Just trust em!


Henry and Takato were in the park while Henry was teaching Takato how to use modify cards. Takato didn't get most of what Henry had told him but just smiled and nodded.  Just then Henrys cell phone rang. He reached into his blue bag and pulled it out.

"Hello? mmhmm.....mhmm....okay! cya then." Henry then hung up the cell phone and put it away.

"Who was that?" Takato asked his friend.

"Oh....my uhh mom." Henry replied casually.  "I gotta go! i will tell you more later!" And with that Henry took off.

"What is up with him?" Takato asked himself.   This was the 5th time this week Henry just ran off and every time it was a different but very weird reason. Like he forgot to lock the door or  forgot to  walk the dog. They didn't even have a dog! something must be up. And next time he talked to Henry he was gonna find out.

' Just you wait Henry....' Takato laughed evilly.  ' I will get the answer outta you!'




"Pretty please!?"

"Takato i said no!" Henry growled. Takato had been bugging Henry to get the truth out of him.

"Why won't you tell me? i thought we were friends!" Takato was getting mad. What could Henry possibly be hiding?

"I told you its nothing! " Henry shot back at him.  "Now can we please drop this?"

"Not until i get the truth! i know your lying. Its not just nothing." Said Takato.

"I cant tell you." Henry turned away.  "I promised. Please understand."

"I don't understand why you wont tell me." Takato crossed his arms.  "Is it that bad?"

"Depends how you look at it." Henry replied.

"Well i cant look at it unless you tell me." Takato said sternly . "So please..."

"I cant." Henry turned around and started to walk away. "Cya at school tomorrow."

Takato just stood there.

' What could it be.....' He wondered.


Next day at school...
       Lunch time....

Henry and Takato ate lunch on the school  steps and watched Rika who was leaning against a tree not too far away. Her eyes were closed and the wind softly blew threw her hair as she was lost deep in her thoughts.

"What do you think she's thinking about?" Asked Takato.

"I dunno...probably about digimon and   why they digivolve." Henry shrugged. "Who knows..."

"I wonder why Rika is always so cold..." Takato thought. "She never seems to want to make any friends."

"I'm sure she has her reasons..." Henry said.  "No one is just cold...they always have a reason."

"I suppose your right." Takato took a  bite of sushi.

"I'm always right."   Henry grinned.

"Oh really?" Takato asked.  "How about the time you  thought Jeri liked me an-..."

"Ok ok! shut up." Henry shot at him. "I get it."

"Do you really?" Takato raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up..." Henry growled.

Takato laughed.  "You are one weird guy Henry..."

"Not as weird as you."

"Hey! iam not weird!" Takato shook his fists at Henry.

Takato then saw Henry was looking behind him so Takato turned around to see Rika.

"Oh...hey Rika." Takato said nervously.  "How are you?"

"Shut up..." Rika glared and pushed Takato out of her way and walked into the school.

"Talk about rude..." Takato glared at the door Rika walked into.

"Give her a break.." Henry shut his eyes.

"Me give HER a break?" Takato asked his friend surprised.  "Are you kidding? she's the one always being so rude."

"You just gotta act real cool...and maybe she will cut you some slack..." Henry told him.

"I don't get you at all...." Takato shook his head.  "This is Rika were talking about...its impossible to make friends with her."

"Nothing is impossible."Henry said.

"There's  a first time for everything." Takato sighed.

"Just give her some space." Henry stood up.  "Anyway i gotta go."

"Where now?" Takato  groaned.

"I got some homework i have to return to Mrs. Izumi." Henry replied and walked into the school.

"Homework?" Takato asked himself. "Henry is never late on homework...is that really what he's doing??" Takato thought out loud.


"Your late..." Said the girl-ish voice.

"Sorry i had to get away from Takato." Henry put a hand on the back of his head.

"I think he suspects something..." The girl sighed and sat down on the steps.

"I'm sure he doesn't have a clue..." Henry assured her .  "Don't worry so much."

"Maybe your right..." She stood up and leaned against the hard wall  putting her hands in her pockets.

"I may be wrong." Henry rubbed his chin. "I'm not so sure yet..."

The girl  chuckled and walked up to him giving him a small kiss.  "You can't seem to make up your mind can you?"

"Nah..." Henry put his hands on her waist. "I'm  always too busy thinking about you..."

"Oh Henry..." She laid her head on his chest. "Your  so sweet....and your the only one who seems to understand me."

"I'm sure if you gave others a chance they would understand too." Henry told her as he crassed her hair.

"I don't want to give others a chance!" The girl replied sharply. "They just wouldn't understand."

"I'm sure they would..." Henry told her softly.  "You would just have to give them time..."

"I just don't know Henry..." She sighed. "I just don't know.."

"Well its your choice." Henry kissed her forehead.  "Think about it."

The girl looked  into Henrys eyes trying not to give in.

"I...I........I will try and think about it..."

"Good." Henry smiled. "Glad to hear it."

"Don't think i'm gonna be all soft!" She shot at him.

Henry chuckled at her frustration .  "Your so cute when your mad."

"Maybe i should be mad all the time then." She looked away from him.

Henry smiled at her.

"You getting all mad like this really turns me on..." Henry whispered in her ear.

A blush then crept on her cheeks.


"There's the bell." She sighed.  "Well cya later Henry."

"Bye........Rika." Henry waved and walked off to class.


After school....

Takato knew enough was enough! later after school Takato followed Henry from his kung-fuu lessons all the way to the Nonaka home. Takato found this very odd. What was Henry doing at Rikas house?  Just then the gate to her house opened and a beautiful girl wearing a long sleeve black jean shirt with black jeans and a black shirt answered. It was Rika! it couldn't be! she was wearing her hair down and Takato thought she liked it up. Plus she was hugging Henry! what was going on?

' Can't be....' Takato was very shocked. Was Henry secretly seeing the most cold hearted girl in school?  Henry and Rika felt they were being watched so they looked around . Takato quickly slammed his back against the wall just around the corner so Henry and Rika wouldn't see him.

