Character Creation System for : Forums

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Very common on the boards, the male of the species have the difficult task of impressing the ladies with their vast amounts of knowledge, whilst trying not to make idiots of themselves in the process.

Often a lot less common on many forums, it is the female's responsibility to flirt with the men whilst talking about which shoes they are currently wearing.



Mental Stability
This is a measure of how sane you are. Ranges from 3 (criminally insane) to 18 (stable like a rock). A low mental stability score is important for those using the lunatic class.

A pretty self explanitary stat, this affects your ability to annoy others. The lowest score is 3 (not annoying in the slightest) and the max is 18 (incredibly annoying). A high score is needed for the troll class.

A high score in creativity is vital for anybody using the actor class, without which they become boring. The highest is 18 (highly creative) and the lowest is 3 (non-creative). Any actor that doesn't have a higher creativity score than 15 recieves a -2 penalty to their annoyance score.

This measures an individual's ability to suck up to their peers. Highest score is 18 (ass-kisser extraordinare) and the lowest is 3 (I have not been within 6 feet of an ass in my life).

This is an indication of the personal magnetism of someone. Preachers recieve a +1 score to their charm stat and romancers recieve a +2 bonus to charm. Max is 18 (prince charming) and the min is 3 (the frog).

Personal Hygiene
Females recieve a +2 bonus to personal hygiene due to their incessant cleanliness. Anybody with a low personal hygiene score finds it hard to make new friends. Min is 3 (was that a cockroach?) and the max is 18 (like a sparkly new car).

Please note -- highest/lowest score are natural score. Any penalties or bonuses may allow a character to go above or below the set max/min.



The admin is the most superior of all the forum races. Knowledgable and wise, they are the gods.

The mods, whilst very powerful, can only be considered demi-gods when compared to Admin. They may consider themselves better than your average poster, but this often creates an aura of arrogance around them.

A member is a registered user. This race is the most common of all, and incredibly hardy. Typically difficult to kill or corrupt, they are generally reliable, but sometimes arrogant as well.

The guest is the lowliest of all the races. They are considered the work force, and third class citizens. Whilst their presence can often be tolerated by the other species, they are only rarely seen. They are mainly nomads, with no real home.



Active Lurker - Somebody who is purposely lurking because they are trying to remain unseen after saying something stupid or offensive. This kit will lurk only until the last minor indiscretion has blown over, at which point they will return to posting.
Passive Lurker - Somebody who is lurking because they genuinely have nothing of interest to contribute at that point in time.

Special skills : Cower in shadows, Gather information, Spy.

Active Spammer - One who spams for the pure fun of it. This user will post nonsense to either 'up' their post count or annoy others, and also takes perverse pleasure in doing so.
Passive Spammer - A user who spams without realising it. Often this person is just trying to hold a conversation with a group of others, and so has to post quite often to reply to all questions.

Special skills : Wield SPAM, Fast Fingers, Call upon Spamming might.

n00b - Incredibly annoying and the most infectious of all classes, the n00b is extremely resiliant and very hard to defeat as they always think they're right. Have an avid understanding of other languages (including AOHELL and |337) and can survive for months at a time without ever needing to have a thought.
Flamer - This kit allows a person to become a master in annoyance and insults. Very proficient with bad language, the flamer generally is easier to deal with than the n00b, merely because it knows what it is doing is wrong, and doesn't usually have the same self-righteous attitude.

Special skills : Evade Mods, Protection against common sense, Enrage others.

Evangelist - Your average evangelist is going to turn everybody into god-fearing christians, or die trying. Frequently very fanatical, they recieve a +2 bonus when fighting trolls, and gain an extra 500 exp if they manage to show them the error of their ways.
Satanist - As a complete opposite to the evangelist kit, the satanist wishes to spread the word of satan wherever he goes. Satanists may actually help evangelists in dealing with trolls if the order of their society is threatened. Whilst they are evil, they can peacefully co-exist with the other classes without feeling the need to spread chaos [much].

Special skills : Summon Holy/Unholy spirit, Annoy atheists, Wield Holy Doctrines.

Nerd - This kit is heavily involved in the sciences, and may play chess during his spare time. Can take heavy damage with little negative effect.
Geek - A geek is a specialist --he may specialise in any area of his choice, be it maths, star wars, star trek, physics, food, etc -- there is no questioning the knowledge of a geek, they often study long and hard giving them a -2 penalty to their charm.
Sap - Your average sap will be spouting poetry every 2 minutes. He truly believes that this is being creative, and seeks positive attention for this behavior. Whilst his flowery language can often impress, many often see through it fairly quickly.

Special skills : Speak fluent Loser, Impress with knowlede, Wield calculator.

This class has an opinion about everything, and is going to give everybody their opinion of everything even if it takes them all night. Has a fairly broad range of knowledge.

Special skills : Improved debating, Invent statistics, Summon World Leader.

Unaffected Alcoholics - Alcohol, for some reason, does not seem to adversely affect this kit. They may drink large amounts of the stuff and still be able to type with perfect precision.
Affected Alcoholics - This type of alcoholic is infinately more amusing than any other. Their drunken antics can be copy/pasted to humiliate them in the morning, and they can often be talked into doing just about anything whilst in the intoxicated stage.

Special skills : Conjure bartender, Brew beer, Resist alcohol poisoning.

News Reporter
The news reporter feels it is his duty to keep everybody informed on everything. Even the things they didn't want to know. Often a valuable source of information, the news reporter often gets ignored, due to the high content of nonsense that sometimes goes into what he says.

Special skills : Rapid searching, Spread gossip, Create Rumor.

This class is a chronic attention seeker. Whilst they may occasionally be malicious, the average attention seeker is both witty and amusing to watch in action. Providing, of course, that you're not the one he's preying on.

