My Online Diary
Thu 14th Sep 05

Thoughts are things, and have the power to influence people.

14th Sep 05

  • I'm back!
    It's been a year since I wrote in this diary and a lot of things have happened in that time. I've grown a lot too. The most important change is that Daddy is now more comfortable about us sleeping together. I was patient and persistent about it and he gradually got used to the idea. He always loved me, and it's very comforting for both of us to be so close. He was just afraid of what people might think.


  • Recognition in Class
    At school one of our teachers was discussing political equality for women and the fact that there are more men than women in politics. Several students made good points, and I mentioned that three beautiful young women whose names I'd forgotten, (Qaeda Afif from Herat, and Fauzia Gilani and Fauzia Kofabi from Badakhshan), are standing for the forthcoming election in Pakistan, but everyone's voting for them for their beauty, not for their politics.

The teacher said that's a good point and asked me to look up my source, and their names. So I did, and she suggested that I read out the whole article to the class. So I did.

I think women have the potential to be a co-operative team in politics.

Women are able to overcome cultural, political, and racial differences, and work together to solve problems as a united team.

Click here for the source news item: Online News article

Next entry is 28th April 2006