Dangerous, Undiagnosed, and In Your Life: The Psychopathic Personality

What is very disturbing about psychopaths, besides their sense of special entitlement, is their complete lack of empathy for other people, for psychopaths lack a conscience and will not follow the rules of society that we all take for granted . . .

For those unwary people who run into a psychopath through the medium of the internet, this can be a very bad experience, for the psychopath finds use in preying on others' insecurities, such as the need to have a "purpose" in one's life; it is also easier to pretend to be someone else for an extended time, which gives the partner time to nurse a very false idealisation about the psychopath . . .

. . . No matter what role they play, the psychopath's emotional responses are always shallow and lacking in fortitude, although their dramatic acting can fool you -- as well as words of conviction. These people will make up anything when it suits them; they are pathological liars.

Note: These are a few excerpts from an ebook/published book in progress © 2000 W.G. Koenigsmann. Copyrighted material may not be reproduced or printed; small excerpts and quotes may be used without permission, as long as this material is properly credited.

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