little mistake i made ^^;; It is not 14 years later its  11 years later and Rika is 31 years old.
>_< Sorry about that...
Special thanks to my friend Lilac_Kamiya for helping me with this little problem. ^^;;

Memories Part 2

As you all may know in our last chapter it talked about what happened when Rika got out of high school. She got pregnant with Henry's baby and when they had him they named him Kouji. Now Kouji is 14 years old and is in high school. Now Kouji think he has found the girl of his dreams. Her name is Izumi. He has just asked her out! What now?

Kouji stood there stunned at Izumis answer.

"R-Really?" He was blushing.

"Yes." Izumi smiled. "I would love to go out with you on friday."

"Great! Shall we say 7:00?" Kouji asked.

"Sure!" Izumi smiled. "That would be great!"


"Now lets get going." Izumi said. "Don't wanna be late for school."

"Ok." Kouji nodded. "Lets go."


3:05 PM

Rika was in the kitchen washing the dishes while Henry sat at the table drinking some coffee. Today was his day off. Rika seemed to be worried about something all morning long. Henry noticed this and decided to speak up.

"Hon?..." Henry asked.  "Are you okay? You seem worried."

"I'm fine..." Rika replied gloomy.

"You don't sound fine." Henry frowned. "Rika tell me what's wrong."

Rika sighed and just kept washing the dishes.

"Rika don't ignore me." Henry was getting a bit angry that his own wife would not tell him what was wrong. She should be able to tell him anything.

"I'm not ignoring you...." Rika replied. "I have to finish the dishes."

Henry put down his cup of  coffee and walked over to Rika. He grabbed her chin lightly so she was facing him. "Tell me." He asked her again. "What's wrong."

Rika put  the dish she was washing down and  took a deep breath. "Its Kouji..."

"Huh?" Henry released her chin. "What about him?"

"We should tell him about when we had him." Rika said. "He should know."

"Is that all you're worried about?" Henry asked.

Before Rika could anwser Henry,  Kouji rushed into the kitchen. "MOM, DAD!" He yelled very excited. "Guess what!"

"What is it honey?" Rika asked.

"I'm going out on a date on friday!" He smiled.

"A date?" Henry questioned. "With who?"

"Izumi Orimoto." Kouji replied. "I asked her out and she said yes!"

"Thats wonderful son." Henry smiled. "But......"

"But what?" Kouji asked.

"Well....what time is you're date?" Rika asked.


Rika and Henry looked at each other worriedly.

"What is it mom?" Kouji asked. "Something wrong?"

"Don't you remember what we do on fridays?" Rika asked him.

"Oh yeah..." Kouji slapped his forehead. "Family night...But mom its my first date!"

"I know sweety..." Rika sighed. "But..."

"You just go on that date and have fun." Henry smiled.

"YEAH! Thanks dad!" Kouji gave his mom and dad a hug and then ran to his room.

"Henry!" Rika shot at her husband. "Why did you do that?"

"Come on Rika its his first date...he can miss this one friday."

"I guess.....Oh!"


"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow can you come with me?"

"I would love to sweetheart but i'm working tomorrow till very late."

"Ok." Rika sighed.

"Sorry hon..." Henry kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Its ok..." Rika smiled. "Its not your fault."

"I'm off to soccer practice!" Kouji's voice called.

"Kouji wait!" Rika called back.

"What is it mom?" Kouji asked walking into the kitchen.

"Sit down son..." Henry told him.

Kouji then took a seat at the kitchen table. "What's  up?"

"Its about when we had you..."

"Oh?" Kouji raised an eyebrow."What about it?"

"We were 17 when we had you." Rika told him softly.

"What?! But that would make you 31! You should be like....40 now!! you lied to me!" Kouji was feeling very mad now.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner..." Rika said sadly.

"Damn right!" Kouji yelled.

"Don't use that kind of language young man!" Henry told his son a bit mad.

"How can you lie to me?" Kouji asked feeling very hurt and mad.

"Were both very sorry." Henry said setting a hand on Rika's shoulder. "I hope you can forgive us for not telling you sooner. But we were waiting until you were old enough."

Kouji was still very angry with his parents but decided just to drop it.

"Ok..." Kouji sighed. "I forgive you. Now i have to go to soccer." Kouji picked up his soccer bag and went out the door.

Rika sighed. "Do you think we did the right thing?" Rika asked.

"I know we did hon...." Henry replied. "I just know we did..."



"Mrs. Wong?" The secretary asked.

"Yes?" Rika stood up.

"You may go in and see the doctor now." The secretary told her.

"Thank you." Rika said as the secretary led her to one of the rooms.

"The doctor will be with you in a minute." She smiled and closed the door.

Rika sat down on the black chair and looked at the posters that hung on the wall. Posters about the human body and beside it was one about pregnancy. Rika sighed and taped her foot waiting for the doctor.

5 minutes later....

"In a minute huh?" Rika mumbled.

The door knob turned and then the door opened.

"Hello Mrs.Wong." The doctor smiled shutting the door behind him. "How are we feeling today?"

"Not so well." Rika replied. "I been getting sick in the morning and have fainted a few times."

"Hmmm i see.." The doctor said writing a few things down on his clipboard. "Anything else?"

"No." Rika shook her head.

"Okay Mrs.Wong what well do is a blood test and well see what's wrong with ya."

"Ok doctor." Rika nodded.

"Ok come with me Mrs.Wong." The doctor told her.


The doctor led Rika into one of the other rooms were a nurse was waiting for her. "Please take a seat Mrs.Wong."

