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The random babblings of an over used mind, pushed to the brink by botched dice rolls, or the testament of a cool headed GM with the master plan. Either way, it is news, so it ends up in...
The Obituaries
Nov 23rd 3003: O_O I have a website, oh yes I do.... BUT NO TIME! Well, there have been some changes with the advent of College... and I guess I'll upload some stuff to the site. I think that D100 San loss was a tad much...

June 1st 2003: With the end of school things have become a bit out of hand. There's been little time for me to do anything outside of school work and my regular game. So I'm still looking for the free time to come up with more Eldritch horrors to fill this site with. However, there is a silver lining. The other day I (finally) picked up a copy of Call of Cthulhu. Can we say "Conversion notes"? I knew we could.

May 10th 2003: Ok, now we’re rolling along. The L.I.G.G. (Long Island Gamers Guild) has been formed, and we will be a force to be reckoned with. What does this have to do with this lowly Lovecraft / All Flesh site? Well, now that I’ll be running All Flesh on a regular basis, or semi-regular, I’ll actually be coming up with stuff to but on the site! Hurrah! Expect to see a lot more real soon.

March 9th 2003: Only 19 more days until I-con 22! I'll be there, as well as the rest of the Zombie-con crew. We will be running Call of Cthulhu and All Flesh must Be Eaten games.

April 20th 2003: Still recovering from I-con. What a great weekend! Thanks to everybody who took part, even that guy who was killed by the other players. Moving on to bigger and badder things with the Long Island Gamers Guild. More on that when available.