Space Hulk: Solitaire
copyright 1996 by Aaron Thorne

Playing a game of Space Hulk: Solitaire is fairly simple, assuming you don't mind playing the side of the Space Marines. All game rules and scenario rules apply, with the following changes:

1. Lurking (rulebook p.26): Genestealer blips will never lurk off-board, unless a Space Marine forces the blip to lurk.
2. When it comes time to move a Genestealer blip, the player will have to decide whether to convert the blip. This is fairly simple; just move the blip along its pre-set route (see below) and see if it would be able to be spotted by a Space Marine. If so, then convert the blip.
3. When converting a blip, always place the proper amount of genestealers down, using the following format: Place one genestealer on the space that held the blip, and then set up the rest of the genestealers to the side of or behind it, even if a line 5 or 6 long must be formed.
4. If a blip is ever Involuntarily converted, follow the rules above and the genestealers will face the marine that converted the blip where possible.

Rules additions:
1. The genestealers are moved by a semi-random pattern against the Space Marine forces. When initially placing the blips, randomly choose which entry area to set them up at by any acceptable method.
2. Blips and Genestealers will move along the quickest route toward the largest group of marines on the board. If there is a marine within 6 spaces, this rule is overriden and then genestealer will head toward the marine.
3. If a decision on blip or Genestealer movement is not clear-cut, then randomly determine which way it will head.
Space Hulk, Space Marine, and Genestealer are trademarks owned by Games Workshop.

This page was last updated on February 22, 1999