Life's little miracles...

16 year old Rika Nonaka was woken up by the sun shinning in her face. She sat up stretched her arms out and let out a yawn. She looked over at her clock. It was 7:30 AM. Beside the clock was a picture of her and Henry from a beach party that they had last year. It was tons of fun! She slowly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth , hair and got dressed.  She wore a navy blue  tank top and white jeans. She still wore her hair up like she did when she was younger.  She then went out into the kitchen grabbed a box of  cereal and pored herself a bowl.

"Good morning dear." Her grandmother smiled.  "Your up pretty early."

"Yeah." Rika took a spoon full of  cereal and shoved it into her mouth.  "I gotta meet Henry today."

"Why so early though?"  Her grandmother asked.

"I dunno.." Rika shrugged.  "Guess we just can't keep away from each other."

"How long you been going out with him now?" She took a sip of coffee.

"Almost 2 years now.." Rika replied finishing up her cereal.

"2 years huh?" She asked. "Wow....thats a pretty long time."

"Yep." Rika pored some orange juice into a cup and then sat down again.  "I can't believe it myself."

"What time do you plan to meet him?"

"He said he would call me." Rika replied taking a sip of her orange juice.

"Didn't say when he would call?"

"Nope." Rika shook her head.  "If so then i forgot."

Her grandmother chuckled.


Rika burst out of her seat and answered the phone that was resting on the wall.

"Hello?" Rika asked.  "Oh hey Henry! i been waiting for you to call. .....  Yeah sure!.....Okay bye!" Rika hung up.

"So what's the plan?" Asked her grandmother.

"He wants to meet at his place." Rika smiled.  "So i'm off!"

"Be  home in time for supper." Her grandmother smiled.  "I know how long you spend at Henrys."

Rika blushed in embarrassment and then left.

Just then Rikas mother came into the kitchen wearing a pink robe.

"Good morning." She yawned.

"Morning dear." Rikas grandmother took another sip of coffee.

"Is Rika up yet?" She asked her mother.

"Yeah just left for her boyfriends." She replied.

"Again?" Makino sighed.  "She has to learn to spend more time at home."

"She has her own life now dear. " Rikas Grandmother replied looked at her daughter.

"I know but i hardly see her...shes always off so early in the morning."

"Well her being in his relationship with Henry has made her very happy."

"I know....."

"Dear.  Rika thinks the same way when your always at those camera tests."  She told her seriously.  "Now i think you owe this to Rika."

"Mother please!" Makino shot at her mother. "Its not the same...."  she pored herself some coffee and took a sip.

"It don't matter...besides you cant stop Rika from seeing Henry."

"I might just have too. " Makino replied.  "I'm going to stop my camera tests for awhile to spend some time with Rika."

"Sweety." Rikas grandmother put down her coffee cup.  "Thats very nice of you to do....but i think all Rika wants is to be with Henry."

"Well she needs to spend time with her family too!" Makino replied raising her voice.

"Careful dear stress leads to wrinkles."

"I will just have to talk with Rika when she gets home."

"That wont be until know how Rika loves to hang around Henrys all day."

"Then i'm calling her to  give her a curfew!"  Makino picked up Rikas address  book that she had left on the table.

"Dear Rika wont be very happy if you do that..." Rikas Grandmother told her.

"I don't care! she's MY daughter and she has to follow some rules."

"Not letting her see her boyfriend is kinda a silly rule..and besides don't you have a camera test this morning?"

"Oh right!" Makino dropped the address book and quickly ran into her bedroom. "But right after i'm calling her!" She called from the bedroom.

"Sure dear..." Rikas Grandmother chuckled.


9:00 AM

Rika and Henry were making out in his bedroom laying on his bed not giving their mouths or hands a break.


Rika and Henry just ignored it and continued to make out.

In a short while the ringing finally stopped.

Knock knock!

"Rika." A voice called from the other side of the door.   "Its for you."

