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"You have entered the realms of darkness...where there is not only an absence of light but a bleakness of the very threads of the galaxies, a void of of all known as mundane, a mutation of how most percieve reality, and, quite often, an utter lack of what some so naively deem human...or humane.

"My name is Eve. I have been the Gatekeeper of these Empires for longer than you might ever concieve as time itself. Yet these Empires are older than I...I was named for them as a matter of our mutual natures...ever evening, ever night, ever darkness...and ever evil? Hmmm...follow me if you will then...come decide for yourself!

The Empires' Enclave

"Strangely, we welcome slayers here as well. Consider our hospitality a need for...entertainment. Come stay awhile in the realms of Diablo...perhaps a very long while.

"We have portals to many a strange and distant universe...touch the runes below...see where ye may be taken...what devious webs we weave!

The Empires' Rings

"For those of us who would traverse mortal realms in what is known by many as Live Action Gaming, a title which may be taken several ways, visit...

"Are you a student of the ars arcane? Visit our Consortium...just beware the knowledge you may gain there!

"In the mood for some Exotic Gothic? Hmmmm...sounds as if the Palace of Pleasure and Pain, hosted by our own Treasure, might suit your mood...if not, there are other paths which lead from there!

"Help us grow...our sponsors have any of your this realm and near any other."

all materials herein copyright Nation of Union 2001 or assumed to be in public domain unless so noted.

The Nation of Union is not responsible for the content of any participating websites.

Alexander Montahon (webmaster) E-mail: