i am such a sad person. i borrowed the character of Zev and Klause
and their story from the fanfilm 'The Dark Redemption'. i'm sure
u've all seen it. the actress who played her was cool.

summary: someone in Mara's past has come back (no. its not the
emperor!) someone who will be hurt when he finds out the truth,
someone who she deceived.

Disclaimer. Any recognisable character don't belong to me (I wish
they were! Then I'd be rich!! Mwaaahaaahaaahaaa) so don't flame me
or sue me or kick me or punch me or .....


Chapter 1

Zev Senesca leaned back into his seat as the stars rushed beyond his
sight, an indication of his ship back in hyper-space, back to
civilisation, at last. After 11 years, there's just so much rurality
a man could take. Besides its just time to finally reap some bounty
from the government he had helped to establish (in his own way of

It was good to be heading back to the comforts of civilized space.
11 years was a long time, no matter how profitable. Now Zevv is
coming back from the Unknown Space a rich man, thanks to the spice
trade he had established with a system eager to exchange their
abundant and useless supple of glimmerstym for the comforts of
technology from the core.

Zev had been deprived of news for a long time except for the minimum
and rushed reports from his contacts in the Outer Rim. He preferred
to keep his investment safe by personally undertaking the
Administratorial duties of his ever increasing operation. But now
that he had finally found a manager worth his salt in Brienta, he
can finally take a breather and inspect his assets from the other

Zev was once a Rebel. He became one when his family was killed by
the imperials during a raid in the Bestine system. Along with his
former partner Klause, they wrecked havoc among local Moffs on
whichever unlucky planet they may have chanced upon. But one mission
stuck up from the rest, the retrieval of a certain red-head and the
pivotal information which ultimately led to the end of the Empire
and the rise of the Rebellion. That mission had imprinted itself
into his mind. A special friend died that day, one that he had tried
to find 2 years after the event and still thought about constantly,
of what could have been had circumstances been different. There had
been many people in Zevv's life but the one he'd lost was the one
who left the most dent. Well another day, another life. He checked
his chrono and realized it was almost time.

He activated his comm station. Though his coordinates weren't quite
near enough to give him a clear line to Coruscant, it was enough to
connect to the Ukio system. He silently laughed to himself, Klause,
a farmer? Never in a million years would he have thought that that
arrogant son of a nerf would be. Well that's what marriage does to
you, mellows you down. He wondered if he would have done that.
Settled down for a life of peace and quiet to be a good husband and
father. A life without mines collapsing on hired help, pirates
stealing shippings, irate politicians who can't just get enough and
the excitement of not always knowing if your gamble would bring more
luck or bring down the house for the trading operation.

He saw a small flicker of the comm unit, a holo projection. Klause
must be making serious money. He punched the button to put the call
through. A man's image floated to greet him.

" Long time no see Zev. Its so good to see you." Klause said welcome
evident in his voice.

" Its been a long time huh? You look different" he greeted Klause.
And indeed he was. Klause looked older now but with an inner shine
of contentment coming through.

" And you look almost the same as the last time I saw you. How have
you been my friend?"

" Good. This visit's a bit of an impulsive decision. You're the only
one I've notified. I was wondering if I could stay with you for a
while, just long enough to sort out an accomodation." Zev asked.

" You have always been impulsive Zev. Let me guess, you havent even
thought of a place for a Base of Operations yet have you? But of
course u can crash with us in the farm." Klause looked happy enough.
They had kept in touch through occasional messages throughout the
years and after all they've done together they hadn't really

This time Zev did smile, " Some things never change, Klause,
remember that. But its really a good feeling coming back to the
place I grew up in. it feels like I'm coming home from a really long
holiday, you know?"

Klause grinned too, " I know."

