Southern Comfort

I've compared the Sci-Fi Channel and CBC airings of this episode to see how much difference there are between them. Here's a summary of what I found. No guarantee someone wouldn't find anything else.

Oh yeah, if anyone didn't know, the SFC versions are in letterbox format and the CBC ones weren't

I didn't pay attention to this in the others I've done, but the title of this one is in the upper left hand corner on the CBC version and at the bottom on SFC.

A couple seconds difference in the tease, no difference in the scenes.

CBC 1:06 SFC 1:09


Act 1


After Phileas says: Passepartout, she's all yours.

Rebecca moves up next to Passepartout and says: I think you'll find that should be banjo.

Passepartout: Oh, tell me, Miss Rebecca, do you think I have what it takes to become a bull-boy?

Rebecca: Certainly. Or even better, a cowboy.

Passepartout: I've dreamed of America since I'm, since I'm so high. (hold his hand about collar bone level).
Indians (does a war hoop).
Davey Cricket.
President Abraham Lintern.

SFC picks up as he continues: And the song.

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After Count Gregory says: ... you will find it almost impossible to displease me.

He continues: Helene, my dear, can you sense my satisfaction? So must a father feel as he looks down at his sleeping child. (He caresses her face as she wakes)

Jules: I can still see them. Two points to starboard, Passepartout!

SFC picks up at this point.

CBC 8:11 SFC 7:18


Act 2

SFC version:

After the scene between Rebecca and Jules:

Phileas and Saratoga are sitting on a bench.

Saratoga: Everytime I look at this view now, I wonder if it'll be for the last time.

Phileas: Not if I can help it. It's true that I'm a friend of Phil Sheridan's. I'll try and get some sort of military exemption for you and Arcadia Hall.

Saratoga: It'll take more than a piece of paper to save Arcadia, Phileas. I sometimes feel that whatever happens in the war, all of this is doomed. Zander felt that too.

Phileas: Your husband? He's with the army?

Saratoga: Fell just after Ft. Sumter. He was a fine man. A good man. You two would have gotten along well.

Phileas: Well, if he thought as much of you as I do, I'm sure we would.

Saratoga: Sometimes I'm glad that he didn't live to see the way things are going. He loved the South far too much to see it destroyed.

Phileas: And you?

Saratoga: Oh, I can survive most things, as long as I have somthing to sustain me.

This is where CBC's version picks up with the observer watching them.

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CBC shows us a scene of the troops before going to the drink being poured for the General.

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CBC 12:39 SFC 13:35


Act 3

SFC starts with a shot of the soldiers as they are directed to "Take aim"

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CBC has additional lines at the end of the scene after Phileas' line: Why do men put themselves in these situations, Verne?

Phileas: I mean why do we subject ourselves to all this madness?

Jules: There has to be a way out.

Phileas: Oh yes. Oh yes. I'm just damned if I can see what it is.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

CBC 6:25 SFC 6:06


Act 4

CBC has about 15 seconds more of the observer looking around the army camp before the horses give away his presence.

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CBC has a shot of the soldiers' moving around in the camp and Passepartout looking upward just before the Aurora lifts off.

And a couple extra seconds of Saratoga being led out on the prow.

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CBC takes a commercial break after the Commander's line: Do as he says.

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SFC takes their last commericial break after they first show the parachute coming down.

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CBC version:

Jules is on the Aurora, looking through binoculars: Beautiful, Fogg. Beautiful.

There are shouts of joy in the army camp, and Passepartout hugs the General: We did it! We did it!

Then we see Count Gregory moving on the floor before it goes to Saratoga saying Thank you, Phileas. Thank you for everything.

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CBC 15:34 SFC 14:24


Overall running time, not counting closing credits:
CBC 43:55 SFC 42:32

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