by plant life.

"Most of the plants have some medicinal uses; others are only rumored to have them," he continued as he walked a step behind her, motioning to one side or another.

He nudged past her and motioned for her to follow. "Here, look at these!" He pointed over to a small cluster of bulbs grouped in an out-of-the way corner and encased in a protective cover. A humidifier was attached and hummed softly as it sprayed a fine mist at various intervals.

"What are they?" she asked, dropping to one knee to get a closer look.

"Cyandria bulbs," he answered as he knelt next to her. "They reportedly sprout one of the most exotic flowers in the Core Worlds. Unfortunately, they're exceedingly fickle and only bloom under very specific conditions. I haven't had much success as of yet."

"What are they used for?"

"Nothing," he answered, his face just inches from her own. "They're just beautiful, I guess."

Locking eyes with her, he began to lean in, slowly. She felt his breath on her cheek and her pulse quickened in response. Suddenly conscious of his close proximity, and appalled at her body's apparent willingness to betray her again, she rose abruptly.

"Then why bother?"

Luke pushed out a sigh and reluctantly rose to his feet. "Does everything have to have a measure of value, Mara?" he asked softly.

"It all just seems like a total waste of time and energy, Farmboy. Not to mention expense!" she retorted, walking away and heading towards the exit, her fists clenched in anger. What was happening to her? She had almost lost control back there and allowed him to kiss her.

Stick to the plan, Jade! She whispered to herself through clenched teeth. A kiss… They couldn't share another kiss! Yet, in the very next instant, she subconsciously wet her lips and released a sigh.

Dejected, Luke followed her quietly, as they made their way back out onto the streets of Coruscant, walking silently towards her suite. Though the streets were no less crowded than they had been an hour before, he didn't once reach for her hand. It was an omission that she quickly noted then inwardly admonished herself for doing so. Various glimpses at his face did not give her any clues as to his mood and so she forced herself to look straight ahead and continue walking. What did it matter? The evening was almost over, and she had accomplished what she had set out to do. Or had she?

Did you set out to hurt his feelings? Her mind questioned. He shared with you something that obviously means a great deal to him and you took the opportunity to criticize him.

I didn't ask to be introduced to his hobby! She asserted without any real conviction. But in the wake of her initial anger, her heart began to ache with guilt and she felt her stomach tighten just a little.

As they neared the entrance to her building, Luke pressed for the door to open and allowed her to step inside but did not follow suit. His cheeks and the bridge of his nose were pink from the chill in the air, but otherwise, his expression was serene.

"Goodnight, Mara," he said, smiling warmly. "Thanks for your company tonight. I enjoyed it."

For a moment, her breath caught in her throat. She had expected him to escort her inside before curtly bidding her goodnight and storming off. Instead, his gentleness in the face of her rather rude behavior suddenly filled her with shame. Her insides began to spin tightly and she barely had enough time to swallow the lump in her throat before he turned and began walking away.

By the time Mara had found her voice, Luke had turned the corner and had disappeared from sight.


Luke Skywalker lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling above him and releasing a calming breath. He let his mind drift back a couple of hours and could once again feel the fit of her hand in his. It belonged there, he asserted. Of that, he was already certain. Now he had only to convince Mara of that fact.

He tried to capture the memory of the elusive scent of her perfume as she knelt by his side, surrounded by plant life, but he found it difficult to focus. Instead, his brain insisted on replaying the scene as it should have taken place. In his mind's eye, he had brushed a lock of red-gold hair from her face and managed to capture her lips in a soft kiss. He smiled and drifted off to sleep.

to be continued...


Chapter Five (PG)

Mara sat, her bare legs extended and resting on the small table in front of her, and watched the black velvet sky unfold over Coruscant. She had long ago given up hope of getting any sleep, having spent the majority of the night tossing and turning in bed, before making herself a cup of hot chocolate and ruminating on several accounts on her data pad. Unable to concentrate on that task, she once again tried to close her eyes and slip into a restful, if not deep, sleep. Instead, she found her mind sliding determinedly into its continued analysis of the evening's events, exactly at the point where it had left off an hour or so before.

Time and time again, she attempted to redirect her thoughts to something other than the night in question. Time and time again her mind fell back into replaying bits and pieces of their conversation, before automatically fast-forwarding to the greenhouse and the memory of Luke Skywalker's face so close to her own. He had been close enough for her to feel the warmth of his body and smell the clean scent of his aftershave. Or could it have been cologne? She didn't know for sure, but the smell had stayed with her. As did the memory of the hopeful look in his blue eyes as he leaned towards her, before she stood upright and all but sprinted for the exit.

What was I supposed to do? she asked herself disgustedly. Let him kiss me again? To what end? She let out a sigh of frustration and set down her cup.

To lose yourself in his kiss and feel the warmth of his arms around you again… To run your fingers through his hair and allow him to plant soft kisses along your neck and shoulders. To hear his gentle voice whispering sweet words of love and devotion and, for a single moment, to believe them to be true.

She kicked the table aside angrily with her feet and stood to look out over the Coruscant skyline. She had been awash in confusion in the aftermath of their lovemaking but why now, after she had successfully thwarted his advances, did she still feel such a sense of bewilderment?

Mara stepped out onto her balcony and let the night air gently whip her red-gold mane around her face. The breeze felt cool against her skin and helped calm her temper. Taking a deep breath, she resolved to think the matter through logically and dispassionately.

She began with the indisputable; Luke Skywalker had offered his friendship when no one else in the galaxy had dared to. On more than one occasion, he had risked his life to save her own and had done so against the advice of those who considered her not worth the risk. His faith in her ability and trust in her judgment were often the only constants in a life that held little else by way of stability. True, she had little patience for his Jedi Master rhetoric, but also knew that it came from a well-intentioned place and from a desire to see her fulfill her potential as a force-adept. When was the last time anyone had cared enough about her to be concerned with her potential? With any aspect of her being, for that matter?

Mara stared out beyond the scattering of bright lights that dotted the black background of night then sighed and wrapped her arms tightly around her. Then there was the way he made her feel. Closing her eyes, she slowed her breathing measurably, focused her attention inward and thought about the moments spent in his company. Safe. Calm. Protected. Luke Skywalker made her feel… loved. Begrudgingly, she allowed her thoughts to drift back to the one night spent in each other's arms and to the memory of his wordless confession. Her mind immediately recoiled against the revelation, but not before her heart began thudding audibly in her chest.

"He loves me," she whispered tentatively, trying the words out. She opened her eyes and once again stared out into the night's sky, a soft smile on her lips. She didn't allow herself to continue the analysis of their relationship, opting instead to languish in the knowledge of that one, simple fact.
"He loves me," she repeated out loud. "Me. Mara Jade."

Suddenly, her smile waned, replaced by a stern look of consternation and her mood began to darken considerably.

"The Emperor's Hand," she continued through clenched teeth, her eyes beginning to cloud. "Former Imperial assassin."

Mara Jade turned on her heel, walked back inside her suite and once again cursed the day she ever set eyes on Luke Skywalker.


Leia Organa Solo walked out of the large conference room, quickly distancing herself from the other participants, her long, white skirt swirling around her. Her mind was still reeling from the bits and pieces of information she had gathered in the minutes prior to the Senate meeting. It hadn't taken long for news of her brother's dinner date with Mara Jade to reach her ears, nor those of the other members of the Senate.

Picking up her pace, she entered a waiting lift and headed towards her private chambers, two guards in tow. She could simply throttle Luke for allowing her to be caught unawares by the gossip! Not only had they been seen dining alone at a secluded table for two, but it was rumored that they had been spotted walking hand in hand, through the streets of Coruscant as well.

What is my little brother up to now? she asked herself, shaking her head. And why am I always the last to find out?

With a slight nod and backwards glance at her escorts, she passed through her chamber's doors and closed them behind her, grateful for the peace and solitude the next few minutes would afford her. She had deftly side-stepped the remarks which had alluded to the possibility of a budding romance between the two by reminding her audience that Luke and Mara had often worked together on behalf of the New Republic, and that any collaboration, was probably tied to such matters. Yet, for some unfathomable reason, she could find little comfort in her own explanation.

Leia sat at her desk, unable to focus on the stack of data cards before her. Instead, her attention was drawn to the group of holos of her family, neatly arranged before her. The one of her smiling brother, blue eyes twinkling, with a laughing Anakin on his shoulders caught her attention and she stared at it pensively for a few minutes. They were so much alike, Luke and Anakin. Her youngest son had seemingly inherited many of the qualities she attributed to her brother. Both were honest, loyal, idealistic and soft-spoken, but also possessed of a strong will and a determination that knew no boundaries.

The fact that she and Luke had been robbed of a youth spent growing up together still angered her at times. For their sakes, and perhaps for the sake of the greater good, they had been separated at birth and whisked off to live separate lives. During introspective times such as these, she was reminded of just how difficult such a childhood must have been for a boy of Luke's spirit and sensitivity.

Leia had been blessed with a life of privilege and affluence, and raised in the beautiful and culturally rich Core World of Alderaan. She had been reared at the feet of a distinguished and respected Senator, whose family pampered her and lavished her with the finest education and with the ability to explore any career opportunity at her disposal.

By stark contrast, Luke had been relegated to a life of hardship and struggle in the barren wastelands of the farthest Rim World in the galaxy. The poor moisture farming couple that had taken him as their charge were scarcely able to provide him with bare necessities and, in an effort to protect him from a birthright they feared, continually discouraged his dreams and aspirations.

True, his aunt had loved and nurtured him, but his uncle had been a stern and often times merciless disciplinarian. Leia had been appalled at the extent of Luke's hardships, both physical and emotional, and she had been overwrought with guilt at the treatment he had endured so early in life.
Shortly after the battle of Endor, she and Luke had spent many evenings talking about their childhoods and exchanging personal stories of a lifetime spent apart. In those moments of whispered confessions and relaying of bits and pieces of their personal history, the bond they already shared had deepened considerably. In the years that followed, both had settled into their roles as brother and sister, acting very much like two sides of the same coin. To those that knew them best, the fact that they were related initially came as a surprise, but upon further reflection, the revelation made perfect sense. Luke and Leia had become the closest of friend from the moment he had burst into that prisoner cell on the Death Star so many years ago.
Even when parsecs apart, Luke's presence was always part of her consciousness, and she depended on it as much as she relied on her own judgment in times of crisis. In times of sorrow, his soul cried out with hers, then comforted her spirit and infused her with renewed strength and hope.
So it was no surprise that, try as he might, Luke Skywalker had not been entirely successful in concealing his deepening loneliness from his sister, and there were times when Leia's heart physically ached for him. Callista's sudden departure had left him emotionally devastated and while he had done his best to hide his pain, Leia knew that the wound ran deep and had left him scarred. Months later, when it was clear to all that Callista would not be returning, Leia had repeatedly attempted to pull him away from Yavin and bring to him Coruscant to spend some time with her and the kids. Luke had gently turned down all of her entreaties, choosing to remain secluded on Yavin and suffer his grief alone. When he emerged, she had immediately noted the change, and had often wondered if it wouldn't have been better for Callista to die aboard the Eye of Palpatine.

On the surface, Luke's loneliness would have defied explanation. In a vast galaxy of sentient beings there was no shortage of women who would have leapt at the chance to be courted by the Jedi Master! What the galaxy didn't take into account was Luke's heritage, his strength in the Force and the responsibility that came with that gift. In addition to which was Luke's well-ingrained dependence on the Force itself. It nurtured him, fueled him and coursed through his body as easily as water flowed through a stream. Any woman would have to be unnaturally self-assured not to be discomforted by a husband who could sense her every intention long before she had acknowledged it herself.

"My brother is definitely not for the faint at heart," she murmured, smiling to herself.

Then there was the matter of his over-protectiveness, Gamorrean-headedness and general predisposition for trouble and injury. No. Her brother certainly was not without his faults and she defied anyone she knew to have a go at dealing with him without losing their patience and screaming at the top of their lungs.

Save for…

Mara Jade.

Leia stopped in her tracks as if caught by a stun blast, her eyebrows knitting in confusion.

Mara was strong, independent and a force to be reckoned with! However, by all accounts, she barely tolerated her brother. Mara wasn't the type of woman who made attempts at disguising her dislike of most people, and she wore her contempt for Luke like a badge of honor for all to see. Even in Leia's presence, her disdain for him remained thinly veiled and could be felt pulsating just beneath the surface.

Leia knew that the friendship between Luke and Mara was precarious at best. Their arguments were already legendary, and Mara Jade was known to be the one person in the galaxy who could make the Jedi Master lose his temper in a nanosecond flat. Popular opinion seemed to indicate that the problem lay in their vastly different political philosophies. After all, he was the hero of the Rebellion and the New Republic's first in what was hoped would be a long line of Jedi Knights. She was a former agent of the Empire and a member of the Emperor's court. It was only natural then that disagreements would arise.