Rika and Henry groaned and pulled away.

"I wonder who it is.." Rika rolled her eyes.

Rika  got up opened the door and took the phone from Henrys older sis.


"Rika we need to talk." The voice on the other end replied.

"Mom?" Rika was surprised. "How did you get Henrys number??"

"You left your address book on the kitchen table." She replied.

"Oh crap.." Rika slapped her forehead causing Henry to chuckle.

"Rika i want you home at 3:00 is that clear?"

"3:00!" Rika freaked.  "Mom i'm 16 i think i can make my own choices!"

"Okay fine. 5:00"

"Fine." Rika hung up.

"What was all that about?" Asked Henry.

"My mom wants me home by 5:00." Rika growled.


"I don't know.." Rika ran her hand threw her hair. "But i'm gonna find out."

"Will this interfere with our make out time?" Henry frowned.

"No.." Rika giggled.  "When i go home at 5:00 i will  get to the bottom of this."

"Good." Henry smiled. "Now come here!"

Henry grabbed her and pushed her down on the bed and they went back to making out.



"Where is she?" Makino walked back and forth. "She's late!"

"Calm down dear." Rikas Grandmother said softly. "I'm sure Rika just lost track of time and is on her way right now."

Before Makino could answer her mother Rika walked in.

"What took you so long young lady!" Makino shouted at her daughter. "You were suppose to be home at 5:00!"

"I'm sorry mom." Rika mumbled taking a seat.  "I lost track of time."

"Never let it happen again." Makino set a plat of food in front of her.  "Now eat."

"Mom..." Rika asked as her mother took a seat.


"Why did you give me a curfew?"

Makino sighed put down her fork and looked her daughter in the eyes.

"Rika we have to make some changes."

"Like what?" Rika  didn't understand.

"I don't want you going to Henrys so much."  Makino replied. "You need to spend more time at home."

"And do what? " Rika barked.  "Wait for you to come home from camera tests?!"

"I'm gonna stop those for awhile." Makino replied.  "And i will spend more time at home."

" don't have to do that." Rika told her.

"Its no problem!" She smiled.  "We can do some stuff together."

"Thanks but no thanks." Rika  used  chop sticks and put a piece of beef in her mouth.

"Don't you wanna spend time with your own mother" Makino asked a little hurt.

"I do mom but... i have a life now."  Rika replied coolly.

"But Rika-"

Before she could  finish the phone rang.

Knowing it was Henry Rika burst from her seat and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" She smiled.  "Hey Henry!"

Makino  sighed knowing Rika would be on the phone for hours.


Next day at school.... shenkuu high school.  ( Uniforms.)

"So what did your mom talk to you about?" Henry asked shutting his locker.

"A bunch of crap.." Rika replied.

"Come on Rika!" Henry smiled. "Tell me."

"She wants me to spend more time at home." Rika replied looking at her boyfriend with a  blank look on her face.

"Well if you have too......."

"No no...Henry...i don't want too! she just has to understand i have my own life now."

"I guess your right." Henry nodded.

Rika kissed him.

"I'm always right."

"Hey guys!" Takato walked up to them.

"Hey Takato." Henry smiled.

"Hey." Rika waved. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Takato  yawned. " Just sleepy."

"Then take a little nap." Rika joked.  "Besides its almost noon."

Takato glared at her.

"ANYWAY....guys there's a party at Kazus on  friday."

"Really?" Henry asked.

"Yeah! his parents are gonna be away for the whole weekend." Takato grinned. "You wanna come?"

"Sure i'm  in." Henry smiled then looked to Rika. "How about you?"

"Sure." Rika nodded.

"Great!" Takato smiled. "Well cya!"

Then he ran off.

Henry then pushed Rika against his locker.

"How about some make out time before class..." He whispered slyly.

"Henry..." She giggled.

Then before you knew it they were all over each other...and were gonna be late for class.


Henrys house...