He then slowly peeked around the corner again and saw Rika and Henry  walk towards her house.

He then got closer and closer and just saw them walk into Rikas house.  He had to get a better look!  so he  went around the back and climbed up a tree to see Henry and Rika sitting by the lagoon that was in her back yard. Takato made sure to keep well hidden.  Takato was sure surprised when he saw Rika was smiling! i mean to him that was  a pretty rare thing to see. He then saw Henry put his arm around Rika and they got got their faces closer to each other smiling and laughing.  Were they really in love? or was this some big joke.  His eyes then widen in shock as he saw Rika put her hands on Henrys cheeks and pulled him into a deep kiss as he wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer and closer.

' Oh....my........god. ' Takato was in so much shock he lost his balance and fell out of the tree into the bushes in Rikas back yard. Right there and then he knew he was in very hot water.  The couple broke their kiss and looked to see who it was.

"What was  that?" Rika asked.

"I don't know." Henry said. "But whatever it is its in the bushes." Henry pointed.

' Oh no...' Takato thought. ' I'm so in for it....'

The couple walked over to the bushes to see what it was.

"Rika lunch!" Called her grandmother.

"Well check it out later." Rika told him.  "Lets go and eat."

Henry nodded.

"Okay." He kissed her cheek.  "Lets go."

Takato sighed in deep relief. He thought he was busted for sure.  So he knew he had to get out of there before they finished their lunch. So he got out of the bushes and looked up. The wall was pretty high up.

" How do i get up?" He asked himself.  "Why couldn't Rika have a small fence like everyone else..." He sighed.

He then heard Rika say.  " Henry lets go and eat outside!"

' Crap!" He thought.  He then quickly jumped back into the bushes.

"Lets just eat inside." He heard Henry say.  ' Make up your minds!' Takato growled.

Takato slowly got out of the bushes and looked around trying to figure how to get himself out of  this mess. If Rika or Henry caught him he would be so dead!

But in the mean time Takato had to know more about Rika and  Henrys relationship so he slid open the door to Rikas room.  And shut it behind him as he walked in.

He started looking threw Rikas books and stuff hoping to find pictures or something. He then accidentally knocked over Rikas digimon card box and her cards spilled everywhere.

"Crud!" He whispered and started cleaning them up. While doing so he found a picture of Rika and Henry holding hands and Henry kissing her cheek. And Rika was laughing. He looked on the back and the date said February 12th / 2001.  Today was January 16th 2002! this has been going on for a whole year....how could Henry keep it a secret this long?

He then heard foot steps and looked at Rikas door nervously.  He then saw Rikas shadow she was turned around at the moment  talking to Henry.  "I'm gonna  get changed." He heard her say.  "Okay." He heard Henry reply.

' I gotta hide and fast!' Takato looked around her  room and jumped into her closet.

He heard her door open and close again.

He heard Rika  gasp.

"My cards! my stuff!" Rika put her hand over her mouth.  "Someone has been in here!"

She then opened her sliding door and called Henry.

' Crap.'  Takato started to sweat.  ' Girlfriend calls boyfriend....boyfriend checks closet.....not good.'

"What is it?" Henry asked his scared girlfriend.

"Someone has been in here!" She pointed to her stuff that  had been all messed up.

"Maybe it was your  mother." Henry said trying to calm her.  "Don't worry."

"My mom and grandmother knows not to touch my stuff! someone has been in here!" Rika said sharply.

"Hmmm maybe your right." Henry rubbed his chin.  "But how?"

"Henry!" Rika kneeled down. "Our picture from our first date is missing!"

"Are you sure?" Henry kneeled beside her and helped her look for it.

Takato gulped. He has forgotten to put the picture back. He was still holding it.

" Ah choo!" Takato sneezed.  ' Crap!'

"What was that?" Rika jolted her head toward the closet.

"I'm  gonna find out." Henry stood up but Rika grabbed his arm.

"No! what if its a burglar? with a gun and stuff.." Rikas voice was shaking with fear.

"We wont know until we check." Henry told her.

"No!" Rika pulled him back tighter. "Don't...please just leave it."

' Yeah Henry...leave it.'  Takato gulped.

"Ok..." Henry kissed her forehead.   "Lets just  get someone  else to check it out."

Then the couple left the room.

Before you could say " Digi modify"  Takato was out of there!

Then Rikas grandmother came into Rikas room and looked in her closet.

"Hmmm nothing in here." Her grandmother said. "Just one of your digimon cards Rika."  She then handed it to her.

"Huh?" Rika was confused. "This isn't mine."

"Let me see it." Henry took a look at the card.

"Hey this looks like the new card Takato just got."

"Really? no way..." Rika took the card back and looked it over.  "Do you think....."

"I don't know Rika." Henry replied softly.  "But well see."

"Yeah." Nodded Rika. "Well see how Takato likes it in the next life!"


"Fine fine....sorry."

Henry chuckled.


Next day...
At the Park

Takato felt himself hit the hard ground.


Takato put his fingers up to his nose and wiped the blood off and looked at his fingers.  Rika Nonaka just gave  Takato the beating of his whole life.

"What was that for!" Takato shouted at her angrily.

Rika then dropped his card in front of him.

"Look furmiler?" She said with a cold tone in her voice.

' My card! she must of.....oh no...' It struck him.  His card must of fallen out of his pocket when he ran off.

"How do you know its mine..." Takato wiped his bloody nose while glaring at the cold hearted girl.

"Well its not mine or Henrys so....." She looked up at the sky then back at the goggled head boy sitting on the ground with a bleeding nose.

"It MUST be yours..."

"Doesn't mean its mine!" Takato barked at her.

Rika sighed in annoyance  and put her hands on her hips.  "Must you make this so difficult...?"

Takato could feel the cold sweat fall down the side of his face.