But what if all that tension didn't stem from a personal dislike but rather, from an attraction neither could own up to? Leia wondered. Memories of her and Han's early courtship immediately sprang to mind and she smiled inwardly, already aware of having stumbled upon the matter at hand.
Leia could already feel her own sense of over-protectiveness kicking in. Mara was definitely not the type of woman she had imagined for her sensitive brother, even though she was certain that Mara's service to the Empire was now a part of her distant past. Perplexed, she sat down and began her preparation for the following round of negotiations with the Trade Federation, but not before she made a mental note to have a talk with her brother when the opportunity presented itself. If Luke were to court Mara, there were a few things he needed to know - for his own safety!


Five minutes into his third meeting of the day and Luke Skywalker was once again reminded of the numerous reasons he disliked Coruscant and its political infrastructure. This meeting, in which he was to serve as mediator between the Sullustans and the people of Firrerre, had already started off on a sour note.

The galaxy had been without Jedi for a generation. Just long enough for their role as peaceful negotiators to have been forgotten and the assertion that they serve as judge and jury be firmly entrenched in its place. Luke had patiently attempted to explain his role as a Jedi, and that of his students, as ambassadors of peace whose single role was to suggest peaceful resolutions between worlds in an effort to avoid violent and destructive conflict. This was apparently an alien concept to the Firrerreans, who repeatedly demanded that Luke and his Jedi Academy interfere - with brute force if necessary.

Luke bowed his head as both parties continued their heated debate, and called on the Force to bring him a measure of peace and tranquility. He hadn't needed further proof of it, but he resolutely knew that he was ill-equipped for a life in politics, regardless of Mon Mothma and his sister's insistence that he spend more time in the New Republic's capital and immerse himself in the political arena.

At the rate these negotiations were unfolding, Luke knew it would be nightfall before he'd be able to go about his business. He'd attempted to contact Mara via comm unit repeatedly throughout the day but had found little time to eat, to say nothing of being able to find a moment alone in which to carry on a conversation. And so, a sense of urgency continued to nag at the edges of his consciousness and his fingers began to drum nervously on the table in front of him.

Patience. He had to learn patience!

Luke Skywalker knew that the chances of that were nonexistent. If he hadn't already mastered the ability to be patient, he wasn't about to do it now. Not when his heart and mind continued their dual assault on his senses, overwhelming him with the certainty that he and Mara belonged together and that she alone held the key to his happiness. He was just as certain that the time he had to convince her of that fact was quickly running out. If Mara decided to blast off planet, it could be months before he'd be able to track her down again.

He opened his eyes and leaned back in his chair, once again tuning in to the charges and accusations being flung back and forth. Silently, he prayed for a break in negotiations, if not for a quick resolution.


"Well, if it isn't the beautiful Mara Jade!" The man on the screen of her holo-unit bellowed, an oily grin splitting his handsome dark features. "We finally end up on the same planet it seems!"

Mara's expression darkened as she recognized the image before her. The man on the screen could have been mistaken for either an actor on a holo-drama or an apparel model for one of Coruscant's high fashion designers. His sharp features were perfectly chiseled and were off set by a crop of long black, wavy hair which he wore swept away from his face and tied at the nape of his neck. His demeanor was that of a man who was proud of his good-looks, and not in the least bit afraid to flaunt them.

She had known Gavean Trent for several years and had spent the majority of that time avoiding his company for reasons too numerous to recount. As a prominent member of Karrde's organization, she had been forced to establish business relationships with a variety of distasteful mercenaries, pirates and smugglers - ranging from the unethical, to the repugnant. Yet none could match Trent's reputation for double-dealing, underhandedness and sheer corruption.

A ladies' man, who rivaled Lando Calrissians' most infamous exploits, Trent had made a small fortune separating the galaxy's wealthiest inhabitants from the majority of their credits. Repeatedly, he had been able to romance all manner of female species and encourage their participation in shoddy business ventures and rich-quick schemes. In truth, such investments did little more than to line his own pockets and allow him the luxury of a lifestyle that fooled many into believing him to be a man of good business sense and financial acumen.

He was clearly a man living on borrowed time, but his looks, charm and wit enabled him to continue embarking on his many smuggling operations just under law enforcement radar. His dealings were restricted to the fringes of the established network of trade organizations that the New Republic currently supported and endorsed, but he was always on the lookout for the proverbial foot in the door with the new government, and Mara knew that in addition to desiring her as one of his many trophies, he also considered her to be his opportunity into the Republic's large and profitable door.
"Don't bother asking how I knew where to find you, Jade," he continued before she had a chance to reply. "Just like you, I have my sources."
"Trent, to what do I owe the displeasure?" Mara responded, cocking her left eyebrow and doing nothing to conceal the irritation in her voice. "I'm a busy woman."

Gavean Trent stroked the shadow of his beard and smiled conspiratorially. "So, I've heard, Jade. So I've heard. Too busy to stay in one place for long, which is why I'm so surprised to find you still in Courscant."

"I've personal business to attend to, Gavean," she responded, ignoring his obvious attempt at conversation and already growing tired of the exchange.

"Then I suppose you'll remain in system long enough to attend the Trade Conference as well, yes? I'm certain Karrde would wish for his most trusted second in command to be present for such a fortuitous event."

"Trade Conference?" she repeated absent-mindedly. Talon had made no mention of his desire to have her present at the conference and she didn't have to wonder why. For years, Talon's organization had worked side by side with the New Republic, to the benefit and profitability of both sides. In that regard, she and Luke's crisis management missions had guaranteed that Karrde's organization was always first in consideration for any New Republic's ventures. Especially those ventures requiring a low profile and a high degree of confidentiality. An appearance by her at the Trade Conference would simply be considered a waste of valuable time. Much the same as her decision to remain on Coruscant, she realized.
"I've better things to do with my time, Trent," .she responded, feeling quite certain she knew what his next question would be.

"Well, then perhaps I can still persuade you to accompany me." He smirked. "You know, maybe arrange for an introduction here and there"
Mara lowered her head and smiled. If only men weren't so predictable.

"Thank you, but no."

"What ever happened to professional courtesy, Jade?" he asked, his voice taking on a defensive tone.

"Nothing, as far as I know. It still exists…among professionals, that is."

In the next instant, Gavean Trent was left staring at a blank screen.


"Hutt!" she whispered hotly, immediately after breaking the link.

Mara pushed her chair away from the communications console and flung her head over the back of the chair. She had managed to put Gavean off for the present time, but she knew him well enough to realize that he could not be dissuaded so easily. Not for long, anyway, and especially not now that he knew where to find her. She'd rather throw herself out of an air lock before she'd let herself be seen in his company at a Trade Conference - or anywhere else, for that matter.

"Let Talon deal with that space slug when he arrives," she murmured, "unless he wants to see his second in command imprisoned for putting an end to that miserable rodent's life!"

Still, Mara knew that the change in her mood could only be partially attributed to her conversation with Gavean. She would have loathed to admit it, but she had hoped the incoming call would have been from Luke instead.

Frustrated with herself, tired from her sleepless night spent pondering their relationship, and now, newly aggravated by the knowledge of Gavean's presence on Coruscant, Mara made a snap decision.

She quickly changed into her workout clothes and headed for the gymnasium, hoping that an evening spent engaged in strenuous physical activity would help her clear her mind a bit.


As soon as Mara slipped in through the gym's double doors she felt it, and for a split second, she allowed the warmth to spread over her, making her senses tingle. She had become aware of him just in time to allow her to slip back out again, unseen, but too late to avoid being detected by him.
Taking a deep breath, she let the doors hiss shut behind her and forced herself to begin walking past the gym's main equipment room and onto the indoor atrium and mammoth sized pool that were located to the rear of the structure.

As she neared the swimming area, she could hear the sound of splashing water echoing off the walls and noticed that except for the light streaming through the panes of the transparisteel ceiling, the aquatics room was dimly lit. Also detectable, were the sounds of intermittent breathing, punctuated by sporadic groans of exertion.

Luke Skywalker executed laps with precision, even if his underwater turn at lane's end was a bit shaky.

Mara stopped at the edge of the pool, arms crossed and waited for Luke to make his way back to the end of the lane where she stood. As he neared her, she took a moment to surreptitiously glance at his torso and watched, enthralled, as the muscles in his back and arms rippled and strained with each stroke. He used his strong legs to kick at long intervals, allowing his upper body to bear the brunt of his effort.
When his hand finally touched the wall, he stood, swept the hair from his face and smiled broadly. Mara felt her mouth go dry and her knees grow weak in response.

"Hey there!" he exclaimed, finding it difficult to conceal his happiness at the sight of her. "Care to join me?"

Frozen in place, she watched as he grabbed a hold of the ladder's railing and propelled himself up and out of the pool. Drops of water rolled from his face, hair and shoulders and made their way down the contours of his body. Mara couldn't help but to follow some of those droplets as they traveled down his chiseled chest, past his trim stomach and disappeared into the waist of his swimming trunks. The trail of dark blond hair which began just beneath his navel captured a couple of those streaks of water and held them, before they too, joined the rest and rolled out of sight.
Finding it difficult to respond, Mara shook her head and fixed her eyes on the railing he was leaning on.

"Can you swim?" he asked innocently, mistaking her silence for residual anger stemming from the previous night.

"Of course I can swim, Skywalker!" she all but shouted at him, anger helping her find her voice. "I didn't come here to swim. I came to get some exercise!"

"Swimming isn't exercise?"

"Never mind, Skywalker!" she spat out. Why did they always have to end up bantering like this?

Luke picked up his towel which hung from the rail and began drying off, roughly running if through his hair all the way down to his feet. All to no avail, Mara thought to herself. His wet trunks still clung to his mid section in an assorted mix of bumps and wrinkles that made her cheeks flush.
When he had managed to remove all of the cascading water, he swung the towel around his neck and lifted his head to smile at her. Mara once again fought to gain her composure but was convinced that Luke noted none of her discomfort. Part of his charm, she thought to herself.

"Don't you ever run a comb through that?" she questioned, pointing at his hair whose wet ends stood out in every direction.

In response, Luke bent over slightly and shook his head violently, spraying her with a mist of water.

"There!" he said triumphantly, as he raised his tousled head and broadened his smile, "I guess I'm just a low maintenance type of guy!"

"Tell that to someone who hasn't had to traverse the galaxy to get your butt out of trouble, Farmboy!" she countered, but she couldn't hide the smile from her face.

Luke took notice of her change in mood and watched as the smile brightened her face. Gods, she was so beautiful! The familiar ache in the pit of his stomach returned once again and his mind raced to find a way to keep her with him. However, other than a swim, which she had already refused, he was at a momentary loss as to what to suggest.

Glancing at the group of chairs arranged at the far side of the pool, he gestured to them shyly.

"Sit with me for a while?" he asked nervously, watching her face and doing his best not to reach out with the Force to brush her senses and get a feel for what she was thinking.

"Skywalker, I've matters to attend to," she answered without any real conviction. But he was already making his way to a group of loungers and arranging them next to one another.

"Just for a minute, Mara," he all but pleaded, gesturing up to the skylight. "This is the best part of the day."

"Its early evening, Luke," she corrected, taking her place on a reclining lounge chair he had set next to him.

"Exactly," he murmured.

She watched him fold his towel and place it beneath his head, and marveled at the simple pleasures that still seemed to amuse him.

She then turned her attention to the sky above and watched as the impending sunset caused a cascade of colors to appear in the evening sky. Deep, burnt russet tones swirled with fading blue hues in a kaleidoscope of shades reminiscent of watercolor paintings. As the invisible sun dipped lower in the horizon, the colors deepened then turned opaque as night descended and a billion tiny stars appeared above them.

Mara hadn't noticed, but Luke had rested his arm on her lounger, instead of his own and she could now feel the warmth of his skin next to her own. Again, her mind screamed for her to move away a little, but her body disobeyed and she remained perfectly still, enjoying the feel of his close proximity.

"I want to see them all," he whispered, not taking his eyes from the view above, "If I could only get out of Coruscant, that is," he added jokingly.
"The job of a Jedi Knight is never done," she responded smiling.

"No. But that's not what I dreamed of becoming as a boy."

Mara turned her head and gazed at his profile, examining his expression carefully, but she remained silent and allowed him to continue.
"I just wanted to fly."

Mara smiled. His revelation was nothing new. She had watched him fly and had seen the way his spirits lifted whenever he found himself behind the instrument panel of ship. No matter the type of ship and no matter the circumstances, at his very core, Luke Skywalker was a pilot and always would be. But this was the only time he had ever confessed it to her.

"They why…" she began to ask.

"Did I become a Jedi?" he interrupted. "Because it was my destiny, Mara, and because I had a gift that enabled me to make a difference."

Mara began to brace herself for another one of Luke's discourses about fulfilling her own destiny, but it never came. Instead, he continued to scan the night's sky, his right arm slung carelessly above his head.

"I don't regret my decision, even if I do wish I could get out there more." he continued.

"I could always drag you with me on a couple of trade runs, Farmboy. That'll help you appreciate a home in one location," she blurted out before she could catch herself.

She glanced at him nervously but he simply smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, he pointed to the sky above and raised his head to peer closer. "There's one!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"One what?" she asked, squinting her eyes. Then she saw it, streaming across the darkness of space, leaving a glittering trail in its wake.
"It's probably just as asteroid that broke loose from…." But as she turned to look back at Luke, she saw that he had shut his eyes and that his lips were muttering something unintelligible.

