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"No reaction" braking of rotor based on Faraday's lesser known experiment
You have found Ling_the monkey_boy's home page. Why that name? Because Ling up to Ling99999 was already taken. I was reasonably sure that this name wasn't already in use, and it reduces spam.

So far, there are just a few ideas based on Faraday's disk experiments.
They could be called Homopolar machines, I suppose. They hopefully demonstrate the creation of back torque. One day, I'll get around to trying a few of these ideas out. Until then, I can only wonder if they will work.

Some thought experiments about moving conductors and magnetic fields can be found here:

linear movement

rotating movement

Difference between linear and rotating systems

Interesting discussion in Google groups about some concepts illustrated here

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Another idea for single-piece rotor
Faraday disk illustration
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