Rika then picked Takato up by his collar nearly holding him in the air.  "I will ask you again....." Rikas voice got colder.  "Is this your card?"

Takato gulped hard.  Maybe if he told her she would leave him alone.......in little pieces.

"Answer me!" Rika was getting very impatient with Takato.

"I....I uhh..."  He shuttered.  He didn't know if he should tell her or not.

"Let him go!" A voice shrieked.

Rika and Takato looked to their side to see Jeri looking kinda nervous now that she got Rikas attention.

"Well if it isn't miss puppet freak..."  Rika grinned in her own evil way.

"I...I.....I.....I'm warning you!" She was shaking in total  fear.  "Let him go!"

Rika looked to Takato then back to Jeri.

"Looks like someone likes you  Takato." Rika grinned.

"Do not!!" Jeri blushed.

"Whatever...." Rika looked back at Takato. "Now you gonna tell me...? was it YOUR card or not?"

"It was mine!" Jeri suddenly said. She didn't even know what they were talking about. All she knew was it was something about a card.

Rika threw Takato on the ground and turned toward Jeri  with a cold glare.

"Oh really?"  She walked towards her.

"Rika don't hurt her!" Takato yelled at her.

"Shut your mouth!" Rika shot back at him then turned her attention back to  Jeri.  "So it was you  who came into my room! and touched all my things!" Rika got closer and  Jeri started to sweat more and more....

"Stay back!" Jeri warned her.

"What are ya gonna do?" Rika grinned. "Get out your stupid little puppet and hope it will scare me away? i would LOVE to see that..."

"I can fight just as well as you can." Jeri lied. She had no idea how to  fight! she was just trying to show she was cool too.

"You?" Rika laughed. "Thats a good one!"

"Rika why are you so cold hearted? how do you even plan to get a boyfriend?"  Jeri shuttered.

Rika raised an eyebrow.  If Jeri was the one who was at her  house and was that thing they heard in the bushes...then wouldn't she know that her and Henry were together? this was all just a little too fishy...

Rika then pushed Jeri down and was about to throw a punch but.....

"Rika stop!"

"What is it goggle head? can't you seem i'm trying to beat up your freaky little girlfriend?" Rika shot at Takato.

"It was me! really! i saw you guys kissing! i was in your room!" Takato then held up the picture from her and Henrys first date.

Rika gave Takato a glare that was so much colder then the rest. She walked towards Takato and punched him in the face again. Giving him a black eye!

"Takato!" Jeri yelled worriedly.

"That was for  lying to me..." She said to him very coldly.

Takato wanted to cry but he didn't want to show Rika he was such a wimp. So he tried to hide it.

Rika then got ready to punch him again. "And this is for......"


"Henry..." Rika whispered and dropped her  fists.

"Rika i thought we talked about this....." Henry sighed.

"Thats what he gets for spying on us!" Rika growled at Takato.

Henry walked up to her putting his hands on her shoulders.  "Now calm down....." He told her softly.

Rika took a deep  breath and nodded but still very mad with Takato. "Okay..."

Henry sighed with relief and looked at Jeri who was helping Takato up.

"Guess its pretty clear now." Henry said.

"Very clear....but a  year? Henry why didn't you tell us?"

Henry sighed.  "We....well I wanted too. But Rika didn't wanna tell anyone. She wanted it a secret."

"Goggle heads..."  Rika glanced to her side.

"Rika i'm gonna talk to them so i will meet you later okay?"

Rika nodded her head and walked off.

"The other reason Rika wanted it a secret was because she didn't wanna show anyone she had a soft side...she wanted everyone to know she was always tough."

"How did you guys fall in love?" Jeri asked.

"Well...." Henry sighed and thought back on that day....


Henry was on his way home taking a short cut threw the woods when he heard someone crying. It sounded allot like Rika. So he followed the crying and found Rika sitting on a rock with her hands covering her eyes.

"Rika?" Henry sat beside her. "Are you okay?"

"What do YOU want..." Rika   glared at him.

"Well i heard you crying so i wanted to make sure things were okay..."

"I'm fine!" She glanced to her side.

"Tell me the truth Rika...." Henry said softly. "Might make you feel better to get it off your back."

"Fine." Rika sighed.  ' Maybe if i tell him he will leave me alone....'

"Well?" Henry taped his foot.

"My mother got a call from my dad. He's living in Hong Kong right now teaching. He promised he would be back before my birthday! but......." Rika felt her tears falling down her cheek. "He.........he.......died!" Rika choked out.  "My dad was the only one who would spend time with me! we would go to  hockey games , movies....while my mother was at her dumb camera tests! but now.....hes gone!"

Henry grew very worried. He had never seen Rika cry before.

"Rika....don't cry...." Henry whispered  wiping her tears away.  "I know its hard to lose someone you love very much....believe me i should know."

"You lost someone?" Rika sniffeld.

Henry nodded. "Yeah my brother."    (A/N : Lets just say he had another older brother...ok?)

Rika gasped.

"When i was about 4 or 3 years old...my brother Sam would always be there for me. Because my mom and dad were always at work and my sister was always at her friends house or shopping.....so Sam would play with me.  He would take me to see a movie or take me outside to play...anywhere..." Henry could feel his own tears starting to build up.  "He was the best brother i ever had..."

"I'm so sorry...." Rika felt kinda sorry for Henry.  ' Maybe he  understands me......a little.'

"Its okay..." Henry smiled at her. "I learned to accept the fact that he's gone."

"How did he die?....i mean if you don't mind me asking..."  Rika got closer to him.

"Well....he took me on top of a very high cliff.  It was a wonderful  view up there.  He looked over the edge and saw a beautiful flower growing.  He looked to me and said. "I will get that for you!"  So he leaned down and tried to pick it.....but....he fell."

"Thats so sad...." Rika leaned her lead on Henrys  shoulder surprising him.

"But i guess it was destiny that called him. Just like it called your dad." Henry told her slowly putting an arm around her shoulders.

