Open Circles of Commitment
The idea for the Open Circles of Commitment, of the 21st Century Disciples of Christ, was an inspiration to Jess Cardona, an elder and businessman. In 2002, he started Bible classes with a number of people from the business community:

“In the Bible classes, we are all students together, and we sit at the very feet of the LORD and Teacher Jesus Christ. In every learning session, we lift out, from the Scriptures, the very words of Christ our Lord, the Author of the true faith that was once delivered. When quoting “Come unto me, all ye who are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest…” people often leave out the part where it says “Learn of Me…” Learn from Him. So we do. And He opens our minds to understand, from the Bible, how to live, and the reason for our existence. Why we are born. Why we are here. What is all for? What is the end? When do we move on? How do we get there?...

“Our job is not to enter into a battle to win over the minds and hearts of men. Our job is to proclaim. To announce. To bring to all the people of the world of every manner and kind, the good news, the herald, the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. It is not our job to win them over. Jesus Christ said, “No man comes to me except the Father draws him.”...

“You can see from the Bible, that Jesus Christ was the only one who explained being born again, because it is so crucial to your salvation. It is the cornerstone, central doctrine that will, when it is done, give us the privilege and blessing to enter the kingdom of God which is our true and final destiny!”

Sowers of the Seeds of Life
Then he was inspired with the idea for one-page sheet format. He began arranging Scriptures on various topics, beginning with The Kingdom of God, the Mystery of Salvation, the Church of God, illustrating them as one-page sheet printouts. He has them photocopied and distributes them in public spaces like malls and train stations. Information is compact, in blocks of text that commuters can easily read.

"Over the years, I have always labored in my mind, how can one begin to proclaim the gospel, the good news, the herald of the glad tidings of the coming kingdom of God, and the return of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, to begin a new world of peace and justice, over an entire planet earth that He has created. How then, shall we able, in the last days, proclaim that message?

“How are we going to bring this message in the simplest, most straightforward, most intense way? So finally the Lord Jesus Christ inspired in my mind the first page. Codified in my mind what is now called the Living Twelve Interactive Phases of the Spiritual Process of Salvation. Not just steps, one after another, but a process, interactive throughout that period.

“Eventually, as weeks went by, the one-page sheet charter became a two-page material. The Tribute, first to God, and the Dedication, to mankind also grew, beginning in 1997, in England. To what today is worded as follows:

To The HOLY FATHER, Most High GOD, The Ancient of Days, The Everlasting Presence, Divine Architect and Supreme Ruler of the whole Universe, Holy Sovereign of the Heavenly Hosts, all Dominions and Realms, Matter and Spirit, Visible and Invisible, Father of all Mercies, Father of Lights, The Eternal Creator, by JESUS CHRIST, of Existence, Time and Space, the Heavens, Earth and the Human Race. Divine Judge and Lawgiver unto Whom all Worship, Majesty, Glory, Honor, Power, Thanksgiving and Praise belong.

Mentioned are seven things that belong to God, offered by man.

The Dedication is now worded as such:

All Mankind. Peoples of every Nation, Language, Culture and Clime. To this Generation, And the next. For their Spiritual Liberty, Freedom, and Enlightenment. Renewal and Refreshing. Edification. Uplift. Abundant Life. Healing and Health. Peace. And Happiness.To the possession of their Spiritual Heritage. To the attainment of their True Destiny.

“The Tribute is an introduction of the true God, the Holy Father. His true attributes to the people of these islands, who thought that they knew the God of heaven, whom they did not really know. Now they will begin to know the distinct person of the Father and the beingness of Jesus Christ. The dedication discloses to all disciples of Christ, the believers and practitioners of the faith, their actual real mission. That not only will they bring the gospel, but lead the people of these islands into a spiritual exodus. For they are all captives to the darkness which has enveloped these islands for centuries. To lead them by directing them to the Bible, to the very principles that will bring them the abundant life, prosperity and good health. And to literally be useful in the hands of Christ and the Father, to actually be instruments to heal people of their many sicknesses, as they are revealed in the new testament.

“Reviewing the 12 Interactive Phases... it says in every word of this page that they are fully totally Scripture, the living Word of God, which is Spirit and Life. And here is revealed incontrovertibly, that this is the only way by which a man could finally reach what is called today, salvation. It reveals the meaning of belief. That it does not take just an emotional acceptance of saying 'I believe and accept Christ.' That you have to understand what. The apostle Paul in Romans 3.10, said that he recognized that the Jews, his counterparts, were enthusiastic and zealous for God, but Paul, a former Pharisee, concluded that their zeal was meaningless, because it was not according to knowledge. So faith without without true knowledge is vain. It is null. It is void.

