In 1996 aged only 15 Buffy Anne Summers
met her first watcher Merrik who told her she was the chosen one. Afer some scepticism Buffy accepted the fact that she was the one girl from her generation who would dedicate her life to freeing the 
world of vampires and demons. Unfortunatly Merrik was killed and in attempts at slaying Buffy got expelled from school and along with mother joyce moved to sunnydale. It was here she met her new watcher, school librarian and soon to be close friend rupert giles.
It was during her days at Sunnydale high that Buffy met lifelong friends Willow and Xander and their partners Oz and Cordelia who aded her with all things Slayerish.
Buffy also became chummy with Angel a once terrifying vampire who was cursed with a soul who along with his very guilty concience was also battleing to save the world from evil. Unfortunatly they fell head over heals in love and during a passionate love making sesh Angel achieved true happyness and turned evil again.
After reviving angel Buffy went off to collage and met new guy Riley who also unfortunalty felt the call of duty and left.
After dealing with two failed relationships and saving the world several times you would think things couldnt get worse for poor buffy, this was when she found out that sister dawn wasnt real and her mother died of a complications after serious surgery!
In her final battle to save the world buffy sacrificed her life ........a very moving scene.
So buffy is a real kick ass save the world kinda girl where would we be without her????