"You know Henry...." Rika looked up at him.


"You really understand me....." Rika smiled and laid her head back down on his shoulder.

Henry smiled and laid his head on top of hers enjoying that wonderful moment........


"Wow..." Jeri breathed out. "Thats so romantic!"

"Rikas mean because she lost her dad?" Takato asked confused.

"She just  feels its the worlds fault that her  dad died." Henry replied.

"I kinda feel sorry for her." Takato said.

"I always do..." Henry sighed. "Were always talking about her attitude...and why she shouldn't beat up people.."

"Its like your the only one she loves." Jeri questioned.

"I'm sure deep inside she loves her grandma and mom."  Henry smiled. "She just needs time. Rika is a very warm and kind girl but she's just one tough cookie that doesn't wanna show it."

"Well she did a very good job." Takato took his hand off his  black eye.

"I'm sorry she did that Takato." Henry apologized. "I'm sure she didn't mean it."

"Its okay i guess..."  Takato shrugged.  "Just make sure she don't do it again..."

Henry laughed. "I'll try...but if she murders you your on your own."

"Um...haha..." Takato laughed nervously. "Funny..."

"Hey Henry." Jeri taped his shoulder.

"Yeah?" He turned around facing her.

"I think Rika needs you..." Jeri said pointing Rika out who was about to knock another kids lights out.

"Oh boy..." Henry sighed then started to run towards Rika. "Rika!"

Takato and Jeri just laughed.


After School....
Rikas house....

"Oh how about this one!" Makkino held up a pink dress with bunny rabbits going down the side of the dress that was about knee length and  a big red bow in the middle.  "Try it! it will make you look more like a girl!"

"Iam being punished for something?" Rika shut her eyes looking disgusted .  "I told you before i can't stand cute things like this!"

Makkino  frowned as her  daughter started to walk away.   "I'm out of here!" Rika said in her usual tone of voice.

"Guess she's  still in the tomboy stage..." Makkino sighed.

"Rika just has her own sense of style thats all. There are more things in life then looking pretty you know." Said her mother.

Makkino looked to her mother confused.  "Really like what?"


Rikas back yard....

Rika stood leaning against the wall on her porch staring at the sky as the wind blew threw her hair.  Something really confused her.  She always told herself  to never make any friends or fall in love for that matter.  Because all it would do would get in her way.  But she couldn't stop it this time. She was in love and there was no turning back. A picture of Henry appeared in her mind.

"Henry...." She whispered.

From the day they met he was always so kind.  After the way she treated him he ended up falling in love with her.  Rika was really surprised the day Henry told her he loved her. She was even more surprised when she told Henry she loved him.  The only people who knew about her and Henry now were Takato , Jeri and her Grandmother. Rika didn't want to tell her mom because she would make a big fuss and get her stupid looking dressed to wear on her  dates....

' Why me...' Rika closed her eyes getting lost deep in her thoughts.

"Oh Rika!" Called her mother.  "Rika! Ri-  oh there you are!" Her mother said excitedly as she walked up to her.

"What?" Asked Rika  who was still into her thoughts at the moment.

"I would like you to meet....Zack." Makkino  smiled  as she put her hands on the boys shoulders.  "Zack this is my daughter Rika."

Rika opened her eyes and looked at the boy beside her.  He had blond hair , deep blue eyes , about the same age as Rika , Wearing a red shirt and blue jeans. His skin was about the same color as Henrys.  In Rikas opinion he was just another freak.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Rika asked narrowing her eyes at him.

"Rika! *ahem*....Rika Zack is my friends son. Because she's gonna be away for awhile Zack will be staying with us. Okay pumpkin?"

Rika groaned and looked the other way.

"I will leave you two alone!" She smiled and went into the house.

"Hey Rika." Smiled Zack.  "its nice to meet you."

"I'm sure..."  Rika raised an eyebrow.  "Just watch it ok?...."

"Are you upset or something Rika?" Asked Zack worriedly.

"No.....now go away." Rika crossed her arms looking ahead of her.

Zack smiled.  "I like you already..."

"And i hate you already..." Rika grinned.

Zack laughed.  "Your funny."

Rika rolled her eyes. What was this guys problem?

"Wanna go out with me?" He asked her.


"You sure? we can........" He whispered it into her ear.

Rikas eyes widen she then punched him in the face.

"Ah!" He fell on the ground holding his nose as Rika walked into her room.

"Zack!" Makkino rushed out and helped him up.  "Oh what did  Rika do!?"

"Punched me..." He said. "Ow....nose bleed."

Makkino sighed and sent him inside. "Go wash up."

Zack nodded and walked inside.


"What?" Makkios mother asked shocked.

"You heard me! she punched Zack!" Makkino shouted.

"And all i did was say she looked pretty today."

' There's his problem...' Rikas Grandmother thought.  " Well Rika hates those kind of comments."

"I'm sorry i didn't know." Zack pretended to cry.

"Don't cry." Makkino rubbed his back softly.  "Mom go and talk to Rika."

Rikas Grandmother shrugged and headed for Rikas room.


Rika was laying on her bed watching the ceiling when her Grandmother came into her room.

"Grandma?" Rika sat up.

"Rika why did you punch Zack?"

"Because he's a pervert!" Rika barked.

"He told us all he said was you were pretty."

"He's a liar !" Rika huffed.  "And a freak..."

Her Grandmother chuckled.  "Rika thats not very nice to say."

"Its true!" Rika yelled. "I hate him! i want him gone!"

"Calm down dear hes only here for 3 days."

"Good..." Rika huffed.  "Maybe if were lucky he will leave sooner..."

"Well i gotta go and  finish making dinner." She smiled.  "Cya."

Rika then closed her eyes and decided to take a little nap.


Knock Knock!

"Hello?" Zack answered the door holding a wet cloth to his nose.

