Designed    by GraphiX D*sign
   Last updated on Mar 10, 2001
We create Bonsai        because of our admiration for the natural beauty of trees. We could not        possibly grow a forest or have the fortune of seeing a century old wind        sculptured Black Pine tree in our gardens. By creating Bonsai, we can admire        our miniature forest and century old mountain trees right in the comfort        of our own garden.
My interest        in Bonsai has started some 20 years ago and during this time, it has grown        from puppy love to matured passion. During all this years, Bonsai has given        me so much heartaches when a beloved plant dies and so much more joy when        a plant blooms under my nurture. Now with the NEW tech of Internet, I hope        to share the pains and gains of this OLD culture with other enthusiasts.