The Evil One
This is my friend "Dude". Just kidding, his name is Michael. He's my best friend's hubby, but more than that he kicks ass, dude.
It was 1996 or 1997, we (Anita, Me, and servile male counter part) met him in a JB's family Resturant. He was working there as a hostess, and we didn't just meet him, I started hitting on him real cheesy-like.  Yay me! Michael was (for about a month or so) my first gothic boyfriend, and the man respondsible for teaching me the evil pleasure of Final Fantasy games. He was also (until Josh) the only man in the story of "Andi and Anita" (catch it on pay-per-view!) who didn't get jealous of our friendship. So when we kinda lost touch with him for a while that sucked, men who can handle the two of us are rare.
He finally showed up again, around the time Josh came into my life and Anita snatched him up. I knew soon after that they would get married but she didn't believe me. Yah, I told you so. Now as a married couple, they are the perfect married couple counter-part for me and Joshy. The only problem is that they are in Arizona and we are in the UK.