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Welcome to the Kingdom of
Robbie Mason
I am king, and this is my throne couch
This is Sir Robert Lavern Ma-sone, he is almighty king, with a $3.10 pint of Vladimir Vodka in hand, the Mason Kingdom choice of fine liquor.
Check out the all the different activies Sir Robbie has done, or what has been done against his own will!  Be SURE to check out the ANTIQUING page!
Confessions of a Delirious Mind Robert Lavern Mahsone in his most honest moments!! CLICK HERE
The theories of Roberto Page
The grand scheme of thingsGO HERE later. Real pirates love this site
TO Jonathans page
The Spanish Version of Sir Robbie
Movie Reviews Index
This Many Scallywags have visited Roberto's Kingdom and laughed at his pitiness
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