Everything that exists on this page was created with. . . .

HTML coding
I never use templates. I actually lay everything out via the old keyboard and type in the code. My code is neat and I enjoy the challenge of trying to make my mind and the screen look alike. At least, I hope it easy to access and somewhat entertaining. For reference, I do use Annabella's HTML Help more than other other site when I need a brush-up.

I do all my graphics editing and creations through Gimp 2.3.15. Some of the neater looking graphics I put together in Gimp, currently with minimal name-calling as I am still trying to figure it all out. I really should read the instructions.

Mozilla Firefox
I use Mozilla Firefox. It rocks. Explorer sucks. Occasionally, this means I see things differently. Screen wise, I DO always create my page shrinking the ad bar to the right of every screen. I hate the ad bar. I was much happier with a little pop-up window. I wish you could choose where that damn bar ends up. The point is, Firefox rocks.

I like fonts. I download them anywhere I can but I normally try 1001 Font.com. Most of the graphics, titles and names are in a mixture of Architect, Catharsis Macchiato and SF Zimmerman downloaded from 1001 Fonts.com. The "splat" or "dripping ink stain" is actually a font called WC Rhesus A Bta.