"Hello i'm here to see-" Henry trailed off when he saw Zack holding a cloth to his nose.  "Um....pardon me but....."


"Did you try asking Rika out?"  Henry asked.

"How did you know?" Zack looked surprised.

"Just a hunch...." Henry shrugged.  "Anyway i'm here to see Rika...we got some homework to do together." he lied.

"Oh hello Henry." Rikas grandmother came up behind Zack.  "Come on in. I'm sure Rika will be happy to see you."

"Just like she was to see me." Zack said in a  sarcastic tone.

"Well Zack this is....."

"Its Okay." Henry smiled. "Tell him. Its about time me and Rika start telling people."

"Tell what?" Asked Zack confused.

"Well believe or not i'm Rikas boyfriend." Henry told him.

"Oh i get it....hahah..." He laughed. "Good one."

Henry sighed.

"Well why don't you just go on in and see her." Rikas grandmother smiled.

"Okay." Henry walked in.


Zack thought this had to be some big joke. Besides if it was he wanted to be there when Rika punched him in the face.  So he  slowly tip toed to Rikas door and slip it open a crack. So it was just enough for him to get a good look at Henry and Rika. His jaw nearly fell to the  floor when he saw they were kissing.

' I guess Henry really is her boyfriend.' Zack thought.

"So who's this Zack guy?" Henry asked after they broke their kiss.

"Some freaks son..." Rika replied.  "He's such a moron...."

Zack growled.

"Rika you wont make any friends if you punch them all the  time."

"How did you know i punched him?"

"He answered the door." Henry replied.

"Well i had a good reason too!" Rika said.


"He's  such a pervert! you want to know what he said to me!?" Rika raised her voice angrily.

' Oh no!' Zack turned pale. ' If she tells him i'm gonna get a  black eye to go with my bleeding nose! i gotta do something!'

Thinking quickly Zack stood up and opened Rikas  door.

"What do you want you freak?" Rika glared.

"Um...Rika your mom wants to see you!"  He lied.


"I don't know...go and see." He shrugged.

Rika sighed. "Be right back." She kissed Henry on the cheek and left.

"So...you really ARE Rikas boyfriend."

"What's it to you?" Henry glared.

"Oh nothing...." He smiled. "Well gotta go!" he yelled running off.

"My mom didn't wanna see me you-..." Rika trailed off when she didn't see Zack anywhere.  "Where did he go?"

"He ran off." Henry shrugged. "So did you wanna get going?"

"Sure." Rika smiled. "Lets try that new Japanese restaurant down town."

"Lets get going then."


Henry and  Rika grabbed their coats and then walked out the door.


At the  restaurant....

While Henry was pigging out on his rice and sushi Rika was yet again lost deep into her thoughts. Henry looked up from his plate and to her girlfriend who was sitting across from him.  She didn't look to well. So after he swallowed his sushi he spoke up.

"Are you okay?" He asked her worriedly.



"Oh sorry!" Rika finally snapped out of it.  "My mind was somewhere else..."

"Oh...like where?"

"Something just don't feel right..."

"Yeah...this sushi is seaweed..."

Rika giggled.

"Not that!" She laughed.

"Then what?" Henry laughed also.

"That Zack guy....i don't trust em..."

"You and i both." Henry nodded in agreement. "So what was it that he said to you?"

Rika got up and sat beside Henry.  "Well....."



"After the date well have some fun in your bedroom...if you get my drift."

Rika gasped in shock from Zacks words.


"What a pervert!" Henry growled. "Hitting on MY girl..."

"I know..." Rika sighed. "I just wish he would leave already."

"Me too." Henry nodded.  "Before we go i wanna do one thing."


"Finish my rice!" Henry then started to pig out again.

Rika laughed at her silly boyfriend.

Rikas house....
Later that night....
10:30 PM

Rika was sitting at her night  table writing in her journal.

"Dear journal,

Today some stupid kid named ' Zack '  has come to stay with us. He has only been here for a day and already he's driving me nuts. Me and Henry went out for dinner and talked about it. But i still think something  funny is going on. Like he's gonna try and pull something....but whatever ever it is...i will be ready for him.

Yours truly.


Rika sighed. She shut her journal and put it away then got out her digimon cards. It has been awhile since she used them last. She was now 15 years old. When peace in the digital world was brought Renamon, Guilmon , and Terriermon went back to the digital world. Rika looked forward to day when she saw her friend again. One thing was for sure if the digimon haven't come to their world she and Henry might of never met. Or even fallen in love for that matter.

"Sure has been awhile...i can't even remember how to play." She chuckled softly to herself.  She use to be known as the digimon queen. The person who knew everything about the digimon card game. Who knew your weakness. The person who knew how to plan a great strategy. But now she knew nothing.

"Hmmm lets see...." Rika then had a flash back as she laid down a card.


"Digi modify! speed activate!"


' There's so much that happend....hard to believe i forgot most of it... '  She smiled.  'How silly of me...' She chuckled.   ' I remember how much a pain in the neck Calumon was...'


" Get out of my room you over grown rat!"

Calumon gets a sad looking face. "Your not happy are you?"

He then jumped on her bed excitedly.  "I know what will cheer you up! lets PLAY!"

"Oh please!" Rika brings the blankets over her head causing Calumon to fall. "Ah!"


Rika sighed warmly.  ' I gotta admit...i kinda miss that little rat.'

Rika snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her door slide open then shut again. She  turned around to see Zack standing in the door way with a sly smile on his face. Rika didn't like  this at all.

"Hi Rika." He smiled walking towards her.

"Don't  hi Rika me!" She snapped at him.  "What are you doing in my room you jerk!"

"My my....beautiful and grumpy..."  He chuckled.

"I may be beautiful but iam not grumpy!" She growled.

"Come on Rika. I want to be your friend."

"Well i don't want to  be yours! now go away!"

"Why don't you come and make me...." He said playfully.

