Why has a psychic never won the lottery?


This is a question which has been asked by many wits. One possible answer is that all psychics are frauds. Another is that none has ever tried to win, for moral reasons or a lack of self-confidence. A third possibility is that there are so many people trying to win, hoping to win, pushing all their psyche at winning, it's impossible for one person to effectively influence and/or see the correct series of numbers.

I have decided to be the psychic who will make newspaper headlines for winning the lottery.


I will create a means of divination for divining the numbers of the following day's lottery. This means of divination, itself a type of lot, will be numbers written on one end of a popsicle stick. On Tuesday and Friday, the days before a lotto drawing, I will lay out six sticks, one for each number in California's "Super Lotto Plus," and note whether they are reversed (R)(number on the table-side of the popsicle stick), upside-down (U)(number visible but inverted) or upside-down and reversed (UR). The following day, I will note the actual winning number at the California Lottery website, and try to guess how the numbers I laid out could indicate the winning number.


I hypothesize that as I use the divination sticks more, and put more of my self, psyche, and/or aura into them, the sticks will become more accurate. I further hypothesize that as I get practise, I will become better at associating my number with the California Lottery number after the fact.

First step: eating seventy-four popsicles; for each number one to forty-seven, and again for numbers one to twenty-seven. Done!
Second step: Acquire data in the form of randomly drawn popsicle sticks simulating the lottery draw, and actual lottery results to compare.

Drawing DateDivined NumbersLotto NumbersHow they could relate
March 3, 200440R-13UR-32R-29U-23UR--817-47-22-29-2--5 I got a 29 in the right place. Further comparisons await more data. I expect to say things like: "The reversed 40 could mean the number should have been moved right one place and added to seven."
March 6, 200423U-47R-38UR-7U-8--1229-3-40-9-7--11 for March 3's drawing, I got two numbers correct. I drew 23 twice - take off the first digit for another correct number (this is part of how numerology works - in digits). My 'mega' (final) number was one digit off. How could I use this information to foretell a lotto number? I don't know. Yet.
March 10, 20043R-5UR-47UR-26U-42R--11UR4-20-23-29-41--5 29 seems to be a popular number in both drawings. That plus the final number gets you two dollars.