" Well, yeah." Zev avoided being emotional, he detested being
emotional. So he diverted to a more mundane topic " Er. So what's
been happening in this crazy galaxy anyway. I received news that the
NR and the Empire just signed a peace treaty. Pretty far fetched

Klause laughed this time, hard. " Still the same Zev. Mr `Diversion
is the name for discretion'." Klause then sobered up, but there was
a hint of a hilarity in his eyes. "Anyway its not just a story.
Gavrisom and Palleon just signed the documents for a cease fire a
month ago. So it is a bit quiet here."

" Really? Wow, finally, peace at last."

" Yeah, and the buzz around here is that the marriage of the
Rebellion's greatest hero and a high ranking former Imperial agent
sealed the treaty. And.....er....ahh!" Klause exclaimed. Now all signs
of laughter was gone from his eyes. He looked like a man who just
lost his best miner.

" What? What is it?"

" There's something I have to tell you. But better when we're face
to face, huh? It's kinda important."

Zev was reluctant. " Well OK, if you say so. Nothing really bad is

Now Klause gave a sheepish grin. " Didn't mean to sound too down on
you pardner. No ,nothing bad, well depends how you view it anyway."

" Well I'm less than 3 days away. Ill meet you at the spaceport ,

" Yeah. I'll see you then."

" Say hi to Yuli for me and tell Greig I have the full set of the M-
T30 droid all for him. OK?"

" Yeah, I'll tell them. I'll see you in a few days. Ukio Out."

" Jaded Out."


2 days later

Zev was woken from his light sleep in the when the ship
shuddered out of hyper-space. He knew something was wrong, hugely
wrong, specially if an Interdictor-class cruiser is involved.

" Great." he said in exasperation. Not even a week in the
region and he's already being dragged to trouble.

He sat down the pilot seat and adjusted his restraints and the auto-
pilot sequence to manual over-ride. Zev's ship is a heavily modified
Anxarta-Class freighter. Antique definitely, but with the
modifications he'd personally placed backing up the twin laser
cannons and the turbolaser cannons, this freighter is formidable in
combat situation.

But the burst of energy, probably coming from a turbolaser cannon,
just came out of nowhere, startling the pilot and activating the
grating alarms all over the ship. It also activated one of the laser
cannons by accident, directly hitting and destroying one of the
smaller ships which was positioned to take a clear shot at the ship
who looked like it was the victim. Zev shut off his cannons and
tried to manuever out of the crossfire and when far enough swung
back to see the battlefield. From what his reading told him,
the `fleet' he's assume was attacking, was a rag-tag group of bounty-
hunter ships. He'd already ID'd a half of them. But, Force know's
where they got their hands on an interdictor, it seems their target
was important enough who deserve all those preparations.

Their hapless victim was some kind of luxury yacht with none-
reflective gray hull. This ship, he couldn't ID. Zev considered
helping the outnumbered and outgunned yacht but his sensors told him
that his hyper-drive was burned and that sub-light engines where
only functioning at 45%. Even his weapons are currently down.
Probably overloaded. The one who fired at him did a real good job,
and just one shot too. Zev let lose his vocabulary of extremely
colorful phrases. Looks like he's down for the count.

And speaking of count, the yacht seems to be having a field day out
there. The yacht, moving with unbelievable grace and speed was
taking out one ship at a time. The pilot wasn't taking any chances.
He seemed to have everything under control.

And then suddenly there were just three ships left out of 8. One of
them the cruiser. The others looked like their engines and weapons
had been put out of operation and was just floating in space while
the pilots try frantically to do some repairs. Zev felt relieved, it
looks like the pilot could handle himself and his ship against a
whole fleet with his fancy flying. And then it was over. The
Interdictor was disabled, and the ships escaped into hyperspace as
soon as a window of opportunity was opened.

Zev assessed his damage. With only sub-light engines on operation,
his only hope was if someone with a big enough ship would drop by or
if he limped to the nearest spaceport to affect repairs. According
to his navi-computer, the nearest, the Harana Systems, was just half
a day away in his current speed. Luck, it seems was on his side

Zev tried to open a channel to the other ship. He was pretty sure
the pilot doesn't regard him as an enemy, since he technically saved
his life, however accidental he went about it. He only received
static. His comm unit was fried too, he could only send and receive
written typed communications. Might as well. But he had to be
careful. No one, except Klause and family knew that he was coming,
he had to maintain anonymity.