“So, I challenge everyone to submit this to their pastors and find an answer. Some of them have given this to their pastors and asked them if this is right or wrong. None of them have been given an explanation. It has been months. One was warned "Don't traffic with the grace of God." Other than that they could not refute this. Some pastors say that 'born-again' must be right there after 'you are baptized.' But Christ said in John 3, that unless one is 'born of water, and the spirit' he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Notice, before one can enter the kingdom of God, he has to be born of water (baptized). But between being 'born of water' and being 'born of the spirit' which is a prerequisite to enter the kingdom of God, is a process of time. Actually and literally. After one is born of water, he is laid hands on, and he receives the gift of the Holy Spirit-the earnest, divine installment of everlasting life, the seed of the divine nature in him. From day one, he will go through the process of growing. Living in obedience. Watching and praying always. Overcoming and keeping God's Word. Enduring to the end. After that, at the return of Christ, if he's alive, he will be transformed from mortal to immortal. If he is dead, he is resurrected among those who rise first, who died in Christ, who were called to become the firstfruits, he will be born of the Spirit! When he is born of the spirit, at the same time, he is also born of God. At that very moment also is the final spiritual salvation. Yes, all of those happen in the twinkling of an eye. In that same breath, that person comes out of the womb of mother church after being nourished there and fed there spiritually all his life from the day he was born of water and spirit-begotten by the Holy Spirit. He reaches his final moment, and he is born again. Born again into immortality. Born again into his spiritual heritage. Into the very family of God. Born again into the kingdom of God. As an immortal being. Born to become a literal actual son of God, a spirit being in the family of God. To rule with Christ for a thousand years as a king and a priest, for that is his destiny. Until finally, to help those who will be resurrected, and finally to reach the city of God, and ultimately, to inherit the universe.

“Now, this single sheet, back-to-back page Divine Charter of Immortality is printed all over with the words of God. And it is distributed by the Sowers of the Seeds of Life. It is distributed free, and the Sowers are workers together in the Transglobal Federation of the Open Circles of Commitment of the 21st Century Disciples of Christ, as a spiritual education service. Free, because this is what Christ said. Whatsoever is given to you free, give it free. Even the address, There's significance in every word and number. It is addressed to the people of the Philippines. And comes out with this bold exclamation saying "Arise, Shine!..." quoted from Isaiah 60.1. As it expands, it will be addressed to specific nations in Asia, or in the world, as God provides. So let us be used by God as instruments in His hands to proclaim and publish the gospel of the kingdom of God. To preach it! Now as people ask and inquire, there will be answers on what does it mean to "preach and publish"? to "hear the gospel"? To "believe the gospel"? and so forth. The graphics will expand and improve and be more meaningful each time.

“About the distribution, I see to it that I started to bring it myself, so that I would understand how to do it. I distribute this in the gas station, where I get acquainted with , in the repair shops, in the malls, on the ATM machines, at the Customer Service counters, real estate companies, telephone booths. I hand them over to people at entrance and exits of parking lots. After services, I find time to distribute this at the Manila parks, Robinson's center. Sometimes I have 50 pieces, and by the time I exit the building, they're all gone. And I'm always excited. I get more and more excited by this. Even the person at the copy center had his copy laminated in a size that fit his pocket. He showed it to me, said that he had memorized all the phases, and he could always read it. And of course Christ inspired a manner and way by which eventually others will be called upon to distribute this themselves, to explain it themselves. And they are called Sowers of the Seeds of Life. And I know that Christ will more and more inspire better and more effective ways to do it. So I continue to meditate on this. We are only instruments in His hands. May God continue to give us the strength and the enthusiasm, and the ability, and the expanded ideas and the mind and the heart, and the perseverance to continue to carry this on, if only for a warning and a witness. If at some point, some of them can become actual believers, and eventually, practitioners of the faith, then PRAISE BE TO GOD!”

... AND Heal the Sick
In his Bible classes, Mr. Jess Cardona has found out that the Lord Jesus Christ instructed disciples to “preach the gospel AND heal the sick.” He observed that this is something we were not taught before. Since he started anointing those who were sick, along with bringing the news of God’s kingdom to those people, wonderful things have happened. Now before beginning of each Bible class, he asks, ‘Is anyone sick among you?’ In complete faith, he asks for God to heal, to command the sickness to leave. He always says to everyone he brings the gospel to: “The kingdom of God has come near you.”
Our elder Jess Cardona shared a reason to rejoice when he finished the first edition of a Primer (to the Divine Charter of Immortality.) Over several weeks, he assembled, printed, reproduced, collated and wire-bound all copies by himself. He has given copies to all those who requested one in the Bible classes outside the fellowship. It is an invaluable tool for anyone who wants to preach the gospel to first-time hearers, as it contains nearly all scripture references about all phases of the spiritual process of salvation, God’s dream for all mankind. It is like a compact manual/little book containing all the reminders, events, situations, thoughts, preoccupations of a believer and practitioner of God’s way, in his journey into the kingdom of God.

“My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”
—The Lord Jesus Christ, John 4.34
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world
as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
—Matthew 24.14