Anastacia and Steven Caldwell
About Us:
Steven and Anastacia have been married 7 years now, it seems just like yesterday the picture to the left was taken. We now have three boys; Christian, Noah, and Jonah. A dog Riley and cat Marmalade not to mention the fish. We are still hangin in Colorado and enjoying it as much we can, yes, including the snow.
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Christian's page
Our hobbies/interests have changed since we have had kids and a houseful of animals. We mostly like to spend time with each other or family when we get the chance. Right now our biggest hobby is getting our house just the way we want it! We still do reading and watching movies but its to keep our sons occupied and to spend time with them.
Noah's page
Jonah's page
About a Military Wife
News about us
Our families live in all states.The majority of Steven's family live in Ohio with the exception of his sister who lives in Texas and the majority of Anastacia's family used to  live in California, now they reside in a variety of states. We love them all very much and now it seems we are all moving a bit closer so we can spend time with them we've wanted to, YEAH!!!!
Our friends new and old are always close at heart but far in geo. distance, we try to keep them up to date with email or letter and when we are in the town they live in we spend time with them when possible.
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