Welcome to

          Little Lost Souls


This site is for my son and all those that have been affected by child abuse.  I will provide a brief story on what happened to my son, some useful links to help others who maybe looking for information, and a page or two of poetry and links to others.  


I have been waiting two years now to get this site done.  Now I really feel the need to push harder to get it out there. My son just turned 18, and recently the abuse he suffered has surfaced. It's an emotional thing to put this together, because I have dig into my memory to remember everything that took place with my son and just feel so sad that he ever had to go through such torment. 


I cannot give all the answers to why someone abuses another; and I can't give the answers on how each persons life will be affected by such abuse.  I don't think no one really has the answers to these,  I believe its an individual thing. There is research out there that is good to read and provides some useful information on adult survivors of abuse that is worth reading. It is just such sadness and painful to know that a child is being hurt by the doings of someone else.


  • "Child abuse kills more children in America than do accidental falls, drowning, choking on food, suffocation or fires in the homes."

          ~United States Department of Justice~


  • The actual incidence of abuse and neglect is estimated to be 3 times greater than the number reported to authorities.

                  ~United States Department of Justice~



  • More than 3 children die each day as a result of parental maltreatment

                 ~National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse~



August 19, 2003: In our local newspaper today on the front page is an article that goes right along with this site. The title read "Child Welfare Systems Get an 'F".  There were 32 states so far evaluated and not one passed. Here is what part of it stated: {In Tennessee, the agency did not respond to abuse reports in a timely manner nearly 30 percent of the time.  In Ohio, 27 percent of the time the agency did not make a diligent effort to help children in foster care maintain connections to family and community.} ~Tribune Review~








* If you know of some useful sites, or you have one of your own that you would like for me to add a link to, please email me with the address and I will gladly add it to my "link page".

I am on the outside, the abuse didn't happen to me so I cannot say how it makes one feel or what my life has become, so anyone caring to share their story with others I will provide the link to your site.  I have heard it said before that one feels like they are all alone, so maybe hearing other stories they will see that they are not all alone.



There has to be more done to protect children from such terrible crimes being committed against them.


The links to different sites are intended to be informational. I do not support or advocate any site.


I have my own issues with the way my sons case was handled so I don't push for one over the other.




*If I did not give proper created to anyone for the use of graphics or poetry please email me so that I can do so. 







*April is Child Abuse Prevention Month*













This site is dedicated to my son, Ryan

May you heal from the scars that you carry with you!





This Site was created and is maintained by TenderSoul

©2003, S.Foster



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