"Luke Skywalker! You're not actually making a wish on that piece of falling debris, are you?" she asked incredulously?

He finished his silent offering and turned to face her, a sheepish grin on his face.

"Haven't you ever wished for anything, Mara?" he asked, rolling over on to his side to face her, his head resting on his hand.

"I buy whatever I want, Skywalker!" she retorted, looking into his blue eyes that were now, so close to her own.

Luke inched closer, a soft smile on his lips. "What of the things credits can't buy?" he asked softly.

"Such as, Skywalker?" she quipped, feeling her cheeks growing warm but refusing to pull her gaze away from his.

"Peace and harmony," he responded, as he reached out and placed his hand on hers, softly caressing her knuckles. "So that my sister's children can have the opportunity to grow up without having to experience the pain and anguish of war."

Their foreheads gently touched and Mara was no longer able to hold his gaze. She looked down at their hands instead and tried in vain to keep hers from trembling. Instinctively, she closed her eyes and allowed her subconscious to take over, no longer trying to think of something trite to say in response.

In the silence that ensued, Luke dipped his head to once side and gently covered her mouth in a soft kiss. When she responded by pressing closer to him, he followed it quickly with another, which he deepened slightly. Mara felt her chest heave in a sharp intake of breath and tried to dull the ache that was begging for his touch. Slowly, she pulled her lips away.

"And for yourself?" she asked almost inaudibly, separating herself from him by mere centimeters. "What do you wish for, Luke Skywalker?"

"To have you in my bed every night for the rest of my life," he whispered ever so softly, the words moving past his lips faster than he could stop them. It was what had been in his heart, and he hadn't had the presence of mind to censor himself. Immediately, he began choking down the intense panic that cursed through him as he felt her anger spike in response.

Too shocked to reply right away, Mara Jade pulled her hand back roughly. A look of sheer terror was etched on her features and her green eyes blazed with uncontrollable rage. Suddenly, she felt the pieces all fall into place, and her body shook with unrestrained fury.

"So that's it, Skywalker?" she screamed, standing over him and trying with all of her might to keep the tears at bay. "That's what you've wanted all along? All of your Jedi rhetoric, all of your efforts to get me to that over-grown wilderness of a planet were simply an effort to have me as your concubine?"

Luke jumped to his feet. His mouth opened and shut in shock but he couldn't formulate the words that would make her understand.

"Mara…" he managed to whisper, despair freezing him in place. Tentatively, his senses stretched out to hers. Intense anger and frustration flowed from her freely, but in its wake, Luke could feel disappointment too and could almost hear her heart crying out in pain.

Mara recoiled at his intrusion and quickly threw up her defenses. "Don't hold your breath, Skywalker!" she spat out, kicking the lounger aside and leaving Luke to once again ponder whether he was predestined to spend his life alone.

The sense of urgency he had tried so desperately to contain, now threatened to overcome him, but he knew better than to tear off after her. Instead, he sat back on the lounger and covered his face with both hands and waited for the inspiration he knew would come.

To be continued…

Chapter Six

"R" Rating

Luke could feel her anger tail away from him as Mara distanced herself further and further from the gymnasium. He continued to track her presence through the Force in the hopes that he would feel her rage dissipate, if only marginally, but it only continued to escalate until he felt sure that every Force adept on Coruscant could sense her fury.

He ran his hand through his damp hair and sat back down, letting go of a sigh of frustration. With a single sentence, he had managed to give Mara the impression that his attraction to her was merely physical, and while there was no denying the effect her physique had on his vital signs, he knew that his attraction was based on much more than that.

Luke Skywalker was certain that beneath Mara's thick armor was a girl too scared to follow her heart. Her desire to prove her worth at every turn made it near impossible for her to express any affection or tenderness. To Mara, anger meant power and strength, and she used them both as a shield against any other emotion that threatened her independence. Unfortunately for Mara, she had already dropped her guard on several occasions and although it hadn't happened often, it had served to convince Luke that she had a heart and soul worth fighting for - and fight he would.
"Your body can't lie to me, Mara," he whispered, letting his body relax and resting his head back on the lounger to stare out at the night's sky. "And neither can your heart."

He closed his eyes and tried to extend his senses to her once more. Suddenly alarmed, he leapt from the lounger and sprinted towards the door, towel in hand. Mara was leaving Coruscant.


Mara ran towards her suite as fast as her long, sleek legs could carry her, alternately swiping locks of hair from her face and wiping tears from her eyes. Slowing to turn a corner where she thought she would be alone, she threw her back against the wall and let herself slide down it, comm unit in hand.

"Coruscant flight control," she bit out, her voice breaking, "Jade here. Requesting departure clearance code for the Jade's Fire, docking bay 2986-B, at 2100 hours."

As she waited for confirmation, she drew her knees close to her body and rested her chin on them, trying to catch her breath, regain her composure and slow the rapid-fire beating of her heart. After a couple of minutes, she gave up on the effort and allowed the tears to flow freely. She tucked her chin onto her chest and began to sob uncontrollably. She found it almost inconceivable, but her heart ached physically, sending shards of pain to the very core of her being. She placed both hands on her chest and pressed hard, trying in vain to stop the anguish she felt.

How could she have misread him so? Ten years she had known this man! And even though their one night of lovemaking had revealed a side of him she had never seen, she had still believed him to be a gentle, well-intentioned man. Her anger mounted anew. Luke Skywalker, with all of his boyish good looks, was a man like any other and years spent alone on Yavin after Callista's departure would have certainly wreaked havoc on his libido.
How could she have been so stupid? She had merely been an outlet. A substitute for the woman he could never have, she now realized, and the realization caused her heart to constrict even tighter in her chest.

"I should have killed him," she whispered hotly, wiping the tears from her eyes with so much force that she left angry, red tracks on her lids and cheeks. "If not seven years ago when I had the chance, then the night he gathered courage enough to kiss me."

After a few long moments, she received her departure clearance. She managed to calm herself and began determiningly making the trek back to her suite. She would be off system in a couple of hours and in that fact, she found an immeasurable amount of comfort.

As she exited the lift, a strange sensation began nagging at the edges of her consciousness and her danger sense prickled the back of her neck. It gripped her, slowing her gate and alerting every nerve in her body. She continued walking to the entrance of her suite slowly, expecting for someone to pounce on her at any moment. She looked around her as she walked and fingered the blaster at her side nervously. Everything was not as it should be and yet, she could hear nothing and detect no one around. She unsnapped her holster and gently gripped her blaster, slowing her pace even further as she came closer to the recessed door of her suite. At the last minute the presence revealed itself, confirmed a half a second later by her own eyes.

"Luke Skywalker, if you've ever feared for your life, you'd do well to do so now!" she hissed angrily at the man before her.

Luke stood still clad in his swimming trunks, back resting against her door, arms folded at his chest and glared back at her, unshaken by the threat.
"Mara, I need you to hear me out," he stated calmly, suddenly appalled by her disheveled appearance. Her eyes were swollen from crying and bright red streaks marred her cheeks. His heart melted, but he resolved to remain unmoved. If he were to convince Mara of anything right now, it would be best to meet strength with strength.

"Leave, Skywalker!" she spat, squaring her body and lifting her blaster to chest level.

Luke shook his head slowly, not breaking eye contact and held his breath. The sight of him shook her to her foundations and she could feel her anger slipping away from her, even as her mind bellowed for her to pull the trigger, if only to stun him and watch him fall to his knees.

Not saying a word, she reached for the access code panel and punched in the series of numbers that opened her door. She then walked past him, roughly bumping his shoulder with hers in an effort to push her way in. Luke followed her silently, then watched as she unbuckled her belt but continued to hold the blaster in her hand.

They stood in the center of the common room, face to face, neither daring to utter a word as the silence hung heavy around them. The sight of her, so much affected by their misunderstanding pulled heavily on his heartstrings, and he had to fight the urge to rush towards her and pull her into his arms. Of course, the blaster she held squarely in front of her might have made that task a bit difficult to execute, but at that moment, he would have gladly risked his life if it meant that he could convince her of his sincerity.

He let the moment pass, prompting Mara to be the first to speak.

"You self-absorbed, manipulative son of a Sith!" she whispered through clenched teeth, barely containing her rage. "I will not be a replacement for someone else, Skywalker."

Luke's eyebrows came together in confusion then snapped up suddenly as the realization of what she was saying began to dawn on him.
"Callista?" he asked tentatively.

It had been several months since he had thought of Callista at any great length. Years since he had spoken her name aloud and even longer since he had stopped wondering what had become of the woman who had once held his heart in her hands. Standing in front of Mara now, he found it difficult to believe that he had ever thought himself in love with the woman who inhabited Cray's body.

"Yes, Skywalker, Callista!" Mara shot back, forcing him out of his reverie, contempt lacing her words. "You remember Callista, don't you? The woman who you found it necessary to scour the galaxy for? The one who caused you to turn your back on your family and friends? The one who drove you to hide out in that jungle-moon you call a planet for months on end?"

Her eyes began to sting with the threat of fresh tears, and the hand holding the blaster shook slightly. She no longer cared whether or not he knew that she had taken note of his self-imposed sabbatical or of the changes Callista's departure had had on him. Her anger spiraled inside her like a dust storm, eclipsing any other emotion and affecting her ability to think clearly.

"Mara, its been years…" he began, shocked by the fact that Mara could have ever been affected by his relationship with Callista. Even more surprising was the thought of Mara being jealous of a woman who had disappeared from his life so long ago.

"Years," she repeated mockingly, green eyes blazing, "which would dissolve into thin air if she were to walk in here this very minute, Farmboy."

Again, an awkward silence filled the room. Afraid to put his feelings into words again, Luke decided on another way.

Slowly, while still holding her angry gaze, he took a step forward and reached for her empty hand. Mara took in a deep breath; her right hand was damp with sweat and she readjusted the blaster into a more comfortable position. In her heart, she knew that she was no more capable of killing him now than she ever had been, but her anger and humiliation continued to brew inside her, preventing her from giving in. She continued to hold the weapon in place until its barrel lay pressed against his chest.

Gently, he ran his fingertips down her left arm until he reached her hand then grasped it, palm outstretched, and placed it against his chest just centimeters from where the barrel of her blaster pointed.

"Look inside, Mara," he whispered, his voice barely discernable, "what do you see?"

Mara closed her eyes and focused on the feel of his heartbeat beneath her palm. Like the pull of a strong magnet, she let herself be drawn in by the warmth and comfort radiating from his soul. Pain and heartache filled his heart as well - there was truth there too, she realized. And in the midst of it all, she could see…herself. His presence cried out to her and she found herself almost powerless to resist. Unconsciously, she lowered her blaster until it fell from her hand and tears began to flow from her eyes once again. In a single step, Luke bridged the gap that separated them and gathered her in his arms, cradling her head beneath his chin.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, kissing away the tears and abrasions on her face. She leaned in to him and wrapped her arms around his waist before he led her to her sofa and sat her down, keeping her pressed tightly against him. "I'm so sorry, Mara," he repeated, running his fingers through her hair, trying to pull back her thick mane from her tear-stained face.

Mara wrapped her arm around his bare mid-section and rested her head on his chest, releasing a sigh. She was exhausted now, both physically and emotionally. Her shoulders continued to tremble slightly but she found an immeasurable amount of comfort in his embrace. She released her anger in a short exhale of breath and closed her eyes.

They sat in a tight embrace for a stretch of time - neither saying a word. His heart and soul were still open to her and she allowed the emotions that flowed from him to soothe and calm her while keeping her own emotions safely guarded. She silently chastised herself for having doubted him, but she was still thoroughly confused and discomforted by the new twist their relationship taken and her mind would still not allow her heart to override the barriers that were firmly in place.

Afraid to speak, Luke simply took pleasure in having her in his arms once again. He placed a couple of light kisses on her forehead then nuzzled her face softly, but was overly careful not to have his affection be misconstrued as overtures to make love - even if his body thought differently. Mara buried her face further under his chin and the feel of her warm breath on his collarbone caused goose bumps to form up and down his arms.
"And if she did come back, Skywalker?" she asked, so softly that he wasn't sure he had heard her at all. Luke took a minute to respond, unsure of what to say or how to say it. A life with Callista was simply no longer an option.

"Things are not the same," he responded just as softly, "I'm not the same."

Mara nodded her head imperceptibly. "No, you're more accident prone than you ever have been," she answered; suddenly wishing she hadn't asked but unable to keep her curiosity from getting the best of her.

Gathering a deep breath, he found the courage to continue. All the while offering a silent prayer that he wouldn't ruin the moment with his fumbling.
"I couldn't be convinced of it at the time," he added, "but her decision was the right thing to do…for both of us." He held his breath and waited, but Mara didn't stir. Encouraged, he released his breath and rushed in with both feet, in typical Luke fashion. "Besides, there's…someone else now, I think."

Mara tried, but couldn't keep the smile from her face. She might have been sexually inexperienced, but in situations such as these, where verbal sparring was the weapon of the day, Luke was most decidedly outgunned. "You think, Skywalker?"

