Life has been keeping me out of this end of the universe, I've been lurking and reading as much as possible -- hope to get some feedback up soon. And a battle with writer's block has kept my own screen blank for far too long. However this afternoon I felt like curling up and watching the snow fall -- so I thought I would fiddle around a bit. It is just a little one part scene. Not even worth bothering a beta with it. Therefore, every misused comma, infringement of the EU, and jumbled sentence is my fault and not a reflection of any of the amazing betas on this list. Just wrote it and thought I would share.

Hope you enjoy.

Setting: A few days after the end of Star By Star. At the end of a long day saving the galaxy Luke Skywalker heads off to bed... (now get your minds out of the trash compactor -- it's PG13 ;)

Day's End
By Niqella
Rating: PG13

Disclaimer: Just playing in Mr Lucas' galaxy far, far away. All in fun, no infringement intended.

By the time he reached the entrance to their quarters aboard the Errant Venture, his head hung loosely as he walked -- like he was still moving a pebble through the warm Tatooine sand. Tonight, Luke felt every one of his forty-five years. In the solitude of the corridor he reflexively kneaded his nagging shoulder - yet to heal after their escape from Coruscant, while he reached out to the control panel with an open yawn. Twenty-five years ago he fought to save the galaxy with youth and idealism. And now the stakes seemed so much higher, and his youth and idealism lost. Stepping into the barracks, he looked across at the quietly sleeping pair, and instantly was reminded of what he was fighting for.

Mara's face peaked out from behind her red gold locks - asleep, her body sprawled across the narrow bottom bunk, her hand still on the motion controls of Ben's cradle. She had left the debriefing early, in order to settle Ben. The night before she had spent helping to settle refugees into the tight and limited confines of the Venture. His wife's energy and resilience daily kept him in awe. Across from Mara, their son slept quietly in a makeshift crib created from an old bunk; his arm slung over his eyes much like his father. Peeling off the top of his flightsuit, Luke sat at the unoccupied end of Ben's bunk to remove his soiled shirt and boots - all the while watching mother and son sleep. Ben's small lips sucked gently, perhaps at the meal he was enjoying in his dreams, and then let out a contented little sigh - bringing a heartfelt smile to his father's face. Sweet dreams little man.

Luke let his foot fall to the floor as he freed it from his sock and starred with infatuation at his wife's silhouette. A soft moan escaped her twisting form, the sheet moving fluidly over her curves. Never would he tire of watching her like this - soft, beautiful, alluring. In their seven years of marriage he would often just sit in silence and watch her sleep - breathing in, and out. Mara rolled back into the comfort of her pillow with a low sigh. Like a man intoxicated his eyelids drooped and he forced himself to his feet. He wanted nothing more than to crawl in beside her. Still, however seductive her body draped over the narrow bunk appeared it also left no room for him. Removing the rest of his clothes he reached for the ladder to the top bunk.

Half a step up a bare foot hooked his ankle, "Where you going?" Came Mara's voice, it was husky with sleep.

Luke looked down to find her emerald eyes gleaming through the shadows of the room, and as always he found himself holding his breath, "Didn't seem to be enough room." He smiled finding his voice to tease her - Mara was notorious for hogging the bed.

Reaching up she hooked her arms round the bed above her pillow and stretched with cat like grace. "More room than the bunk on that Chiss craft," she purred with the pretense of innocence, her toes skimming over his foot, "and much more comfortable than that cave on the far side of Yavin."

"I don't remember getting much sleep those nights," he chuckled lightly as he stepped down and planted himself on the foot of the bed.

"Oh, come to bed Skywalker," she rolled back against the wall, making room, "how can I sleep without you mumbling beside me." What she didn't say was how any bed seemed empty without him.

But it didn't matter, if his wife was asking him to come to bed she didn't have to ask twice. In one fluid movement Luke had settled himself aside Mara, wrapping her closely against his chest, with a yawn.

"Everyone settled?" she mumbled into his neck.

"Ya," he answered, growing increasingly slumberous. "We'll rendezvous with the rest of the fleet tomorrow and transfer the refugees," Luke continued with a sigh, "Then we can focus our efforts on the Unknown Regions."

Mara lifted her head to look down on the weary face of her partner; "Do you think Parck will help?"