Rika nodded and sat down.

“Okay this will sting a little.” The nurse said as she stuck the needle in the vein and drew a quarter of blood from Rika.

"Ok there we go." The nurse smiled.

"All done?" The doctor asked walking into the room.

"Yes Doctor." The nurse smiled.

"Okay Mrs.Wong well call you once we get the results."

"Ok." Rika bowed. "Thank you doctor."



"What?" Izumi asked surprised.

"Its true." Kouji kicked the dirt."My parents had me when they were 17!"

"I'm sure its nothing to worry about." Izumi told him.

"I suppose you're right..." Kouji  looked up at Izumi and smiled.

"Yup!" Izumi did a peace sign.

Kouji blushed. Izumi was a really nice girl. Maybe she could be his girlfriend.

"So what do you have for lunch?" Kouji asked.

"Same old same old...Sushi and rice." Izumi replied looking into her lunch bag. "Never anything new."

"What about you." Izumi asked looking over at Kouji.

"Um lets see...."


After school...

"I'm home!" Kouji called as he slid the door open and shut it behind him.  "Mom?" He called.

"In the kitchen." His mother called back.

"Hey mom." Kouji smiled walking in the kitchen. "Whatcha doin?"

"Just writing a letter to one of my friends." Rika replied.

"The one who lives in china?" Kouji asked.

Rika nodded. "Yeah."

"When's dad get home?" Kouji asked taking a seat.

"Not until late." Rika replied.  "He's filling in for a friend."



"I don't know what to do for my date on friday." Kouji said sounding nervous. "What if i screw up? Should i kiss her? Put my arm around her?! Mom i need answers!" Kouji said firing questions at his mom.

"First of all calm down." Rika set a hand on her son's shoulder.  "Its going to be just fine."

"What was you're first date like mom?" Kouji asked.

"Well.." Rika smiled thinking back on that wonderful day. "You're father did the most wonderful things for me on our first date. It was real magical."

"Like what?"

"Well he brought me roses we went to the fire work show and dinner. I loved it."

"That sure sounds like some date." Kouji said. "Hey mom?"


"Can i have some money to buy Izumi flowers?...Please?"

Rika giggled. "Of course you can son. Thursday after school i will pick you up and well head to the flower shop. Does that sound ok?"

"Yeah!" Kouji stood up and hugged his mother. "Thanks mom!"

"Your welcome honey." Rika smiled hugging her son back. " I want you to have a great time on your  first date."

"Thanks mom."


9:30 PM

"Rika?" Henry called as he walked in the door. "I'm home!"

"Hey honey." Rika smiled walking into the room giving Henry a kiss. "How was work today?"

"It was ok. My students are getting much better." Henry replied kissing her back. "Where's Kouji?"

"He's in his room." Rika replied. "Reading comics."

"Of course.."Henry chuckled. "So how was the doctors?"

"I got a blood test. Doctor said he would phone me when he got the results."

"Thats good to hear." Henry smiled.

"Yeah." Rika nodded.


4:00 PM

Rika was in the kitchen making supper when the phone rang. Rika then walked over and answered the phone that was hanging on the side of the wall. "Hello Wong residence, Rika  speaking."

"Hello Rika this is Dr. Charles." The voice replied. "I just got the results of your blood test."

"Thats great doctor." Rika said mixing the stew. "What is it?"

"Congratulations Mrs.Wong! You're pregnant."

Rika nearly dropped the telephone. "W-What?"

"Your pregnant." He said again. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks doctor." Rika then hung the phone up still very surprised about the news she just received. She was pregnant again? Well at least this  time she was old enough to be pregnant. "I cant believe it..." Rika thought out loud. "I'm pregnant again..."

Rika looked up at the clock. Henry didn't get home for another hour.

Rika then picked up the phone and decided to call Jeri and tell her the exciting news.

"Hello?" A  voice answered.

"Hi Jeri its me Rika!" Rika said sounding excited.

"You sure sound happy. What's up?"

"I just got my blood result from the doctor."

"Oh? And  what's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant!" Rika giggled.

"Oh really! I'm so happy for you!" Jeri said. "Does Henry know?"

"No. He doesn't come home from kung-fuu until 5:00."

"Are you excited to tell him?" Jeri asked.

"Yeah!" Rika laughed. "I cant wait to tell him."

"So  how is Kouji doing? I have not seen him in so long!"

(A/N : Jeri and Takato have moved to America.)

"He's doing great. He's having his first date on friday."

"How  cute!" Jeri giggled. "With who?"

"With Izumi. You remember her?"

"Oh yes! She moved from China to Japan didn't she?"

"Yeah." Rika nodded. " old is your son now?"

"He's  ten." Jeri replied. "I swear he acts more like  Takato every day."

"He does corny jokes?"

Both laughed.


5:10 PM

I'm home!" Henry called. "Rika?"

"In the kitchen Henry!" Rika called back.

"Hi babe." Henry said as he walked into the kitchen giving Rika a kiss. "How was your day?"

"Very nice." Rika smiled. "Your  dinner is on the table Henry."

"Oh thanks." Henry sat down at the table. "Mmmm looks good." Henry picked up a  fork and started to eat.

"Oh Henry..?" Rika sat down at the table with him.


"I got my blood test results back."

"Oh good." Henry said stuffing some chicken into his mouth. "What's wrong?"

Rika smiled. "I'm pregnant."


To be continued.

OH NO!! what em i doing to you people! LoL i promise the next chapter will be da last! no more cliffhangers! ^____^;;;