Program Title : "TFI Friday"

Station : ITV

Status : Pre-recorded, Stereo

Tx : November 29/30th 1996

Recording date : November 29th 1996

Songs Played : 'Australia'

Known Official Releases which carry any of this material : None.

Known UnOfficial Releases which carry any of this material : None.

'Australia' had just been issued as a single, and the Manics were hitting the usual television promotional spots. On 'TFI Friday', they played a bloodthirsty 'Australia' that demonstrated their newfound ability to 'rock like a bastard'(c MM). Watching this, it's hard not to break into a air guitar mode and pogo yourself to death around the living room. Puzzlingly, the version on the teatime broadcast was cut off before the Manics finished, to the immense annoyance of all listees and Manics fans. It was played in full length glory at the late-nite slot, and it's only come to my notice now as to why it was cut in the earlier broadcast - after that incident TFI was pre-recorded shortly before broadcast to allow for editing. The missing 30 odd seconds of 'Australia', cut off at the end, contains James ad-libbing the closing chorus, adding a quick, rythmic "fuck-you fuck-you" to the second but last line.

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