He let out another heavy breath, and his eyes seemed to shrug and then gaze down at their hands intertwined on his stomach. "I don't know," Luke admitted honestly. "He wanted an alliance before - now we'll just have to see."

Looking back up into his wife's eyes with a soft smile, he pushed a lock of hair behind her ear before pulling her close into a slow gentle kiss. Some, if privy to this moment, might see him as vulnerable. A leader who, cramped into the barracks intended for the kitchen staff, admits to his doubts in strategy, a far cry from the gallant and wise hero historians would write about. However in Mara's eyes who he was at this moment was his strength. A man who assigns his family to less spacious quarters in order to accommodate more refugees, humble in his leadership and himself. He drove her mad at times, and at other times more madly in love.

She crinkled her nose, aloof, "Hopefully he's still not holding any grudges over us blowing up his little operation on Nirauan."

Luke laughed, "Well, we'll just let Leia start the negotiations." He pulled Mara close again, "Jag Fel believes they are willing. I spoke with him this afternoon, he was inquiring about Jaina --" His voice trailed off, and she could feel the turmoil in his emotions.

"Nothing from Jaina or Jacen?" It wasn't much of a question. She knew there was no word. But deep inside she hoped - like all of them, that somehow, by the Force, they would find a way to make contact. Day by day she was learning the frustrations and helplessness of being a mentor, and also as a parent.

"No," he whispered quietly, his emotions twinning hers. But beneath it all she could sense a sadness, which he had yet to come to terms with.

"They are strong Luke. They have each other…" she comforted. "And in some way, through the Force, they still have Anakin - we all do," and in the same breath she drew him out of the darkness.

His lip trembled slightly and he turned his head to watch Ben sleeping across the room. "I know," he murmurred. There had always been a part of him that thought of the twins and Anakin as his own children. And despite loving the three equally, Anakin charmed his way into a special spot in his uncle's heart. Now, there was a hole. Mara's hand smoothed over the side of his face.

"How did I get so old Mara," he sighed tracing the freckles on her shoulder by memory, his eyes still on Ben.

"Oh farmboy," she soothed, with a small laugh of understanding, "just wait until Ben is flying." She propped herself up on his chest; "I still see the brazen and idealistic spirit of the young Jedi upstart from twenty years ago." Luke chuckled at his wife's ever-jousting compliment, and watched her laughter soften. "Age brings great things Luke," she encouraged with quiet reflection. Leaning over she kissed him softy, like she was enjoying the first bite of a ripe applange.

They rested like that for several moments, enjoying the comfort of each other. Pulling away, her eyes warmed him. "We should get some sleep," she whispered sweet and low as she brushed her lips over his once more.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you," he offered, pulling back. Stroking her cheek, he wanted to hold onto her for just a few minutes more, his mind drifting back to the image of her when he first came in.

"Well that door has a noisy…" Mara's voice faltered for a moment, and then she yawned.

But the momentary lapse was not lost on Luke, whose mind continued to replay the earlier images of his wife as he eyed her slyly. "How long have you been awake?"

With a snort Mara flipped over, but not before giving him a quick glimpse of a mischievous smile. "Well, it was hard to sleep with you projecting so strongly from square across the room." She didn't admit her hand in encouraging such thoughts, but all her teasing was evident in her tone. "I do hope you are shielding that trash compactor mind of yours from our son."

Laughter poured out of Luke, and suddenly he felt young again. His hands sought the curves of his wife, pulling her around. "Jade," he chided her mockingly, then crushed his mouth against hers.

Mara twisted away halfheartedly in his arms, brushing up against him in the close confines of the bunk, as he attempted to capture her lips again. "Luke," her soft chortle only continued to lure him to her.

"You started this game," he defended, reaching his prize. Their bodies melting into each other.

"Ben's right over there," she reminded in between kisses, with a gentle swat to his arm.

Rolling her back against the pillow, his lips grazed her earlobe as he whispered, "We'll be quiet."

A snort escaped her, and she looked up a her husbands wry grin, "You couldn't even if you tried, Skywalker."

"There is no try," he recited with perfect Yoda inflexsion. Nudging her with is nose to gain access to the tender skin of her neck, Mara stifled a squeal. "Let me show you how quiet I can be," Luke promised roguishly as he pulled the privacy curtain on the bunk, and leaned into her body.

A small muffled gasp floated quietly into the silent hum of the room.
