July6 2004 tuesaday
Hey ok well this was a fun events so far here. lol.

Ok so I got to see Justin K.k and Alexzandr. so ok. Justin stayed with me for yeah. ok so thursday he came and we wlaked  around and shit with alexza and me and justin then went to alexzaa's and then m an dhim came hoem at liek 1 am and did drugs and shit till 7 am when we passed out. we woke up at 4 pm friday morning. we just got up and went to alex'zzanersa and the second we walked through the he was like omg whats tyhat smel.. wow you look leik shit. my maekup was smeered and I looekd so homeless and cracked headish. lol. we stayed ther and  drnak and we stayed there the night and woke up Satrurday after leik 4 hours so sleep agen and went  down town and got soem coolio shit. i saw soem boost i liekd but didint get lol. it A OK and so then we stayed togther and shit then me and Justin went back " home" bed we sleep in lol. and we wok up at 1 pm sunday and went o alex's here his daddy got him and  that was that.  But we shaved Justisn head also and alexzzardis's vcut his head into a ying yang .kmoa so we haved it right off. lol. I go this hair in a bag. lol. well hmm it s great because wher there Laexzzanids dad was like ew u stink and go shower and shit lo.. yeah we dint shpwer for a very veryt very logn tiem. and we stunk liek drugs and alcohol. thats that byebye.