His cheeks flushed bright pink and Mara could feel the heat from his blushing on her skin.

"Well, I'm not sure how she feels about me," he answered meekly, sounding more and more like schoolboy.

Mara's smiled widened, enjoying the sophomore undertones of their conversation. It was a lot nicer than fighting, she realized and as always, she enjoyed having the upper hand.

"So, what is she like, Farmboy?" she asked, a little embarrassed but willing to continue their game for a while longer.

However, her heart began to hammer in her chest and her mouth went dry when he lifted her face to his and gazed at her longingly.

"She's the most amazingly beautiful woman I have ever met," he whispered, looking into her eyes, "Strong, resourceful, intelligent…" he finished, his voice trailing off. Mara lowered her eyes and stared at the dimple in his chin. What had started as a game now took on a different meaning, and she found it impossible to hold his gaze.

Swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat, Luke pressed on. "She takes my breath away, Mara, and I lay awake every night just trying to figure out a way that I can earn her love and trust."

His lips were now a fraction of a centimeter from her own but her eyes remained downcast. Luke caressed her cheek with his fingertips and raised his lips to her forehead, but didn't kiss her. Instead, he rested his cheek on the top of her head and resumed speaking, his voice husky with emotion.
"But the odds aren't in my favor, I'm afraid," he whispered, causing her to suddenly glance up to meet his eyes, which were now a dark, impenetrable blue.

"There isn't anything I wouldn't give her," he went on, "and yet, I have nothing to offer her. Nothing but a life of hardship and the residual pay of a former X-Wing fighter pilot."

He sighed, and her heart felt as if it would burst in her chest. "Not merely enough to win over a woman so beautiful and so deserving of a better life."
Mara blinked and tried to keep the tears from slipping past her lashes. Luke Skywalker, hero of the New Republic and Master of a new order of Jedi - who was worshipped and adored by an entire generation of sentient beings, didn't consider himself worthy of her love. For the first time in her life, Mara Jade was moved so deeply, that words failed her.

She reached up and wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling his face towards her. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek, then another on the corner of his mouth. Once their lips had met, neither had the will nor the desire to pull away. As their kisses deepened, both eventually slid to lie side by side on the wide couch, entangled in each other's arms.

With each passing kiss, Mara could feel herself growing increasingly light-headed. Luke parted her lips and she welcomed his tongue which caressed hers languidly. He savored the feel of her against his bare chest. His body craved to press her tighter against him, but he feared sending her the wrong message again. So, amidst their passionate kisses and sighs of pleasure, Luke concentrated on keeping his hands in check and his desire from overtaking him completely.

Mara's hands were not so idle. She ran her palms down his muscled chest, and slowly around to his back, luxuriating in the feel of his smooth, warm skin. She then entangled her hands in the hair on the nape of his neck and let the silky strands lace between her fingers over and over again. Unwittingly, her hips gyrated against his thigh and he could feel her hardened nipples grazing against his chest. By the time they finally paused for breath, Luke's body was near the breaking point. His erection pressed painfully against his swimming trunks, begging for her touch. He placed a light kiss on her nose and gently coaxed her to lay her head on his chest, hoping for an opportunity to dampen his body's reaction to the woman in his arms.

Mara complied and snuggled into his side, but disappointment and frustration were etched on her face. Her body was inflamed with desire. She yearned to feel his strong hands on her…stroking, caressing, teasing. Wanted to feel his body atop hers. Craved to feel his hardened shaft pulsating deep within her.

Gods, was she losing her mind?

'…to have you in my bed every night for the rest of my life.'

She had fled like a frightened Bantha when he had spoken those words, yet now, her body responded with an ache she found difficult to ignore and his heartfelt admission no longer seemed so threatening.

She concentrated, and forcibly brought her pulse to match his own. Reaching out tentatively with the Force, she allowed her senses to mingle slightly with his. His presence caressed hers lovingly and silently transmitted all of the emotions he had never before been able to put into words. Mara closed her eyes and settled comfortably in his arms, leaving herself open to receive the expressions of love and affection that emanated from his heart and soul.

Luke smiled inwardly. Her heart was still closed to him, but he knew without a doubt that he had gained some ground. It was a small victory, but one that lifted his spirits and filled him with boundless joy and happiness.
In a matter of minutes, both drifted off to sleep.

To be continued…

Chapter Seven

The persistent beeping of the incoming call resonated throughout Mara's suite. It was a full thirty seconds before a disoriented Mara disentangled herself from Luke's embrace and in a sleep induced state, made her way to the comm center.

Her hands fumbled on the access panel before she was able to strike the right key. When she finally managed to do so, Gavean Trent's handsome face instantly appeared on the screen.

"Sleeping in, Gorgeous?" he asked, his smile revealing a set of perfectly white teeth.

Mara tried to focus her vision and wipe the sleep from her eyes. "Why in Hoth would you be calling at this ungodly hour, Gavean?" She asked, irritated by his sunny demeanor, "haven't you got anything better to do with your time?"

She stretched her limbs sensuously, then caught a glimpse of the man still sleeping on her sofa. His right arm was slung over his head and his right leg had slipped off the couch altogether. She could also make out tufts of blonde hair peeking out from behind a couple of the cushions. Mara smiled softly.

"Take a look at your chrono, Mara. Its mid morning!"

Gavean had continued talking but Mara had stopped listening. Memories of Luke's sweet admissions the night before flooded her mind as she watched him sleep, just feet from where she sat. A warm feeling enveloped her and her smile widened. Unconsciously, she wrapped her arms around herself and sighed.


Still no response.

"Mara!" Trent all but yelled into the comm unit, his curiosity peeked. Mara Jade was not easily distracted, no matter how early in the day. Something was diverting her attention. Or perhaps, it was someone…

"What is it?" she bit back, annoyed at having been pulled out of her reverie.

Trent skewered her with a quizzical stare. During the last couple of days, he had heard the rumors making their way throughout the former Imperial City of Coruscant. Mara had been seen dining out with the New Republic's Golden Boy, Luke Skywalker. He had initially brushed aside the comments, attributing them to idle gossip. After all, the two had already worked together on a number of missions - always in a military capacity - and had developed a reputation as one hell of a team. Personally, however, their relationship was known to be volatile and adversarial.

That didn't come as a surprise to Gavean. He had known Mara for a number of years and knew her to be fiercely independent. Her only loyalty, it could be argued, was to Karrde and his organization. Still, glancing at her now there was no escaping the realization that there something definitely different about her. An air of peace and tranquility flowed from her, even though her hair was a tangled mess and her cheeks were flushed.

He made a mental note to investigate the matter further before continuing. He needed Mara to get access to the New Republic's administrators if he was to make the break into the Core System's trade organization. Even if she was unwilling to render him any assistance, she was still his ticket to convincing Karrde to put in a good word on his behalf. One way or another, he needed Mara Jade.

From the sofa, Luke Skywalker listened to the conversation intently, straining to catch every word being said. More importantly, stretching his senses to register and interpret every nuance of Mara's voice.

Gavean Trent. Where did he know that name from and why was he calling Mara this early in the morning? An odd feeling made its way through his body and settled in the pit of his stomach. As the conversation continued, the feeling intensified. Soon, jealousy and anger intertwined and rose within him to color his neck and cheeks.

Ruefully, he reflected on just how quickly things seemed to change in his life. The death of his foster parents, the destruction of the first Death Star and the beginning of his journey to learn the ways of the Force now seemed like a blur to him. Just as quickly he had completed his training, confronted his father, learned that Leia was his twin and battled for his life aboard the second Death Star.

The emergence of his Jedi Academy had come on the heels of the fall of the Empire and the establishment of a new government. Since then, his life had been a long series of wars and battles for the control of a galaxy that had been without any justice or order for a generation. His body and spirit bore the scars of his continuing struggle to right the wrongs his father and Palpatine had unleashed on a thousand worlds - unspeakable horrors that had led to the suffering of millions of sentient and non-sentient species.

And now here he was, fighting to control feelings of jealousy and possessiveness over a woman he had known for almost a decade. In fact, he felt as if his chances for love and happiness hung on the words being spoken a few feet from where he lay, pretending to be asleep. A conversation, he noted regretfully, that he had no business eavesdropping on in the first place.

He marveled at how his life continued to take him by surprise.

Mara concluded her conversation, abruptly cutting Trent off for the second time in just as many days, and Luke released a sigh of relief. She had mentioned Karrde's name and so, he reasoned, the call had been of a business related nature.

Gathering her composure, she made her way back to the sofa and sat on the edge, reaching out to sweep a strand of hair from his face. Luke opened his eyes, smiled and admired the woman sitting next to him. The sun streaking through the windows caught strands of her hair and set them ablaze. He reached out and wordlessly pulled her gently down to lie beside him.

Ten years, he reminded himself yet again. How had her incredible beauty escaped his notice?

"I'd love to just lay around here with you, Jedi," Mara whispered, looking down as her index finger traced a line down the center of his chest, stopping at his stomach, "but I've business to attend to."

He reacted instantly to her touch and Mara pulled her hand away, slightly embarrassed by her brashness. Since when had she felt comfortable enough with Luke Skywalker to caress his body like that?

Luke brought his lips to the top of her head and whispered into her hair, ignoring her bashfulness. "I've a couple of matters to attend to myself. Not the least of which is to review the new list of addendums to the Firrerrean peace accord. Still," he added, "I'd much rather stay here with you."
"You'd have better luck striking up a treaty between the New Republic and the remnants of the Empire, Farmboy!" Mara responded chuckling.
"Meet me for lunch later then?" he asked meekly.

Mara pulled her head away and glanced at her chrono. "That's only a couple of hours away, Skywalker. I need to put in a full day of work on these accounts and transmit some status reports to Karrde before the trade conference. The man doesn't pay me to sit around Coruscant and keep you company!"

"Dinner then?" Luke asked undeterred, his face erupting into that heart-melting grin that sent the butterflies in her stomach aflutter. He lifted her chin with one finger and rested his forehead on hers.

She smiled, but kept her gaze downcast. There was no resisting Skywalker when he was like this, she'd discovered. It was one thing to bicker and banter with him when he was spewing his Jedi philosophy at her, but when he was Luke - just plain, Farmboy turned Rogue Squadron pilot - he was damned near irresistible.

She wondered just how many women he had made feel the same way.

Mara looked up from behind her lashes and raised one eyebrow at him, doing her best to affect an air of doubt and indecisiveness she didn't really feel.

"C'mon, Mara," he whispered, moving her hair aside to reveal her neck before planting a kiss on the soft skin beneath her jaw. Her skin erupted into a series of goose bumps and she made a half-hearted attempt to break away from him, laughing as he tightened his grip with one hand and ticked her ribs with another.

She struggled a bit harder, trying in vain to control her fit of laughter but Luke managed to grab a hold of both of her hands in one of his own and continued his assault. They both writhed, giggled and tried to outdo the other for several minutes before a winded Mara mockingly brought one of her knees to his crotch. Competition, it appeared, would always be at the heart of their relationship.

"You win!" he conceded, releasing her hands and holding his palms up in a show of defeat.

"I thought so," she responded just as he brought his arm around to the small of her back and pressed his lips to hers in a feather light kiss. He followed it with another, softly taking her upper lip between his own and nipping at it gently.

"Say you'll have dinner with me, Mara," he entreated, his blue eyes boring into hers, pleading for her give in.

This time, she didn't look away and simply nodded in agreement. As she stood, she offered him her hand which he took and brought to his lips.
Once on their feet, they continued to gaze longingly at one another, their hands intertwined, neither knowing what to say, but both relieved that they had resolved their latest argument. After what seemed like an eternity, Luke placed a kiss on her cheek and made his way to the door.

"1900 hours?" he asked, taking a moment to glance behind him. Mara stood where he had left her and nodded again, smiling softly.

Luke grinned from ear to ear and exited her suite, his heart so full of joy he felt sure it would burst. He was a block away before he noticed the strange glances he was getting from alien and human alike. Looking down at himself for the first time, he was shocked to discover that he had been making his way in nothing but his old pair of swimming trunks and little else.


"He was what?" Leia Organa Solo screamed incredulously at her husband who stood before her with the look of a man on the brink of a fit of laughter.

"That's what I hear, Sweetheart," he responded chuckling so hard Leia had a hard time making out the words, "Kid was seen bouncing out of her apartment in his skivvies in broad daylight!"

Leia's mouth hung open and she shook her head disbelievingly. "Han, it couldn't have been him," she argued, turning away and taking a couple of steps to sit on the couch, "It doesn't even sound like Luke!"

Han cocked his head at his wife and tried to cover his grin with his hand. "He's a grown man, Leia," he reminded her softly, "he's a right to a little diversion if the woman in question is amenable."

"Not that part, you old Pirate!" she scolded him, "the part about him walking around in his underwear!"

