In Memoriam...

Below you will find a glimmer of the sheer genius that I am known to muster, only between the hours of 2 and 4 a.m., with a sleep walking roommate hoovering over me, as I lean into the radioactive glowing computer screen. This is hands down the greatest web page I ever assembled. Beware of the tongue flicking frog who will devour you, and the germie sneeze dust background. And please, enjoy this ode to days gone by.

This one's for you CIS, literally

Once upon a time a girl took a class called Computer Information Science because she didn't feel as though she was smart enough to survive Astronomy and this was the next best thing.  That girl put her fear of computer nerds and javascipt behind her and took a step into the present, the future.  That girl, that nerd in the making, was I, Jacqueline R. D'Ercole.  The following is the true story of my CIS adventure. (Okay, I admit, it's not true, but I think it's a much better story than the truth!)


The illegitimate child, born to a peasant hippie family, I first felt my CIS calling when I was just a baby.  My first words were not "Mama" or "Kitty".  Oh no, my first word was actually "Wozniak" followed up shortly by "Jobs".  I grew up watching PBS and computer workshop videos that my parents had purchased from a door to door salesman.    I didn't play the piano.  My energy charged fingertips were already at work on keyboards before I was three years old.  By seven, I was coding HTML and certified in C++.  When I was 13, I built my own computer in my basement using only Legos,  Linkin' Logs, and Elmer's paste.  I graduated from high school at the top of my class when I was 15 and proceeded to go on a world tour, spreading my irresistible good looks and wisdom across the globe.  At 18, I finally settled down and came to Temple, but I felt unsatisfied, yearning for more computer knowledge., so I decided to take an introductory computer course my sophomore year.  So yes, here I am in CIS, expanding my understanding of computers and all the ways in which you can manipulate plastic and metal to make it your servant.  Thank you CIS, I'm forever in debt to you!