In a cave in Greenland, comfortable and warm even as far north of the Arctic Circle as they were, a five-year old boy looked up, confused, when his guardian leaped to her feet. "What is it, Mother?" he asked.

     "Nothing to concern you, Stephen," she said, trying to be gentle. "Your sister's just making trouble for the rest of your family. I may have to find someone to help me fix it, is all. And I'd better do something to make sure you don't feel it in a couple of years."

     "I wish you'd taken her," Stephen grumped. "There's nothing to do here, and if you'd taken her, I'd be older, and you'd let me do more."

     "It's a matter of who knows what," Kolano snapped. "You know more than she does. You're here. In a few years, you'll know even more, as long as you've done your lessons. Did you finish that composition?"

     "No," Stephen muttered, trudging back to his room to laboriously pick up pen and paper again.


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