"I will make you alright!" Rika growled. She got up and was about to grab his shirt collar to punch him good but he grabbed her first. He bent her over and kissed her hard. Holding her tightly so she couldn't get out of his grip.  When Rika finally got lose she punched him so hard it knocked him out cold.

"Serves  you right!" She yelled looking down at him.  Rika didn't want him laying in her room so she dragged him out into the hall way and left him out there.


Next day
4:30 PM

Henry was sitting on a bench  waiting for Rika when who would appear?  Zack! that annoying jack-ass.

"Hey Henry." He grinned.

"What do YOU want?" Henry glared.

"Hey what's wrong with you?"

"YOU were hitting on MY girl! he snapped back at him.

"How do you know?"  He asked shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Rika told me." He replied while glaring hard.  "So stay away from her!"

"Make me!" He said sticking out his tongue at Henry.

"Just go away...ok?" Henry glanced to his side trying to ignore him.

"Come on chicken!" He started to dance around flapping his arms like a chicken.  "Chicken!"

Henry growled stood up and punched him. "Shut up okay?!"  he yelled.

"Thats more like it!" Zack stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth.  "You DO have some fight in you."

"Is that all you want to do? fight?"  Henry asked him sharply.

"Pretty much...." He grinned.  "I will fight you and get the girl."

"Rika would not date the likes of you!" Henry yelled at him.

"Shut up! i will get her to love me!" Zack yelled punching Henry in the jaw making him fall back.

"Shit Zack that hurt!" Henry tackled him to the ground.  "Take this!"  Henry punched his jaw twice as hard.

Zack then  got Henry off him and tackled him down.  "Now lets see how you like it!"

"Henry!" A voice yelled.

Henry looked to his side to see Rika running towards him.

"Rika." He whispered.  His jaw was hurting too much for him to talk to loud.

Rika pushed Zack off him and helped him up.  "Henry....what.."

"He started it......" Henry glared at Zack.

"Ohh Henry....your hurt...." Rika got out a tissue and wiped the side of Henrys mouth.

"Rika...i'm fine...ow"

"What?" She asked.

"My jaw hurts..."

"Awww my poor baby...." Rika grinned taking his arm.  "Lets go home....and make it all better."

"What about me!" Zack yelled. "I'm hurt too! i think i might be dying!"

' Not yet....' Rika growled.


Rikas house....

" Ow! Rika that hurts!"  Henry shut his eyes tightly.

"Well we gotta put something on that cut! if you weren't rolling on the ground you might of not rolled in  glass."

"Well sorry if i was getting my butt kicked....it was- OW!!"

"Henry stay still!" Rika told him as she put some ointment on his cut.  "I gotta put ointment on so it wont get worse."

"I know but- OW!"

"Stop moving or it will take even longer!" Rika said getting annoyed at her boyfriend.

Rika then put a band-aid on it.

"Hey Barbie band-aid!" He smiled. "Cool!"

Rika rolled her eyes.  "I don't know why my mom got  those...."

"Maybe because she likes the color pink." Henry shrugged.

"Maybe because she's weird..." Rika snorted.

Henry chuckled.   "So when is Zack leaving?"

"Tomorrow." Rika sighed with relief.  "Thank god...."

"Don't cry!" Henry joked. "He will be back! please don't cry!"

"Ha....ha!" Rika laughed sarcastically. "Your funny Henry!"

"Isn't that why you love me?" He made a puppy dog face.

"Maybe..." Rika smiled.  "I also love you because of your attitude."

"I love everything about you..." He looked her over.  "growl....." He growled playfully.

"Henry!" Rika punched his shoulder lightly. "Stop it! your making me blush!"

Henry laughed.  "Well what do you wanna do now?"

"Lets go to your place." Rika smiled. "That way we can get away from Zack."

"Okay." Henry nodded in agreement. "Lets go."


Henrys house...

"Hello?" Henry called as he walked into the apartment followed by Rika.  "Anyone home!?"

"Henwy!!" His little sister ran up to him excitedly.  "Your home!"

"Yeah i'm home." He smiled shutting the door.

"Wika!!" She beamed.  "You here too!!"

"Yeah i'm here too." Rika smiled.

"Yayy!!" Suzie ran into the kitchen.  "Mommy Henwy and Wika here!"

"Hi you two." Henrys mother smiled.

"Hello Mrs. Wong." Rika bowed in respect.

"Is Rika staying for dinner Henry?" She asked.

"Mmmm....i dunno...Rika?" He looked at her.

"Sure." She smiled. "I would love too."

"Make sure you call your mom."

"I will." Rika nodded.

"Lets go to my room." Henry took Rikas hand.

"Ooooohh." Said Henrys older sister as she came into the living room.

"Shut up!" Henry growled at her.

"Lets go!" Rika laughed.


4:30 PM
Saturday ....
Henrys room....

Henry was typeing away on his computer while Rika sat on his bed.

"Henry you been typing for over an hour...." She sounded  tired. "Are you done yet?"

"I'm just downloading porn." He joked.

"Har har funny!" Rika glared. "And you better not be!!"

"Relax!" Henry laughed.   "I'm finished."

"What were you doing?" She asked.

"Typing up some late homework." He replied.  "23 pages long."

"You type fast." She was impressed.

"Thank you." He smiled.  He stood up pushed Rika onto the bed getting on top of her.  "So...want do you wanna do?" He whispered.

Their lips then met in a really deep kiss filled with passion. Just as they were  getting more and more into it.....

Knock! Knock!

"Henwy!!" Called a little voice. "Time for dinnew!!!"

The couple then pulled away.  "Coming." Henry called back.

"Well lets go to dinner..." Rika stood up but Henry pulled her back into his arms.  "Not yet....." he looked deep into her eyes with a huge smile on his face.

"Henry....." She chuckled. "We gotta go eat...."

"Your such a kill joy...." He laughed.

They laughed as they walked down the hall for dinner.


At the dinner table...

"Mom....dad..." Henry asked as he looked up from his plate.

