From the Desktop of Manhattan Quenby

Mission Statement

Notice! I have been reviewing my site and decided it was time to change the layout. It is apparent to me that the function of this page has changed. What was meant to be a haven for my own personal creative works has become a haven for my own personal creative works on a specific subject: My life as a second wife and stepmother.

This was an accident; it was never meant to be a site for this. I have also realized I have links to works that have not been finished, not even worthy of an excerpt, that continue to bait me. I know I cannot give them the time and focus they need to come to fruition until I find my own peace from the themes that currently dominate my daily thought.

Therefore, I have decided to get it all out, for a few weeks or months-- however long it takes to get me back on track--and morph this site into my own personal essay.

Your patience and understanding is appreciated. Thanks for bearing with me.

manhattan qu.