/ You still whole in there? / he greeted.

/ Yes, thank you for the save, by the way. Although, our hyper-drive
seems to be having some trouble. / was what he saw on his comm
screen. He noticed that the pilot didn't give his name or the name
of his ship either.

/ Mine too. I'm heading for the nearest shipyard to have it
repaired. Anything I can help you with?/ he asked untruthfully.

/ No thanks. I think I can handle it. My hyper-drive just came on-
line. I'll see you around./

/ Yes./

/ May the Force be with you./

/ And with you./

The ship then turned and exited into hyper-space. Zev didn't
bother trying to vector the ship, he doubted he would see him again
anyway. He busied himself instead with downloading the coordinates
of shipyard on his navi-computer.


13 hours later

After a gruelling haggling session with a touchy official on the
ground, Zev finally began preparation for touch down. The shipyard
looked busy and judging by the touchiness of the official there
seems to be a bit of fanfare going on around there. Probably a

The touch down sequence was smooth. Now all he had to do was find
somebody in this chaos willing to fix his ship before he turned
gray. Fortunately credits weren't a problem. But he probably need
to drop Klause a line. He may need a few days to fix it.

When he disembarked from his ship, he immidiately knew he'd be here
for at least a couple of days. The air was festive and light.
Everyone seemed exited including the visitors, but most specially
the locals.

Harana is a fairly populated system, but the main planet of the
system itself is a self preservating one. Their main economic crutch
comes from their tourism industry. Harana is a beautiful planet
composed mainly of glacier topped mountains filled with ancient
catacombs which towers over the few green plains, densely populated
by the locals and hotels. Those same holed mountain ranges which is
extremely popular with visitors for their physical beauty and
recreational values. A perfect vacationing spot. The only problem
was the locals. The Haranians are small, beings with spindly arms
and legs , fluttery webbed wings, skins of varying shades of yellow
and pointed faces. Two things makes the Haranians memorable, one,
that they have unusual eyes. Instead of having two like most beings,
they have four, two normal ones and two on stalks above their heads,
two, they are terrible gossips. Everyone of them seems to know
everything in the galaxy, from unconfirmed rumors of marriages
between celebrities, to important concealed information from the
Republic. The fact that the planet, as well as being a hot tourist
spot, was a major Communication Relay Station don't seem out of
place. There's nothing else a Haranian likes than spend all day
exchanging gossip.

Zev walked through the crowded spaceport, everyone seemed to be in
a state of excitement, even the numerous tourists seems to be swept
by it. Zev shook his head, he'd better find a mechanic soon or he'll
be here all week. He looked up and made a bee line straight for the
first official looking spaceport worker he saw.

" I need some repairs." Zev said immidiately.
The worker, who had his face shoved into the datapad he was reading,
fluttered in surprise. "Izz , I am iver zzo zzori,
mizzter....Zzzenezca, izzn't it?"

Zev was unsurprised. Heck, he was impressed! "Yep! Now about my

"Yezz, yezz. We are aware of the problem with you're zzhip. We have
zzint for a michanic already and the work will be finizzhed..." he
consulted his datapad `...in three dayzz time."

" Three days!" Zev sighed with relief. He expected longer. The port
must be very well equiped to be able to handle a job like this. Now
all he had to do was drop Klause a line and find something to amuse
him while he's here.

" Thatzz the earliezzt we can make it, zzir. I am iver zzo zzori.
Meanwhile, would you like me to arrange your accomodationzz for you?
Or iven maybe a tour of the famouzz Catacombzz?" the Haranian said

"Just the accomodations, thank you. I'll find my own entertainment."

"Yezz, Yezz. Please can you come back in half an hour to collect
you're rezzervationzz in the main offizze building. Everything will
be zzet for you. Izz there anything ilzze I can help you with?"