"Yeah dear what?" Asked his mother.

"Me and Rika have something to tell you...." He looked over at Rika.

"What is it son?" Asked his farther.

"Me and Rika....are.....well..........going out."

The whole family had  a surprised look on their faces.

"How long has this been going on?"  Asked his farther still in shock.

"a  year........"

"a  year!!!!" His mother freaked.

"Calm down dear." Mr Wong told his wife.  "Why didn't you tell us Henry?"

"Me and Rika wanted to keep it a secret...until we felt we were ready to tell other people."

"Well...i'm just glad you told us at all."


"Its okay." He smiled. "In fact  when i was going out with your mother we waited a year and a half before we told anyone."

"So i guess your the models daughter..." Said Henrys older sister. "Cool."

"Not really..." Rika sighed.

"Henwy , Wika!" Suzie sang.

"I think its wonderful you  found someone." Smiled his mother.

"Its so cute!" His sister said excitedly.

"Way to go bro." Henrys older brother said punching him lightly in the shoulder.

"Heh....thanks you guys." Henry said putting a hand behind his head.

"Well finish up!" Said Henrys mother.


After Dinner....
6:07 PM

The couple laid on Henrys bed in each others arms thinking of nothing else! but each other.  Rika was almost fast asleep but then there was a knock at Henrys door.

"Yeah?" Asked Henry.

"Phone call for Rika!" Replied Henrys older sister.

Rika groaned. She got up and opened the door.

"Here."  Henrys sis smiled  handing Rika the phone.

"Thanks.  Hello?" Rika said in her usual  tone of voice.


"Mother....." Rika groaned. "What do you want?"

"Sweety when  are you coming home? its after 6:00!" Her mom said worriedly.  "Its gonna get dark soon!"

"I don't know...." Rika paced around Henrys room.

"Well you should come home now! Zack  misses  you!"

"Well i don't miss him!" Rika shot back.  "He can go to hell for all i care!"

"Rika Nonaka! don't you dare talk about Zack like that!" Her mother said who was getting very angry with her daughter.  "Now you come home this minute!"

"Make me!" Rika yelled into the phone and then hung it up. She was  very mad at her mother  right now. Think she can control her life! well she's wrong!

"Rika?" Henry sat up with a very worried look on his face.  "Whats wrong?"

"My mother wanted me to come home because Zack misses me!" Rika huffed.

Henry smiled and came up to Rika hugging her from behind.  "So are you staying over?...." He whispered into her ear.

"I guess so..." Rika shut her eyes sighing. "If its not too much trouble."

"No trouble at all..." Henry smiled.


Nonaka home....

"Just calm down dear...."

"I cant calm down mom!" Makkino yelled.   "My own daughter hung up on me!"

"I'm sure she had a good reason." Her mother said softly as she took a sip of tea.

"What kinda reason would she have that would make her hang up on me!" Makkino turned around facing her mother.

"Zack." Were the only words that came out of her mouth.

"Zack?" Makkino took a step back.  "I don't understand."

Makkinos mother looked up at her daughter seriously.

"Yes Zack."

"Mom i don't understand what your saying."

"Rika doesn't want to be set up with Zack. She has her own life."

"Beating up kids is not a life mother!" Makkino shot at her.  "Rika needs a boy who can look after her....and maybe talk some sense into her."

"Well Zack is not the answer." Makkinos mother said putting her cup down.

"Sure is he!" Makkino assured her mother.  "Hes strong, smart...."

"And rude."

Makkino looked at her mother surprised.  "How can you say that?"

"For the past days all he has done was lay around the house being lazy. I had to pick up after him...and Rika told me he's a pervert."

"Rika says lots of things! you cant believe her."

"Well you seemed to be spending time with Zack more then Rika."  Her mother pointed out.  "Maybe if you sat down and talked with Rika you would know more about her."

"I know everything about my daughter." Makkino sat down next to her mother.

"If you did you would know this." Makkino looked at her mother oddly. What could she know that she doesn't?

"You would know that Rika doesn't want to go out with Zack....and that.....well..."

"Well what mom?" Makkino crossed her arms.

"Rika is already seeing someone..."  She finally said.

"No...really what?" Makkino chuckled. This had to be some joke. Rika already dating someone? impossible.

"I mean it dear." She said seriously.  "Rika is already dating someone."

"If she was then why didn't she tell me?" Makkino asked.

"Because Rika didn't want you to make a big deal out of it. "  Her mother replied sharply.

Makkino then took a deep breath. "Who..."


"Who is Rika seeing..." Makkino asked.  "Tell me."

"Henry."  She said surprising her daughter.

"Henry? as in Henry Wong?" Makkio stood up.

"Yes." She nodded.

"What could Rika possibly see in him?" Makkino put her hands on her hips a little upset.

"Something that Zack doesn't have."  Her mother stood up putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Like what? Zack has it all....good looks , strong........"

"What about love?"

Makkino gasped and looked at her mother. "Love?"

"Rika fell in love with Henry because he loves her. Not because he has good looks or he's strong....because she loves him for how he is...and how he acts.."


"Makkino....think about it.  Does Rika really need someone like Zack?"

Makkino thought for a few moments and then looked her mother in the eye.  "I guess not....."  She sighed.

"There...your starting to understand....Rika doesn't care about looks....she cares about feelings."

"How could i have been so blind?" Makkino sighed. "I'm a bad mother."

"Don't beat yourself up dear....at lest you understand."  Her mother hugged her tightly.

"Mom...." She cried.

"Now now...." She said softly. "Don't cry....just wait till Rika comes home tomorrow and talk it over with her."

"Ok......" Makkino wiped her tears. "I will..."

"Thats my girl." Her mom smiled warmly.


