The PBG Women Game

I was surfing the web one afternoon when I came across this site (don't click it just yet!) so I decided to make some dolls for the women who currently frequent the R&R board. I went off the pictures in the photo album, and also what little I know about these people, but for the most parts I just went by how I think the females here look IRL. It suddenly occurred to me that before photo albums, nobody knew what anyone else looked like. Therefore, I put this question to you: Can you identify all of the dolls below? All you need to do is write down the number and name that you think corresponds to the image, then click the finish button to be taken to the answers. I think it will be interesting to see how many people guess correctly, and if they feel the characters I've created are true to the ladies IRL. Good luck! (and I'm truly sorry if I've missed anyone out - I have an awful memory, please don't hesitate to let me know if I've overlooked someone!).

The names of the women (in no order): Llandaryn, Sapphira, Chani, Elanire, Luna, Nesthya, Kyla, White Falcon, Silaria, Spitfire, Paladia, Serena, Incorrigible