"`Yes. Can you tell me what's all the fuss about? Everyone seems

"`Yezz, veri ezzited. There izz a veri important perzzon who landed
juzzt half an hour ago, very very important perzzon. The Prime
Minezztra izz coming down to meet with her himzzelf."

" Must be a politician then. Right, I'll be back for those
reservations as soon as I get something to eat. Thanks." And with a
last wave, he turned on his heels with the single-minded purpose of
finding himself something edible to eat.

Zev kept himself within the crowed at all times, warily looking
around, out of habit than anything else. Then out of the corner of
his eye he caught a glimpse of something familiar. His heart jumped.
He looked around.

It wasn't there. He strode to the general direction, frantically
looking around. There was a large crowd in front of him, all
laughing, clapping and whispering to each other at the same time. He
shoved himself to the front, convinced that what he was looking for
was somewhere within the throng. He ignored the curses directed at
him as he squeezed his considerable bulk between the crowd. Then he
saw her.

His heart stopped.

His breath caught in his throat.
She was alive.

For a while he just stood there, staring at her. The same
emerald eyes, the same abundant red hair, the confident stance. It
can't be, he saw her die. It just can't be.

His mind tells him that it can't be her, that he knows she's dead.

But his heart knew it was her.

Mara Jade.

Someone bumped into him. Bumped him back into reality. Mara was
surrounded by a gaggle of richly dressed Haranian's and other
species. Then he remembered what the spaceport worker told him. She
must be the `very important person' they were all excited to see.

Zev doesn't know what to think. And before he can think properly, he
shouted "Mara!" loudly.

Several people looked at him. They were startled. Heck, he was
surprised! But even against the constant humming of conversation
around him, she somehow heard his call. She turned her head to his
direction and he knew, definitely, that it was her. That she was
really alive and somehow became such an important person, she was
greeted by all fanfare when she landed.

He saw in her eyes, puzzlement at first, then recognition, then a
hint of sadness before a cold mask replaced it. A polite mask for
the media and politicians alike.

Her entourage continued walking. He stood there as the crowd
surrounding him slowly dispersed, remembering a certain 2 months 13
years ago. He was jolted back to reality when he felt himself being
tapped in the shoulder. He jerked around to see a man, holding out a
note for him.

"This is for you." He said quietly.

"Thanks." He said woodenly as he reached out to receive the note. He
read it.


Its good to see you again. I have so much to tell you, to apologise.
Don't worry, I'll see you soon.


"What does she mean by ...." But the messenger was gone.


Zev checked in the hotel. Appetite gone, he headed straight for the
holo station installed in his room. He needed to talk to someone.

"Hey Zev, I didn't expect to hear from you this soon. Hey buddy,
what's wrong, you look pale." Klaude said worriedly.

" You knew didn't you? You knew and you didn't tell me." He said
accusingly. Keeping his anger tightly in check.

"you must have heard huh?" Klause sighed.

"Heard? No, worse. I've seen her. She's here. And she's alive!"

"What was I suppose to tell you? Listen, I couldn't believe it
either when I saw her. It's a long story and I intend to tell you
personally. Where are you? I'll come straight away. You have you
have to understand."

Zev sighed, anger deflated in the face of Klause's reasoning.

" I'm in Harana, registered under my real name in the Kerma'a-lblat
hotel in the southern hemisphere. I'll see you later."

" Just stay there. I'll be there in the morning. Rest. Get some

" I think I will."


After word:

This fic is a point of view fic. As you notice from the title. Zev
and Klause aren't my character. I borrowed them from a fanfilm I
watched which happens to be quite good. Its called `The Dark
Redemption' if you haven't seen it check it out in theforce.net.
this may take a while but im now currently working on the next
installment. Any review would be welcome. PLS PLS PLS...I want a

And did I tell you guys that this is my first fic? So be gentle
with me. Tee hee.