"Well, wasn't exactly in his underwear. More like his swimming trunks or some such thing," he clarified, waving his hand in the air dismissively.
Han watched as Leia processed the information. Leave it to Luke to get his sister this up in arms about one thing or another. Still, he had to hand it to the Kid. If he had managed to bed Mara Jade, and survived the task, he was certainly due another medal for bravery in the line of duty. It was his apparent lack of discretion that had surprised Solo. That was certainly not like Luke. Grown man or not, Han knew Luke to be modest and reserved - if not about his flying ability, then definitely about his private life. It had been months before the family had been informed that Callista had left the academy and even then, Luke had refused his sister's repeated invitations and had chosen to remain working on Yavin.

He sat on the arm of the sofa and looked down at his wife who was still having difficulty digesting the information. He couldn't be sure which part of it bothered her most - the fact that Luke was finally emerging from his self-imposed reclusion after the Callista debacle without her help, or that it had been Mara Jade, and not she, who had helped him do so. Either way, the Kid was in for some serious flak from his twin and of that, Han Solo was certain.

"This has gone far enough," he heard Leia mutter, her arms crossed determinedly. He knew that look all too well. "It's time I had a talk with my little brother."

Han let out a sigh and shook his head. "Sweetheart, leave the man alone. Isn't it about time he joined the land of the living?"

His brother-in-law had been the galaxy's "go to guy" for too long and in Han's estimation, the kid was more than overdue for some recreation - even if it did come by way of the most dangerous woman in the galaxy. Hell! In that regard, it appeared both were ideally suited for one another. If nothing else, both of them had been born lacking the self-preservation gene.

"Han, you don't know Luke the way I do," Leia tried to reason with her husband, setting her hand on his knee. "He's a kind, gentle man! A woman like Mara Jade can't possibly appreciate such qualities!"

Han Solo took objection to his wife's comment. Luke was like a blood-brother to him, but arguing about it with her wasn't going to get him anywhere so he shrugged his shoulders in response and contemplated the situation. Luke was a man like any other and as such, was just susceptible to charms of a beautiful woman - Jedi or not. And they didn't come more visually striking than Mara Jade. Besides, if anyone could tame that spitfire, it was Luke. His Brother-in-Law could talk residents of Hoth into buying ice cream if the mood struck him.

"He may be just the kind of man she needs, Leia. The all mighty Empire is a thing of the past and the galaxy doesn't have much need for former Emperor's Hands, y'know!"

"Besides," he continued, raising his palm before his wife could interrupt, "she and the Kid work well together."

Leia's eyes widened and she threw him a questioning glance.

"I know, I know…so they argue and fight like Hutts most of the time. Point is, sweetheart, they understand each other."

"I don't know, Han…"

"Look at it this way," he concluded, reaching out to pull her head against his thigh and caress her cheek, "who else could put up with either of them for long?"

Leia pulled back from him roughly and stood to glare at her husband in mocked disbelief. She hated to admit it, but he was starting to make sense. Even so, it was best she have a talk with Luke regarding the matter. Deciding to court Mara Jade was one thing, but a Jedi walking around the Galaxy's seat of government in his underwear was quite another.


Another long day of negotiations, and the Firrerreans were no closer to settling their discord with the Sullustans than they were the week before. A group of New Republic officials, along with a tired and frustrated Luke Skywalker exited the meeting chamber and exchanged glances. Time was running out and if no agreement could be reached, chances were that the Firrerreans would be taking matters into their own hands, as it were. Already they had intimated as much, and true to form, the Sullustans had responded in kind. Of course, both sides were in agreement over one thing: the new government was not doing all it could to do right by either side.

Luke squeezed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger and exhaled a rush of air from his lungs. This was not where he needed to be, he told himself. He was needed at the Academy, where he could unburden Corran from his rigorous schedule of all-day classes and surround himself with people whom he understood and whose questions he could answer.

But what of Mara?

He knew that a herd of rabid Banthas couldn't drag her to Yavin IV under any conceivable circumstance, though he was sure she'd learn to enjoy the peace and quiet that several secluded spots on that planet could afford. If she could only get past his group of devotees, as she called them, and their philosophical discussions.

"Missing Yavin IV?" he heard a female voice ask.

Luke looked up to see his diminutive sister leaning against one of the massive black stone pillars decorating the Imperial palace's mezzanine. His face lit up by a bright smile but he could immediately see that the gesture was not returned. Instead, his sister's eyes remained locked on his, her head tilted to the side, and a conspiratorial expression was etched on her face.

"Trouble?" he asked as he neared her. He could sense nothing of the sort from her but knew that something had to be amiss for her to appear out of nowhere in the middle of the day.

"For you, maybe, little brother," she responded, reaching up and pulling him down for a kiss on the cheek. "Especially if the rumors I keep hearing are true."

Luke looked down at his twin and couldn't help but break into a smile that extended from ear to ear. Leia didn't have to ask another word. The joy that emanated from him spoke volumes and her own heart swelled in response. No matter what her opinion of Mara Jade was, it warmed her to see her brother so happy. Immediately, the irritation she had felt earlier melted, and she hooked her arm around his and began to lead him out of the building and to a place where they could talk quietly.


"I wasn't in my underwear, Leia!" Luke told her for the third time in a row, exasperated by her questions, "I was wearing my swimming trunks!"
Brother and sister sat side by side on a courtyard bench overlooking the government center. Luke dropped his head into his hands and sighed in frustration.

"We'd had an argument," he continued, "and I rushed off after her to straighten things out before she could…"

"Blast out of Coruscant?" she finished for him. Typical Mara, she thought to herself. She also thought about the number of times one or the other had run off after a disagreement. This whole matter should have come as no surprise to her, she realized. The signs had all been there; she had just been too busy to notice. Suddenly, she felt guilty for not having taken more of an interest in her brother's life.

"Don't, Leia," he whispered, wrapping one arm around her shoulders and squeezing her against him, "It's not up to you to take care of me, you know…even if you are the oldest."

Leia looked up at her brother and smiled. It had never been determined what the order of their birth had been but if behavior were any indication, it was almost a certainty that Leia had been the first born. The over protectiveness she felt for her brother had been a constant in their relationship before they even knew of their parentage. Her assumed status as the older sibling had become her trump card, and their own private joke.
"I'm older, that's why!" she would assert whenever they disagreed over anything.

"But I'm bigger," would be his reply.

Now, she looked at her brother's face and was filled with the hope that his happiness would last. Knowing the both of them like she thought she did, if the process of falling in love didn't kill them, they might have a chance at a long-lasting relationship.

"Just promise me you'll be careful," she pleaded, resting her head on his shoulder.

"What's there to be careful about?" he asked, wrinkling his brow. "I'm dating a woman, not going off to battle."

"She tried to kill you once," Leia reminded him, "or have you managed to forget that's how you met in the first place?"

"She still is," he answered sheepishly, a huge grin on his face "she's just using a different method!"

Leia pulled away from his embrace, mouth agape, "Luke Skywalker! You've been hanging around Han too long!"


For the next couple of weeks, Luke and Mara settled into an easy routine of early afternoon lunches, various dinner dates and almost nightly work sessions, during which they would both settle in one of their suites and work quietly, side by side, stopping only to order dinner and have it brought to them.

It was the work sessions that Luke enjoyed most. Though very little was said between them, just being in her company made him as happy as a Jawa in a droid parts bazaar. Once in a while, he would reach out and impulsively caress her cheek, forcing her attention away from her data pad then pull her in for a kiss, before she would push him away good-naturedly and go back to her work. If it was a good night, and their work was done, he'd succeed in leading her out to the balcony by the hand and wrap his arms around her while they stared out at the night sky. It was these moments filled with kisses and gentle caresses that were the most cherished by him and they sustained him on the days when her demeanor was not quite as agreeable.

Then there were the little things he did to brighten her mood, like arranging for her favorite dessert to be brought to the suite while they worked. Or the various and sundry parts he'd show up with for the Jade's Fire to improve its performance, navigational system or handling. Mara Jade didn't spare herself any expense when it came to her ship, but Luke always managed to come up with something she hadn't thought of.

Once, he'd even shown up with a beautifully wrapped box of green gem-studded hair clips, which he stated, would look beautiful against her red-gold hair. She was amazed that Luke had taken notice of the way she continually pleated her hair behind her head as she worked, only to have it eventually fall out of the braid and back onto her face again. The mere thought of Luke Skywalker trouncing around in a ladies' accessory store was enough to send her into hysterics and for a moment, she was afraid she had hurt his feelings.

But his universe had righted itself when she had shown up at his apartment the following evening, wearing the clips, along with a dark green top to match. Luke's smile lit up the entire room and she was once again taken aback at how easy it was to please this man who ostensibly, held the power of the galaxy in his hands.

During their nights out, Luke would always contrive to walk instead of taking a transport so that he could extend their time spent together. Of course, Mara was aware of his tactics and of the motivation behind it, but she allowed him to have his way nonetheless. On occasion, she'd even concede to him holding her hand as they walked, especially if the streets appeared relatively empty and quiet. While walking back to their suites, Luke would coax her to a window display or some such curiosity, only to pull her into a darkened corner or alley way and steal a kiss. Mara would pretend to be appalled by his behavior and try to pull away from him but deep down, she secretly waited for those moments with a great deal of anticipation.

When she allowed herself to reflect on their newfound relationship, Mara had to admit that she was enjoying herself immensely. No other man had ever paid her so much attention - not without wanting something in return. More importantly, she liked how his whole universe seemed to revolve around her, and her alone. Mara Jade was used to commanding attention, but usually it was through fear and intimidation, never from simply existing. It was a feeling she was beginning to appreciate.

Then there were the intense moments when his soft kisses, which always started as innocent signs of affection, deepened and immediately sent her body into a flurry of mixed emotions. There was no denying her lightning quick reaction to his touch and she had to fight to control the overwhelming desire to simply go along with the demands of her body and heart, and ignore the apprehension of her rational mind.

It was during those tense minutes when both their hearts thumped loudest in their chests, and their bodies melded together seamlessly, that she could feel Luke's hopes soar. In the battle that ensued between her heart, body and mind, it was her mind that always won out, forcing her to break away from his embrace. His disappointment was almost palpable but he never failed to defer to her wishes. Instead, he'd cradle her loosely in his arms and sigh contentedly, forcing his body to cool down.

As their slow courtship continued, both were oblivious to the continued rumors and heated debates regarding their alleged relationship. The topic of conversation might have been on the lips of every life form inhabiting the galaxy's government center, but nobody was foolish enough to dare approach either of them about the matter.

If the inhabitants of Coruscant had a new rumor to keep them entertained, the Senate and other governing bodies were paralyzed with worry and trepidation as the news spread and gathered momentum. Having their hero and resident Jedi work alongside the unscrupulous Mara Jade for the benefit of the New Republic was an acceptable, if not always desirable, circumstance. However, the mere thought of a possible romantic attachment between the two, struck fear into the hearts of many and invoked visions of a disastrous and imminent fall from grace for the Jedi - and for the rest of the galaxy.

There were many who reasoned that his sister, the Chief of State, would never allow for such a union to take place. Still, there were just as many who questioned if the former Princess of Alderaan would have the ability to deter a Jedi with such a powerful command of the Force from doing anything he set his mind to - even if that Jedi was her twin brother.


As the Trade Conference date approached, Mara's workload increased. The fact that she would not be in attendance didn't spare her the task of preparing the summary reports that would be required if Karrde was to negotiate intelligently for the most profitable routes and wealthier Core systems' business. That Talon would arrive on Coruscant just in time to attend the event while she had done the Gamorrean's share of the preparatory work did not upset Mara in the least. The fact that Talon entrusted the information gathering side of their operation to her suited her beautifully. Besides, she considered herself better designed for the surreptitious fact finding side of their organization than she was for the glitzy, smooth-talking show that Karrde would have to put on in order to negotiate with the oily politicians and business owners that attended these conferences.

What she was beginning to resent was the fact that her increasing workload had kept her away from Luke for several evenings. She would have rather take her chances in a Sarlacc pit than admit it, but she had become accustomed to his warm and comforting presence, which seemed to envelop her in a protective cocoon whenever he was nearby. She had even come to miss his pleas for a kiss here and there, and his passion for late evening walks to his greenhouse, where he would labor and fuss over those Cyandria flowers that Mara knew for certain, would never bloom.
Still, it amused her to sit and listen to him rattle off plant-life facts and weave in stories of his childhood spent on Tatooine. They were small tid bits of a personal history filled with the cuts, scrapes and mishaps of most kids and their adventures at that age. But they were also the tales of a young boy, an outcast, who spent his days daydreaming about becoming a pilot, while being misunderstood and ridiculed by his friends and caregivers. It was a childhood, she reflected, much the same as her own.

Simply put, she missed him deeply.

She had even found herself expectantly looking around as she worked, hoping that he would show up with his blue eyes full of mischief, to whisk her away for a couple of hours. Unfortunately, the peace negotiations he had been mediating had also added to the time they were forced to spend apart.

Two days! She reminded herself. Two days and the conference would be over and her life would return to normal. What she suddenly realized was that now, normal meant sharing her life with Luke Skywalker.

Mara shook her head and cast the notion out of her mind. She had work to concentrate on, reports to compile and…

"Blast it!" she spit out through clenched teeth, looking at her chrono. Talon would be arriving in an hour and she had agreed to meet him at his docking bay for an update on several late changing accounts. Mara chastised herself for her carelessness. It wasn't like her to miss appointments or have details slip her mind so easily. Then again, it wasn't like her to while away her time thinking about a man, either.