Wong home....
12:00 PM

Because Henry was suppose to be a  gentleman he let Rika sleep in his bed while he slept in a sleeping bag on the floor. While Henry was snoring away Rika was wide awake. Looking up at nothing.  She couldn't sleep. So she sat up and looked down at Henry.   She smiled at him. Even when he was asleep he looked so sweet...even if there was drool going down the side of his mouth. He still looked like a sweetheart to Rika. Rika never really saw herself as the  "Romantic and caring type."  But something just came over her that made her want to smile and be so sweet towards Henry. Sometimes she wished there was a cure for love....and sometimes she didn't.  Rika then shook  Henry with her foot waking him wake up.

"Huh?....wha?"  He yawned.  "Rika?....what is it?"

"Henry...i'm kinda cold so.....could you come up here with me?" She asked him softly with a warm smile.

"Sure Rika." Henry stood up and got in with her and took her into his arms.  "Better?"

"Much better...." Rika laid her head on his chest and started to fall asleep. When she was in Henrys arms she felt safe and warm and most importantly......she felt loved.

"I'm glad...." Henry closed his eyes and started to fall back asleep. Now that Rika was in his arms it wouldn't take him long to fall asleep.

Rika then opened her eyes again. "Henry?" She asked softly.


"Did my looks have anything to do with you  falling in love with me?" She asked him sternly.

"Looks had nothing to do with it....." He replied casually.

"Then what?" She asked again.

"Rika....." He opened his eyes and sighed. "I thought we been over this.."

"I know...but i still think my looks had something to do with it....." Rika sighed. "My mom says-..."

"Rika it don't matter what your mom says! what matters is that you love me. And i love you!"


"No buts." Henry cut her off.  "Now not another word on the subject."

Rika sighed again and shut her eyes.

"Now go to sleep...." Henry told her.  "Well talk more in the morning."

"Ok..." She whispered.


Next morning....
6:30 AM

"Henwy! Wika!" Suzie smiled as she opended Henrys door to find Henry and Rika in each others arms. "Wakey wakey!"

A groan came from the couples lips.  "Suzie......." Henry said half awake.  "Go back to sleep....its only...." Henry  grabbed his clock on the night table beside his bed.  "6:30 in the morning....."

"Wise and shine!" Suzie laughed as she jumped onto the bed.

"Ugh Suzie.....be quiet! Rika is still sleeping."  Henry told her sharply.  "Now go and play......" Henry waved her away as  he  started to fall  back asleep.

"Henwy!" Suzie was started to get a little mad.  "Come and play!"

"Un........." All was Henry could say. And in no time at all he fell  back asleep.

Suzie then got an idea.  She grabbed a foot stool climed up on it and turned on the lights.  "Sun shine!" She giggled.

Henry groaned in annoyance. He sat up setting Rika down gently on the bed and putting the blanket over her to keep her warm.

He walked towards his little sister and picked her up.  "Lets go see Lizzy...."

"Yay!" Suzie cheered.  "Lizzy! Lizzy! Lizzy!"


When Henry put Suzie in his older sisters room he got back into bed with Rika.

"Henry!" He heard his older sister yell. "Come and get Suzie!"

Henry ignored her.  And to make sure she didn't bring Suzie back to him he locked the door.

"Henry.....?" Rika sat up rubbing her eyes.

"Oh i'm sorry Rika did i wake you?"

"No...." Rika shook her head.  "I was already up."

"Later well go over to your house." Henry sat on the bed.


"Because you need to talk with your mother."

"About what?"

Henry  gave her a look saying ' you know what i mean.'

"Okay, Okay.." Rika sighed.

Henry smiled. "Good."


Nonaka home....

"That was Henry on the phone. He and Rika are on their way over."

Makkino sighed.  "I hope we can get this worked out."

"Don't worry dear." Her mother smiled warmly. "Everything will be fine."

"Morning." Zack yanwed coming into the room.

"Good morning Zack." Makkino smiled. "Sleep well?"

"Yep....say....wheres Rika?" He looked around. "Is she up yet?"

"No...she stayed at her boyfriends last night." Makkino replied.  "Shes on her way home right now."

"Good! because i'm leaving in an hour so i want to say bye."Zack grinned.

"Don`t worry Rika and Henry will be here shortly"

"Henry?" He questioned.  "Why is he coming here?"

"Henry told me afterwards their going out for lunch."

They then heard the door slide open and shut again.

"I'm home!" They heard Rika call.

"Were in here Rika!" Her Grandmother called.

Hand in hand Rika and Henry stepped into the living room.

"You wanted to talk?" Rika asked siting down on the couch with Henry beside her.

"Yes i did....um Zack could you take a seat as  well."

Zack nodded and took a seat next to Henry.

"Rika i just wanted to apologize....i know  trying to set you up with Zack was wrong. I understand now that you wish to date Henry...and thats fine. I'm sorry for ignoring you most of this week." Makkino looked down in shame.  "I'm sorry Zack. You cant date my daughter."

Zack sighed in disappointment. "Awwww........"

"From now on i will let you live your own life...." Makkino looked up at Rika.  "Can you forgive me?"

"How did you know i was dating Henry?" Rika asked.  "Was it YOU?!" Rika shot at Zack.

"No dear it was me." Her grandmother said.

"Wonderful.....well i guess i can forgive you." Rika shut her eyes while crossing her arms.

"Rika...." Zack started.

"Shut up." Rika spat at him. "I don't wanna hear another word out of you!"

"I just want to say i'm sorry too! for what i said to you.....and for beating up Henry."

"Yeah yeah your both forgiven." Rika rolled her eyes.  "Can we go now?" Rika turned to Henry.

Henry chuckled. "Well can we please be exused  Mrs. Nonaka?"

"Y...yes of course!" She smiled. "Have fun."

"Thanks." Henry took Rikas hand. "Lets go."


"Oh Rika!" Henry chuckled.  "Be nice...."

"I don't trust em! they might spy on us...."

There talking could be heard as they walked down the hall and out the door. Henry knew that some day Rika would learn to  ' trust em.'  she just needed time. And some love and guidance along the way.
