
Colorado was incredibly beautiful, but except for our stop at the Continental Divide, we didn't have much opportunity for photos—our drive over the Rockies was difficult and sometimes stressful as a result of the windy back road (we took State Highway 50 instead of Interstate 70 to save a few hundred miles). Thunderstorms, which had followed us out of Utah but never hit us, still menaced us in Colorado. We drove through this beautiful state carefully in case we hit heavy rainfalls (except for a few light showers, we didn't); it was good to slow down a bit and enjoy the view.

Eerily enough, we drove through Cañon City the day before the now-infamous forest fires started there. The next evening in our motel room, we would watch with chills as images of Colorado burning played on the TV news. If we had decided to stay in Colorado instead of continuing to New Mexico that night, we might have been trapped in Cañon City's fires ourselves.

Below is the sign that marks the Continental Divide off Highway 50, where we stopped for a rest:

The Great Divide

...and here's another one, this time of the Big Drop that takes place on the way down the Great Divide's "other end":

Another one of the Continental Divide, going down the Atlantic side

In this photo, Jon and Robin wander around the Great Divide.

Jon and Robin wandering

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