Irritated, she slammed her data pad closed and rushed out of her suite. If she hurried, she could still catch him before he was cleared by customs. Thankfully, with Talon, customs checks ran longer than the tails on a T'wilek!


As she neared the Custom's bay, a lone figure distanced itself from the crowd and began making its way to her. Gavean Trent's large frame undulated as he walked, his long legs rounding to the side as he took each step. There was cadence of self-reliance to his gait that had always rubbed Mara the wrong way. Had she still been in service to the Emperor, she would have arranged for Trent's disappearance - and the galaxy would have been the better for it.

Instantly, she could hear Luke's words in her head. That's the dark side talking, Mara!

Mara folded her arms before her and stood squarely to await him to make his way to her.

"Just what do you think you're doing here, Gavean?" she asked. In the past week, she had seen Gavean Trent enough times to last her a lifetime.
"Red!" he exclaimed, reaching for her hand, his smile widening. "What a pleasure it is to see you…again!" His dark eyebrows arched and Mara felt a pull at the pit of her stomach. The man simply repulsed her.

She kept her arms folded and glared at him, "Cut the Bantha fodder, Gavean. I don't see any wealthy widows in the near vicinity, what brings you?"
"Actually, gorgeous, I should be asking you the same thing," he whispered, leaning in slightly, "I don't see the vaulted Luke Skywalker anywhere so, ah, what brings you here?"

Mara's heart skipped a rapid beat, but she maintained her demeanor. The gears in her mind, however, were spinning furiously.
"Speak Basic, Gavean!" she seethed, " What are you talking about?"

"Why, my dear," he continued, bowing his head even lower to whisper seductively into her ear, "the word is out all over Coruscant! From Emperor's Hand to Skywalker's concubine, they say. You certainly don't skip a beat, do…"

Mara's closed fist connected with his windpipe before he was able to finish the sentence. His body bowed forward from the waist and he fell to one knee, clutching at his throat as he did so and gasping brokenly for breath.

Numerous pairs of eyes turned their attention to the scene before them just as Mara began patting Gavean's back.

"You really should stay away from the cuisine here, Trent!" she shouted over his retching. "It's not for those lacking intestinal fortitude."

She helped him to his feet, fixed him with an angry glare and pushed him towards the exit. Halfway there she issued another shove into the center of his back and watched him stumble out of the double doors and into the corridor.

Her head was swimming as she turned to walk toward to custom's waiting area.

'Skywalker's concubine,' her mind repeated, 'from Emperor's Hand to Skywalker's concubine…'

She could feel her face flush hot and she was convinced all eyes were still on her as she tried to steady her gait. She looked down at her hands and noted that they trembled with barely contained anger.

'Not his friend, nor his work partner but his…concubine! The whole of Coruscant, and by now the galaxy at large, considered her Luke Skywalker's concubine!'

There was a time when Mara Jade commanded respect and compliance throughout Coruscant - if not through the strength of her own reputation, then certainly through her intimate connection to the Emperor and his great power. The Empire's finest assassin had her position firmly entrenched in the upper echelons of the government's military as her Lord and Master's most secret weapon. Now, she was simply being referred to as Skywalker's concubine…his whore.

It was too much to be assimilated at once.

Talon Karrde caught a glimpse of flaming red-gold hair and instantly recognized his second in command through the crowd.
"Mara!" he shouted, raising his arm and trying to weave in and out of the bodies. She looked up at the sound of her name and spotted Talon, impeccably outfitted, making his way to her.

She took in a deep breath and stood erect, silently thanking the gods for the crowds that would afford her a couple of extra seconds to compose herself.

Talon finally reached her and with a lopsided grin, took her arm and began leading away from the throng of people.

"So," he asked, pulling her closer by the arm. "What's this I hear about you and Skywalker?"

To be continued...Just one more chapter!!!

Chapter Eight

Rating: NC-17 (for darned sure!)

Talon Karrde had seen Mara angry plenty of times in the past. Hell, if you hadn't seen Mara Jade angry, he reasoned, then you'd never seen Mara Jade. This time, however, he was taken aback.

In a matter of seconds, her eyes had gone from green to a blazing dark foliage hue that rivaled the forests of Endor, and her face had tripled its blush to a shade of red almost in tandem with her hair. Mara shook where she stood, fists and jaw clenched, and glared at him intently. Her eyes were glazed over so that Talon was certain she was not looking at him but through him. His second-in-command, it was clear, was fighting for restraint with every fiber of her being. Instantly, he turned her away from him and looped his arm around hers to guide her out of the Custom's Center and away from the eye of the public.

"Alright, so it's not true," he said, throwing up his arms once they had reached the safety of her suite. "Mara, you know this city has always been awash in gossip and innuendo. Ignore it, and it will likely die out."

Talon crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched as the most trusted member of his organization furiously pace her common room, head bowed and eyes downcast. She stopped at his words and speared him with a look that would have frozen half a dozen species in place with fear.
"So," he said slowly, "it is true."

Mara swallowed hard and turned on her heel to look out of her floor-length window, not muttering a word. Sweat beaded on her forehead and her hands felt clammy and cold. Talon watched her closely but maintained his silence. It had been his policy throughout the years not to become involved in the private lives of his employees and even though he thought of Mara Jade as a friend, he resolved to keep to his policy - for the time being.
A part of him had been anything but shocked at the reports of Mara and Skywalker's liaison. There had always been a certain something between them - an understanding of one another - that he had never seen between Mara and any other man. Skywalker's placid and calm demeanor was a perfect counterbalance to Mara's volatile and hostile nature.

Mara walked over to her desk, gathered a few disks and unceremoniously handed them to him. "I'll be in contact with the rest of the information soon," she stated, as coolly a she could manage.

Talon regarded her for a few seconds then nodded and let himself out of her suite. If this whole matter had to do with Skywalker, he was afraid the young Jedi was in for some very unpleasant moments. Still, Luke had managed to handle Mara when her most fervent wish was to see him dead. Having survived that, any other encounter with an angry Mara should be as easy as picking off womprats with an ion canon.


Mara's eyes stung with the threat of tears and she gritted her teeth in an effort to keep them at bay. She was almost hyperventilating now. Her chest rose and fell faster and faster as her breathing became quicker. Finally, unable to withstand the urge any longer, she let the tears spill from her eyes with a deep sob. They burst forth and she wept openly, burying her face in her hands.

'Skywalker's concubine...' her mind replayed over and over again.

Another phrase interwove itself and kept slipping into her mind at frequent intervals.

'To have you in my bed every night for the rest of my life.'

Fittingly, it was not the populace's assertion that she was sleeping with a man that bothered her. That it had been intimated that she belonged to a man was what felt like an affront to her sense of independence. Her private life, and how many men she chose to share her bed with, were nobody's business. If the whole galaxy was convinced that she seduced a different man every single night, then let them think so. That was a far cry better than to have them believe that she was at the beck and call of one man. And to have that man be Luke Skywalker was simply the load that broke the Tauntaun's back.

Had Luke known about the rumors spilling from the mouths of Coruscant's elite and still continued his nightly visits to her suite? She asked herself, staring out of her window through hazy and unfocused eyes. Had the populace at large whispered conspiratorially as he contrived to parade her through the streets of the city, holding hands? Had they snickered and mocked her as he maneuvered her into dark corners for a surreptitious kiss or two?

'Skywalker's concubine!'

Her tears flowed heavier now, embarrassment merging with her rage.

Forgotten were the nights spent wrapped in his arms as they watched the stars make their way across Coruscant's night sky. So, too, were the stolen moments filled with kisses and whispered confidences they'd exchanged during the past few weeks. She had let her guard down she now realized, as the tears continued to fall down her cheeks in a hot, steady stream, and she was paying the price for her carelessness.

But why? What had caused her to lower her defenses against him, of all people? Her thoughts struggled wildly to wrap themselves around the issue at hand, while at the same time, trying to arrange it so that it all made sense to her. Unfortunately, her spiraling anger acted like a prism under which reason refracted, skewed, and offered little by way of clear insight.

Luke Skywalker had simply taken advantage of her only weakness, she concluded. His overtures had unconsciously appealed to her curiosity and she had given in, seduced by his gentle words and soft caresses.

It could have been anybody else, she now reasoned. It could have been a handful of Governors or Administrators who had taken a liking to her during her service to the Emperor. Most had been kind, if misguided, older men who were as blind to Palpatine's rotting core as she had been.
It could even have been any number of officers in the Imperial Navy, she now recalled. Strong, physically imposing Commanders and Generals who barked out orders with conviction and cut striking poses in their naval 'grays' and knee-high combat boots.

It could have been Talon, before she had come on board as a member of his organization and had simply run a few jobs for him.

Her mind continued to rummage through the list of men she had encountered - men that she had thought of as appealing but had never considered seducing. Men who had propositioned her but that, for one reason or another, she had refused.

It could even have been Gavean Trent, if only he hadn't been continually campaigning for her assistance with…

A sudden glint appeared in her eyes and she wiped the tears from her cheeks with the backs of her hands. If the galaxy was convinced that she was Luke Skywalker's plaything, then there was only one way to stack the cards against that widely held belief. The anger which previously frothed within her, now cooled to a simmer, and her heartbeat slowed considerably. Action had always been Mara's strong suit and now that she had a plan, her mind began its low descent from the peaks of white, hot anger into something a little more manageable, if no less dangerous.
She moved to her communication console and punched in a series of codes.

"Pick me up at 1800 hours for the Trade Conference, Hotshot," she barked into the screen as soon as Gavean's face appeared. Then just as quickly, she signed off and sat back to contemplate the details of her assault.


Luke luxuriated in the feel of the hot water running down his body and rolled his head from side to side slowly, trying to ease his tense muscles. No matter how many hot showers he'd had in the course of ten years, he had never gotten tired of the sensation of warm water cascading over his skin.
He was exhausted, hungry, and exasperated from the rigors of mediating for three nights in a row. Mostly though, he missed Mara so much that his body ached. They had communicated via messages left at each other's suites, but had been unable to find five minutes to spend alone together the whole time they had been apart, and tonight, though he'd be resting at home, she'd be off attending the Trade Conference.

He had been surprised to receive her message telling him of her change of heart. He knew how much Mara despised such events and the disingenuous conversation of the people in attendance. However, he also knew that Talon's organization, and her job within that organization, were first and foremost in her mind and so when she let him know of Talon's request that she be present, he decided not to question her on the matter.
Luke Skywalker exited the shower stall and dried himself off quickly, letting out a breath. He then wrapped the towel around his waist and stood in front of the mirror. He finally had an evening to himself and for that, he was immensely grateful. Still, he'd gladly give it up if it meant he could spend just a few minutes with Mara instead.

He glanced at his reflection and smiled, a thought formulating in his head. Even in a conference room full of people, at least he'd be able to see her again, his mind offered teasingly. Maybe, he though excitedly, they might even be able to steal away for a couple of minutes, if only to exchange a private word or two. Maybe even a quick kiss.

In a matter of minutes, Luke's spirits had lifted considerably. He shaved, fought to comb his hair away from his eyes, where it always seemed to end up, and dressed in his best 'blacks.' Mara would definitely not be impressed by his attire, he thought as he stood in front of his bedroom's mirror, but she would certainly be surprised by his unexpected appearance.

He strapped on his belt to his waist, secured his lightsaber sheath strap to his thigh and bolted out of his suite. If he was to catch a moment alone with Mara, the opening cocktail hour would be the best chance of the evening. There was just one stop he needed to make.

Leia Organa Solo moved expertly around the room exchanging a word here and a nod there with various traders and world representatives. Although her attendance at the New Republic's Trade Conference was ceremonious at best, her presence always served to add an air of decorum and elegance to an event that was often lacking in both. Mon Mothma watched the Chief of State make her way through the crowd in the meeting chamber's foyer and smiled approvingly. Leia Organa Solo was a small woman, yet she radiated strength and determination, giving pause to almost everyone she met.

As she continued to exchange polite pleasantries, a warm presence caught Leia's attention and briefly brushed her consciousness. Leia turned to see her brother enter the room, blonde hair shimmering under the glittering lights, dressed in his formal black attire, and she immediately locked eyes with him. As she did so, the room's volume of conversation increased to a steady buzz as many of the guests turned to comment to one another and watch the Jedi Knight walk slowly to his sister's side.

Leia smiled brilliantly and accepted Luke's arm, which he offered along with a kiss on the cheek. She would have liked to believe that he had come to keep her company in lieu of Han's absence, but common sense told her that his appearance had a lot more to do with Mara Jade than with her. Still, she was glad for his company and let him know it by squeezing his arm gently in response.

She watched as he slipped a small box into the pocket of his tunic but was interrupted by Talon Karrde's booming voice before she could inquire as to its contents.

"Madam Chief of State," Talon greeted her formally, taking her hand and holding it momentarily between both his palms, "and Master Skywalker," he continued, shaking Luke's hand, "How kind of you to grace us with your presence."