Special skills : Deception, Improved whinging, Cry like a baby.

The illusionist is the guy who changes his name, avatar and signature at least 3 times a week. Every board has at least one.

Special skills : Mass confusion, Anonimity, Sneak.

A groupie knows everything about their favorite bands. They are very opinionated and tend to look down on those who like different types of music. Often they form parties together, and usually get on very well with those that have the same musical tastes as them.

Special skills : Find lyrics, Wield playlist, Advanced listening.

RP'er - This type of actor is very creative, and puts on an excellent performance involving both intriguing plot scenes and believable characters. A small group of these can create create an entire fantasy world.
Spam RP'er - This type of actor generally dislikes the common RP'er class, but the moment someone starts and invasion involving lint, dead fish, paper clips, cheese, the borg, etc, this class comes to life. Often incredibly powergamey, they love to act as long as it isn't serious.

Special skills : Conjure Powergamer, Entertain, Masquerade.

Postergeist - This person often haunts an individual poster, or a single board. Whist they are corporeal, they are not seen or heard very often. Whilst to the casual observer it seems that these people are being ignored, that is not usually the case. It just so happens that, for some reason, these classes don't get replied to very often.
Ghost - The only way that a ghost differs from a postergeist is that it occupies a whole range of forums on the 'net. Again, it often seems that it is being ignored, but this isn't so. Other classes have a hard time sensing the presence of these poor souls.

Special skills : Remain anonymous, Transparency, Stealth.

The poller feels it is his moral obligation to create as many polls as humanly possible. It doesn't matter if it's a sensible one or a silly one, or which options he puts in it. This class can get annoying after a while.

Special skills : Create "funny" option, Powerword:Insanity, Avoid Boredom.

This class is a true child of nature. They believe in peace and love, and are often despised by politicians, whom they tell to "chill" and "mellow out" as much as possible. Also quite fond of frolicking naked through fields with flowers in their hair, many hippies believe they are actually elves.

Special skills : Spread love, Wield flowers, Create peace.

Schizophrenic - This class registers under two or more accounts, and has completely different personalities for each identity. often mentally unstable, this class is almost always a 15yr old kid.
Pyromaniac - This class loves nothing more than to burn things. Very often, the troll kit "flamer" is multiclassed with the pyromaniac kit.
Dreamer - The average dreamer believes he is something else. This can be anything from an elf to giant lim-lim to an ancient and evil god. They are often followers of the peter pan guy.

Special skills : Protection from Straight Jackets, Scare others, Conjure sporks.

This class truly believes that he/she is god's gift to humanity (especially the opposite sex). They love to strut and show off but often feel inferior when around the sap kit, as they lack the flowery language, preffering to use their masculinity/femininity and raw sex appeal to win favors with the opposite sex. They tend to quickly make enemies with their own gender.

Special skills : Improved arrogance, Flex muscles, Powerword:Impress.



Lawful - You believe in a well-structured forum. All rules must be obeyed at all times.
Neutral - You do not like taking sides and you remain apart from any violence.
Chaotic - Nothing you do can be predicted without the use of several crystal balls. Your opinions often change.

Good - You wish to help others and do not enjoy causing pain or harm.
Evil - You enjoy causing pain to others and take perverse pleasure from it.
Hedonistic - The only thing you wish to do it create happiness and joy for yourself. You have selfish tendencies and care little for others.
Nihilistic - You do not believe in god, the government or yourself. You constantly deny everything. If asked if you are human, you would probably deny it.
Narcissistic - You are a pompous, arrogant, pretentious, uncaring bastard.
Anarchistic - You hate all forms of government and authority. You feel opressed by them, and wish to bring about their destruction.
British - You believe that you are far superior to everyone else, and have plans to conquer the universe, making those lesser individuals your willing minions. You do not like america.
Psychotic - You are afflicted with one (or more) of the many various psychoses.
Random - You live for spontaneity and have chaotic tendencies.



For each month you are registered to a forum, you gain 5 proficiency points that can be freely distributed bewteen your classes (or assigned to just one class, if you wish). This determines how proficient you are with each class.

Example - One person is a level 5 spammer, who has been registered for 10 months, giving him 50 proficiency points. Another person is a level 5 spammer who has been registered for only 3 months, giving him 15 proficiency points. In battle, the more proficient person would have the advantage.


Level Up

Each class starts at level 0 (no posts) and advances a level after each additional 500 posts. The only exception to this is the spammer, which only levels up after 1000 posts. Mutliclasses level up in each class respectively.

Example - Someone with 5000 posts is a Hippy/Spammer mutliclass. This would make them a level 10 Hippy (5000 divided by 500) and a level 5 Spammer (5000 divided by 1000).



- A politician may not dualclass or multiclass as a Geek. A Geek is a specialist whereas the politician knows about everything.

- Mods and Admins cannot use the Troll class.

- Mods and Admins cannot be of Anarchistic alignment.

- Illusionists cannot be Lurkers. Changing your details automatically drops you out of lurker status, and so the classes are not compatible.

- A guest cannot be an Illusionist.

- A Hippy cannot be a Politician.

- In the Alignments section, any prefix can match any suffix, with the exceptions of "lawful nihilist" and "lawful anarchist" as these contradict themselves. Anything else is a possible combination, even "chaotic random". Apart from the above limitations, every class or kit can be multiclassed or dualled to another class or kit.


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All content in this file was created by and belongs to Llandaryn ( Anybody found to be taking credit for any of this content will be hunted down and beaten to death in a painful and humiliating manner (possibly involving a smoked fish of some sort). Remember - I know your IP! You may post this document on your own website, as long as you include a link back to my homepage. It would be nice if you could send me an email ( stating that you are doing so, but it is not necessary. As long as you provide the link back to me, you have my permission