Luke and Leia both smiled at Karrde's highbrowed façade. After years of missions and countless exchanges of information, the three had been on a first name basis for quite some time. However at such an event, where business trade routes were in heavy competition, Karrde made sure to give the impression of just the right amount of detachment from the two best-known members of the New Republic.

"Who are you trying to kid, Talon?" Luke whispered good-naturedly, as he vigorously shook Karrde's hand.

Talon smiled and smoothed his beard, "Best to keep up appearances, wouldn't you say?"

Luke resisted the urge to tease Karrde by casting doubt on his almost assured acquisition of the most coveted routes, choosing instead to focus on the identity of the beings swirling around him.

He was about to forgo his pride and casually inquire as to Mara's whereabouts when a hush fell over the room. So deep was the silence that ensued that all three turned their heads anxiously, looking for the cause of the sudden cease in conversation. Leia spotted her first, and her hand instinctively tightened around her brother's arm.

Mara Jade stood at the entrance of the room in a stunning black low-cut column dress that showed off her delicate skin. Her hair had been swept back away from her face in a cascade of curls that fell down her back.

Luke beamed at the sight of her and his joyous smile seemed to light up the entire room. Just as he stepped forward, he felt the pressure of his sister's grip on his arm increase, jerking him back in place. His brow furrowed and his smile instantly disappeared when Gavean Trent stepped out from behind Mara and wrapped his arm around her waist, leading her into the crowd.

In the next few seconds, every pair of eyes shot from Luke Skywalker to Mara Jade and back again. As the muted sound of voices increased steadily, Mara lifted her gaze and caught sight of Luke's wide-eyed stare. Her step faltered momentarily. She covered up the misstep by slightly picking up the skirt of her dress and continuing to walk, effectively steering Gavean away from the shocked trio before them.

Keeping her forced smile in place, Mara fought to strengthen her mental barriers and stiffen her resolve. Luke wasn't supposed to be in attendance this evening, and she hadn't accounted for his presence in her well thought-out plan. As a matter of fact, she hadn't considered his reaction at all when the inevitable news of her appearance with Gavean spread. Instead, she had simply decided to depart from Coruscant after the conference and leave the whole matter of their relationship behind. In time, she had convinced herself, the experience would gain perspective. Until then, she had a job to do and a life to return to, one without Luke Skywalker and the romantic overtures which had exposed her to ridicule.

Leia glanced at Talon, whose face was still transfixed with shock, then looked up at her brother. Luke blinked in disbelief then held her eyes for a moment, before releasing a breath and nervously surveying the room again. His heart pounded wildly in his chest and he felt the rush of blood go up his neck to color his cheeks. Leia reached out to feel his presence, but he gently rebuffed her attempt. He was desperately trying to maintain his composure and could not afford to divide his efforts by communicating with his sister.

The melodious chimes indicating the end of the reception reverberated throughout the room and Luke began to lead his sister, followed by a confused Talon Karrde, to the meeting chamber. As he did so, he reached out with the Force to look for Mara, only to have her unceremoniously shut him out. Any discussion of the perplexing turn of events would have to be postponed until the first intermission.


The multitiered meeting chamber was filled to capacity as the delegates from the many different Core Worlds presented their business needs and then listened as the members of the New Republic's sponsored Trade Federation offered their bids in competition against each other.

Luke and Leia had taken their seats in their assigned semi-circular booth and listened as the negotiations intensified while the more desirable routes were presented. Luke Skywalker had already pinpointed Mara and her guest's location and had repeatedly glanced over to her in an attempt to catch her eye.

For a man who had been rigorously trained not to rely on appearances alone, Luke Skywalker was having an increasingly hard time maintaining his decorum. Mara had communicated her decision to attend the conference, at Karrde's behest, but had not mentioned being escorted by Trent at all. The omission bothered him greatly.

His mind worked furiously for a solution to what he was sure was not what it seemed. Had Karrde instructed her to accompany Trent to the conference? And if so, to what end? Luke had heard enough about Trent's reputation to know that the majority of his business ventures were of the Rim World variety. Was he now a member of Karrde's organization? Had Karrde made a move to expand his business by incorporating Trent's less profitable routes? Try as he might, Luke was unable to see the benefit of that decision.

He glanced in Mara's direction again. She sat stiffly against the cushion of her seat while Gavean's arm rested carelessly over the back of her headrest. It was painfully clear that she was uncomfortable and doing her best to maintain the appearance of friendliness, but why?

And why was she so adamantly blocking him through the Force? Surely she'd know he'd understand any professional reasons she and Karrde might have for them not to appear as a couple at an official function, at least not yet.

Talon sat far below them, alongside the heads of competing trade organizations, listening intently and pouring over the information on his data pad. When it came time for him to speak, Mara and Gavean both edged forward in their seats - Mara in an effort to appear engrossed, and Gavean in order to glean what routes he might be able to talk Karrde into allowing him to service.

Talon's strong and confident voice filled the arena and his handsome and striking figure held the female attendees spellbound while he outlined his organization's structure and purpose. For Luke, however, the words faded into the background as he continued to analyze the situation from every conceivable angle. It was to no avail. Mara must have her reasons for appearing with Gavean Trent, he told himself in an effort to soothe his discomfort. He'd trusted her with his life on more than one occasion. Now it was time, he decided, that he trust her with his heart.


As soon as the overhead lights of the arena intensified, signifying the first intermission, Luke and Leia were instantly surrounded by individuals clamoring for a moment of their time. Leia smiled courteously and graciously responded to each greeting while Luke simply stood by her and shook a few hands. Leia could sense her brother's distress but hoped he'd have the patience to wait until the evening had concluded before approaching Mara. Regardless of what transpired between them, she trusted her brother to retain his demeanor. Mara's temper, however, was legendary and it would do neither of them any good to have a public display of anger where all in attendance would witness it.

Mara glanced off into the distance and caught a glimpse of Luke and his sister hopelessly surrounded by dozens of dignitaries, traders, and public officials, and decided to make her move. She slipped past Gavean and exited their booth, pulling him behind her by his shirtsleeve.
"I'd like some fresh air, please," she spat out in what sounded more like a command than a request.

Gavean nodded and began escorting her out of the chamber and toward the closest exit. He would have preferred to be introduced to the Chief of State and her brother, but he was certainly not going to turn down an opportunity for a few moments alone with Mara Jade. Whatever he had said to her at Customs that afternoon had set her off like a proton torpedo, but it had apparently also caused her to reconsider his previous advances.
Whatever the reasons for her change of heart, Gavean intended on taking advantage of the situation.

By the time Luke was able to disentangle himself from the throng of beings blocking him and his sister in place, Mara had exited the building altogether. He lowered his gaze, focused his mind and quickly scanned the room but could not locate her anywhere inside the massive chamber.
Before Leia could dissuade him, Luke made for one of the exits. He hurried past guests and onto the street, barely avoiding a hovercraft or two. Once outdoors, he closed his eyes and reached out to her once again. Instinctively, he opened his eyes and looked up towards the top of the building. He could scarcely catch her dissipating presence but knew she had traveled to the rooftop of the government center.
Luke Skywalker smiled inwardly and re-entered the building, heading for the lifts that would bring him face to face with her.


Mara held on to the railing and let the strong wind whip her hair out of the set of clips that had held it in place. She took a deep breath and tried to quiet her mind and body. Everything about being on this rooftop now felt strangely out of place.

It had been on this very spot that Luke Skywalker had given her his father's lightsaber. It was a gift that was to set in motion the beginning of her new life as the former Emperor's Hand. It had also marked the beginning of the long and winding road that she and Luke would travel together. A road that had led to an invaluable friendship - the first in her life - and ultimately, into his arms and into his bed.

She felt the moisture well up in her eyes and turned her face into the wind, eyes wide open, and allowed the tears to be blown back and away from her cheeks.

"Credit for your thoughts, Red," Gavean offered sardonically.

Mara turned to face him and, for the first time, carefully studied his features. Gavean Trent was admittedly a very attractive man. His dark good looks were masculinity personified and he exuded virility and strength, if little else. Whatever Luke Skywalker had made her feel, a man like Gavean could make her feel as well. A kiss, after all, was the same as any other.

Forcing her body to inch forward, she leaned in to him and slowly brought her face toward his own. Gavean did not waste a single moment in reaching out and roughly pulling her into his arms, crushing her mouth under his.

Mara brought her hands against his chest and for a second, recoiled away from the fury of his attack. Hesitantly, she allowed his demanding tongue to enter her mouth and waited for a reaction from her body. It never came. Instead her mind began screaming for her to pull away.

Luke Skywalker dodged the crowds that gathered in the lobby and, stepping in sideways, squeezed his body into a lift just as the doors had begun to close.

He reached into his pocket, pulled out the small rectangular box he had concealed there and pried open the top. Grinning, he touched the object gingerly with his fingertip then closed the lid and let his head fall back on the cold metal of the lift's inner wall to begin counting the seconds before the doors would hiss open.

When they finally did, he bounded out and in a couple of steps, rounded the corner. A lightning bolt of shock coursed through his body the instant his eyes focused on the kissing couple. His body screeched to a halt and the box fell out of his hands, hitting the floor with a small crack and splitting open to toss its contents onto the ground.

Luke Skywalker stood, bolted in place, and unable to move. His jaw clenched jaw shut and his hands closed into tight fists.

Mara had felt his presence, but not in time to disentangle herself from Gavean's strong hold. She pushed back from him with both her hands and turned to see Luke standing just a few feet from her, his eyes an icy-blue hue, and his neck and face beginning to flush furiously.

Mara's mouth opened and closed and her breath caught in her throat as she tried to whisper Luke's name. Unshielded, his heartache seared her senses and along with the betrayal he now felt, screamed its distress through the Force for all to hear. The sheer intensity of the pain that emanated from him hit her all at once, causing her to stumble back a step, and she found herself rendered speechless by its raw power and strength.

His eyes bored into hers and held her gaze steadily, begging for an explanation to what he had just witnessed. When none came, disbelief washed over his face and his eyes began to cloud over.

For his part, Gavean Trent stood frozen in place and watched the scene unfolding before him, unable to speak. He would have taken the opportunity to bed Mara Jade had it presented itself, but he wasn't foolish enough to believe the opportunity worthy of risking his life, and the mere sight of the barely contained Jedi standing before him caused his knees to buckle with fear.

Luke Skywalker swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and with a resigned nod of apparent understanding, turned on his heel and disappeared from sight.

Mara Jade felt the impact of his barriers slamming shut against her and against the galaxy at large, and her eyes blinked hard in surprise. She stood in place for another moment and tentatively reached for the presence that had been a constant in her life for the past ten years. In its place, she felt the vast void of the Force swirling around her as if she were the only living being within its confines. The wind that had whipped around her now seemed to pierce right through her body as the solitude descended upon her mind and spirit. Unconsciously, she reached out with her hand and struggled to reach him, but was greeted only by the sound of the wind whispering ominously.

Suddenly cold, she wrapped her arms around herself and lowered her eyes to the ground before her feet. Taking an unsteady step, she kneeled to retrieve the object Luke had let fall to the ground. She picked up the delicate Cyandria bud in her trembling hand and held it in her palm. The sunset-colored petals ruffled violently under the winds that batted against them. Mara rocked back on her heels and held the bloom to her chest, weeping silently.


Luke Skywalker was out of the Government Center and away from the city streets before the chimes echoed through the meeting chamber once again. Leia and Talon both looked at each other across the ocean of seats and exchanged worried looks. Neither Luke, Mara, nor Gavean had reappeared after the short intermission. Leia shrugged her shoulders and offered him a wan smile before taking her seat and redirecting her attention to the negotiations which were about to resume.

Leia could almost hear Han's voice inside her head. 'Luke can take care of himself, sweetheart!' She sighed, smoothed out the wrinkles from the skirt of her gown, and decided to garner whatever bit of comfort she could from her husband's words.


Gavean let out the breath he was holding and watched as Mara kneeled on the ground, clutching the small flower to her bosom.

"Well, that was an uncomfortable moment!" he shouted with false bravado into the wind. He readjusted the collar of his tunic and walked a couple of steps to where Mara sat. He reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Shall we continue where we left off, sweetheart?" he offered her.
Mara shrugged off his hand and, in an instant, grabbed him by the front of the shirt and pinned him to the railing behind them. Gavean reached to his side and held on for dear life, his neck craning to view the heights from which she now threatened to throw him.

"You ever lay a hand on me again, Trent," she spat out, "and there won't be enough of you to scrape clean."


Mara leaned against the outer wall of the gymnasium building and slipped off her high-heeled sandals, rubbing her reddened toes and the balls of her feet. In the past hour, she had scoured every place she thought Luke could have possibly sought to seclude himself, while desperately trying to keep despair from overtaking her altogether.

Luke Skywalker had not only been shielding himself, he had seemingly yanked his presence away from her so that not even a trail of him could be felt anywhere. Without the warmth and comfort of his Force print within reach, the void that descended on her heart and soul felt like an endless precipice, a cold chasm through which she continued to fall without ever hitting bottom.

She struggled to focus and in the absence of his Force identity, used reason to discern where he might have gone. She had checked his apartment suite first, then had spoken with Ground Control, expecting to be informed of his sudden departure to Yavin IV, but had been surprised to hear that he had not requested a clearance.

She had been to Coruscant's library and checked the private reading room he had reserved there, only to find it empty and dark. The government center's central courtyard and the gymnasium had been dead ends as well.

Slowly opening her palm, she looked at the tiny flower bud she had carried in her hand.

The greenhouse…

Mara slipped on her shoes and rapidly made her way to the Solo household. When she reached the building's inner lifts, she called the Force around her and willed her mind to remember the set of codes that would give her entry. As each digit was recalled, she punched it into the pad and smiled when the access panel's light flashed green and the lift began to move upward.

The intense humidity of the greenhouse's interior was soothing and she carefully tiptoed around the greenery, holding her breath. Unable to use the Force to detect his presence, Mara had to rely on her vision alone, and the darkness within was almost impenetrable.

As she neared the corner where the Cyandria bulbs were planted, her eyebrows knitted tightly in confusion. Peering closer and straining to focus her eyes in the dark, she noticed that the bulbs' protective covering had been pulled off and that each of the blooms was in varying stages of wilting. Several had already succumbed to the lack of nutrients and additional moisture they required to survive out of their natural habitat and had folded and collapsed.

Mara's face contorted in grief as the symbolic gesture of Luke's actions became clear to her. Her heart tightened painfully in her chest and the despair she had fought so hard to keep at bay burst its barriers and smashed against her consciousness with its full impact.

Mara fell to her knees and contemplated the consequences of what she had done. The only acts of kindness and affection that she had ever experienced had been at the hands of Luke Skywalker. In his arms she had come to know love, security and tenderness. In their friendship she had found a solid foundation with which to build a new life and which had given her the strength to shed her past and forgive herself for the atrocities she had committed on behalf of her emperor.

He had gently courted her, wooed her and allowed her to experience the simple pleasures of life once again. He had accepted her as she was, flawed and misguided, and had given her what no one else had dared to - his unconditional love.

And yet, she had found it necessary to push him away, both physically and emotionally, withholding her growing affection for him in order to protect her stubborn pride. She had returned his devotion by taking all he had bestowed upon her and throwing it back in his face, effectively casting aside the only man who she could ever love.

Luke Skywalker had given her his soul, and she had given him nothing in return, save a broken heart.

And for what purpose? To conserve her reputation as the cold, steel-willed assassin who would never conceive of returning the love of the most deserving of men.

She looked down at the delicate wilting flowers through the flow of tears and thought about the events of the past several weeks. The life she had so convincingly believed she wanted to return to now meant nothing to her without Luke Skywalker to share it with.

'To have you in my bed every night for the rest of my life.'

Taking a ragged breath, she reached over and replaced the protective cover over the plants and wandered out of the greenhouse and into Coruscant's empty streets.


Not even the inky darkness of space, with its billion points of bright light, could offer him the solace his heart ached for. Luke Skywalker sat in the cockpit of his old X-Wing fighter, still docked in the landing bay, and stared out at the night sky.

The cockpit of this old, weathered ship, with its cracked leather seat and faded instrument panel, felt like home to him now. He lowered the canopy and stretched his legs before him, taking a deep breath and letting his mind drift back to the places the smell of his ship would take him.

Most young children slept with their arms wrapped around stuffed Ewoks or Banthas. As a toddler, Luke Skywalker had slept with miniature fighter models beneath his pillow. Now, the cockpit of his own beloved ship acted as his security blanket. It enveloped him in a cocoon filled with the smells and sights he loved best. Save one - Mara Jade.

He had promised himself he would not spend a moment's time in examination of the twists and turns of their relationship. He had taken a gamble, he reasoned, and he had lost. Time to fold the Sabbacc cards and go home. Time, too, he told himself, to begin to come to terms with the fact that perhaps he was meant to spend the rest of his days alone.

The odds had been stacked against him from the very beginning. For all of the adulation the galaxy bestowed upon him, he knew who he was. More importantly, he knew what he was. A farmer turned fighter pilot, with a powerful yet frightening birthright. He was Jedi Knight still struggling to understand his role in the universe but who, by all accounts, had little to offer a woman by way of comfort or lifestyle.

Mara Jade had made a new life for herself, denounced her past and had accepted the fact that the Force would forever be her ally - if she chose to perfect the use of it. She was also a stunningly beautiful woman who could command the attention and devotion of just about any man in the galaxy. Apparently, she had done just that.

He tried to keep the vision of her in Trent's arms from overtaking him once again and fiercely squeezed his eyes shut. It didn't help. His insides spun tightly and his stomach lurched forward as a wave of nausea washed over him. The familiar stinging he felt preceded the couple of tears that streaked down his face and he slammed his open palm on the throttle in frustration.

His mind tried desperately to override the pain and anguish he felt in his heart, but it could not do so convincingly. Mara had felt right, his soul wanted to shout out against all logic. She had felt right in his arms, in his bed, and in his life. He didn't care much that he had been her first, but he was heartsick at the notion of not being her last.

Resolutely, he opened the canopy and stepped out onto the ladder, taking each rung one by one. He couldn't remember the last time he had done so, always preferring to fling himself from the cockpit and allow his body to slide down the ladder with only his hands gripping the sides. He turned away from his only possession and began walking back to his apartment.


Still shielding himself from everything and everyone, he slipped into his darkened suite to an excited and jubilant Artoo, who issued a series of high-pitched beeps and whistles from his power station in the corner of the common room at the sight of his master.

Luke ignored his astromech's pleas for attention and slipped off his boots while still standing. He then picked them up with one hand and made his way to the floor-length window where he and Mara had spent so many nights in each other's arms.

His whole apartment felt empty and strangely vacant without her. He could still smell the lingering scent of her perfume and feel the swirling remnants of her presence surrounding him. He could almost hear her calling out his name.

He pushed himself away from the window and walked to his bedroom, head lowered and boots still in hand. As he did so, the decorative lights over his bed's headboard sprang to life, bathing the sheets in soft light and illuminating the figure lying beneath them. Luke Skywalker looked up disbelievingly.

Mara Jade lay awake on his bed, her red-gold hair spread out over his pillow. His heart skipped a beat and his breathing stopped as his eyes poured over her naked body, sensuously outlined by the thin, linen-colored sheets.

Mara too, held her breath. Her red-rimmed eyes scanned his face for any hint of a reaction and her heart felt as if it would leap into her throat at his slightest move. She deserved to be flung out of his apartment, naked as she was, but her heart held out the hope that Luke Skywalker wasn't totally and irrevocably lost to her.

Her fears were temporarily subdued when, in one lightening-quick step, Luke crossed the distance between them and gathered her in his arms, sheets and all, and pressed her to him with all his might. Mara wrapped her arms around him and desperately clung to his body, burying her face in his neck. No longer restrained by her old notions of love and affection, Mara's body shook as her sobs racked through her and tears spilled uncontrollably.

Afraid of his reaction once his initial shock wore off, she resisted his attempts at pulling her face away from the crook of his neck to look into her eyes. Mara continued to cling to him as if her very existence depended on keeping him pressed to her, and her ragged sobs increased in intensity.
No sooner had he seen her lying in his bed, than he had dropped the mental walls he had built during the last couple of hours and allowed her access to the confines of his heart. Still, his unspoken assurances did little to soothe her present state. Instead, they reminded her of all she had almost lost, including the man who was now so readily offering it all to her anew.

"Shhh, my love," Luke whispered into her hair, as he ran his quivering hand down the back of her head, trying to comfort her. "Talk to me, Mara."
Mara shook her head against his shoulder and continued her desperate crying, unleashing years of pent-up emotion and refusing to be pulled away.
Luke tentatively probed her mind and found it open and receptive to his touch. Tortured images and raw feelings wove in and out of each other and swirled in a raging storm of despair. Above it all, Luke Skywalker sensed her paralyzing fear that she had lost him, and for the first time, he understood that for all of her indications to the contrary, Mara Jade loved him deeply.

His heart pounded so hard in his chest that he could hear its deafening rhythm in his head, almost drowning out Mara's sobs. Slowly, he maneuvered to unbuckle his belt and unfasten his holster while still keeping Mara pressed against him. He then slipped out of his tunic, one shoulder at a time and flung it away from the bed. He tenderly began pulling the sheets away from her so that he could join her beneath them and gasped when his skin came into contact with hers. He felt her nipples harden against him and could immediately feel his erection begin to throb with desire. Mara, too, took in a sharp breath then released it as he lay back against the pillows, taking her with him.

Luke alternated kisses and caresses with whispered reassurances, rocking her slightly in his arms. After what seemed like an eternity, Mara's body began to show signs of exhaustion and she fell, depleted, across his chest. Luke gently lifted her face to his own and gazed at it lovingly. Her eyes were all but swollen shut from crying and her face was blotchy and red, but her overwhelming beauty still held him spellbound.

He smiled warmly and lowered his lips to cover her own. Mara drank in his kiss and immediately opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to languidly caress hers. She put her heart and soul into the kiss, trying to transmit what she knew her words could not, and sighed heavily when she felt his acceptance of her anguished apology.

"Oh, Luke," she pleaded, her voice hoarse, "I …"

The words caught in her throat and she struggled to gather a breath. "Make love to…"

Both her request, and the sound of her calling him by his first name, caused his body to react instantaneously. Before she could finish her sentence, he rolled her over onto her back and bestowed dozens of soft, hot kisses on her face and neck, simultaneously brushing aside locks of hair that were plastered to her cheeks.

As he moved down her body, he cupped a bare breast in his hand and brushed the pink, soft nipple with his thumb before wrapping his lips around it, teasing it with his tongue. As it sprang to life, he kneaded her breast eagerly and sucked harder, causing Mara to gasp with pleasure. He repeated his ministrations on her other breast as she threaded her fingers through his silky soft hair and whispered his name repeatedly.

He moved slowly down her body, planting kisses down her stomach, past her bellybutton and to the insides of her thighs. Mara parted her legs, writhing in ecstasy and pressed her fingers into his shoulders. Placing a kiss atop the sprinkling of strawberry blond hair first, Luke parted her swollen labia with one hand and caressed the delicate folds of skin with the tip of his tongue.

Her body shot upward as he continued to tease the crevices of flesh within her and taste the increasing bursts of warm moisture that sprang forth, before moving his lips slightly against the sensitive bud of skin at the center and taking it gently into his mouth.

Mara's body began to convulse and her insides tightened, yearning to feel him inside her. Luke moved up her body to once again suckle on an erect nipple and then slipped two of his fingers within her, moving them in and out of her molten core. Her screams echoed throughout the suite, and her fingers dug deep into the skin of his shoulders as her body spiraled out of control with the force of her orgasm.

Luke's own erection, still constricted within his pants, ached painfully against the fabric as he held Mara against him and felt the waves of pleasure crashing over her. He lifted his head and brought his forehead to rest against hers, holding her head with both of his palms and showering her lips and cheeks with gentle kisses.

"No," he heard her sigh against his cheek, as she wrapped her legs around his torso and sought out his hardened shaft. "Not enough." Her body craved to have him inside her, to become one with him again, and to feel his seed spill out within her.

Before he could respond, she ran her hands down his sides and began unfastening his trousers and pulling them down past his buttocks. His erection throbbed in her grip and a deep groan escaped from his lips as she pumped it with her hand, running her slender fingers along the length and smearing the bead of moisture over the swollen head with her thumb.

Luke's hips thrust against her as his tongue plunged into her mouth and began emulating the same motion and rhythm her hand had initiated. Mara sighed and moved to cup his scrotum in the palm of her hand, squeezing him gently and sending his desire into the stratosphere.

He snaked his hand between them, and holding it over her own, ran his hardened penis along the wet, petal soft skin before plunging into the depths of her with a tortured moan. Mara arched her back, thrusting her hips toward him, and felt her inner muscles clamp down as he began to undulate within her at an increasing pace. She was immediately light-headed and her mind felt devoid of any rational thought as her body relished in the feelings of intense pleasure Luke's lovemaking invoked.

With each new thrust Luke endeavored to bury himself deeper within her, working towards the inevitable climax and spurred on by her moans and lust-filled pleas for him not to stop. As he reached his crescendo, he hooked one arm behind her knee, tilting her hips upward and with one final thrust, sent them both over the edge, spiraling into simultaneous orgasms, sending his seed exploding into her depths.

Gasping for breath, he collapsed in her arms and buried his face in her neck. She quivered beneath him and ran her fingers through his damp hair. Both were covered in a thin sheen of sweat that had immediately begun to cool in the aftermath of their lovemaking. Luke rolled onto his back, gathering her with him, and held her tightly in his embrace as she wrapped her arms and legs around his body and tried to gather oxygen into her lungs.

He heard her whisper-soft voice inside his head and suddenly his heart soared and his soul rejoiced.

'For the rest of my life?' He asked gently through the Force.

Mara smiled and nodded her head against his chest while she caressed his face with her fingertips, tracing the line of his jaw.
'In your bed every night for the rest of your life,' she answered, and reached up to seal the promise with a kiss.