"Dad can i go to a party at Kazus on friday?"  Henry asked his dad who was  typing on the computer.

"depends..."  His  dad replied.

"On what?"

"What kinda party it is." He awnserd. "Will there be drugs , drinking...?"

"No no." Henry shook his head.  "Just a friendly  get together." He lied.  (A/N : There will be drinking just not drugs...heh..)

"Well...okay but be home by 11:00" He told his son.

"Okay!" Henry ran out of the room to call Rika.


Rikas house....

"Please mom!" Rika begged.  "Let me go to the party."

"No Rika!" Her mother told her.  "Your new curfew is 5:00 and this party is at 5:00 correct?"

"Yes but mom this is so un fair! 5:00 is way too early! i'm 16 years old treat me like an adult! not a child."

"Iam but your acting like a baby." Makino was getting very tired of her daughters complaining.

"Please mom!" Rika pleaded. "Just this once!"

"No! now another word out of you and you are  grounded."

Rika glared at her mother then ran to her room.

"Makino dear...let Rika go to the party..." Rikas Grandmother told her.  "She has not been to one in such a long time."

"I don't want her to go because....."

"I know what happened to you....but i'm sure it wont happen to Rika." She smiled.

"Well....okay...." Makino sighed.


Rikas room....

Rika laid on her bed looking at the ceiling. She was pretty angry at her mother. Telling her how to run her own life. This  whole thing just made Rika sick!

' Stupid mother...' Rika thought to herself angrily.  ' Thinks she can run my life.'

Knock knock!

"Rika?" It was her mother.

"Go away!" Rika growled.

"Dear its about the party..."

Rika rolled her eyes.

"Come in..."

Makino opened the door and sat beside Rika.

"Rika....i been thinking."

"Ohhh did it hurt?" Rika asked sarcastically.

"No! and well anyway....i'm gonna let you go to the party."

"Really?" Rika sat up.

"Yeah...and just be home before midnight...ok?"  She smiled warmly..

"I will." Rika smiled. "Thanks mom."

"Rika phone!" Her Grandmother called.

"Coming!" Rika replied.

Later that night....

Makino  looked out her window worriedly. She knew it was just a party...but what if the same thing will happen to Rika? she was only 16....she has so much ahead of her.


"WHAT?!" Screamed Makinos boyfriend David.

"I'm pregnant." Makino repeated again in tears.

"Makino were not ready to be parents yet!" David yelled angry with his girlfriend.

"Its not all my fault!" Makino yelled back.

"Yes! its always your fault! you slut!"  And with that David left his pregnant girlfriend to raise a baby on her own....

"Ooohh david!!" Makino cried. "Don't leave me!"



' I cant let the same thing happen to my little Rika...' Makino thought to herself.  ' I just can't let it happen!'

Makino then sat on her bed crying.

"David..." She whispered.




"Is Henry picking you up?" Makino asked her daughter who was sitting on the couch.

"Yeah." Rika nodded. "He should be here any minute now."

"Rika...theres something i wanna talk to you about before you leave." Makino sat beside Rika on the couch with a very serious look on her face.

"What mom?" Rika asked.

Before Makino could reply....

Knock! knock!

"Henrys here!" Rika jolted from the couch.  "Bye mom!"

"Rika wait!" Makino called to her.


Too late.....

Makino sighed.

"Please becareful..." Makino whispered.

Rikas Grandmother watched her daughter worriedly. She knew what Makino went threw as a teenager.  She got pregnant when she was 17 years old and her boyfriend David had left her. And she knew Makino didn't want that to happen to Rika. Rika did have a huge attitude problem but she was still a very innocent girl. Who had so much to do in life before she started a family.

"Makino honey i know your worried about Rika..." She sighed. "But i'm sure Rika wont make the same mistake."

"How do you know for sure?" Makino walked into the kitchen taking a class of orange juice.  "I know how her and Henry are always all over each other!"

"There in a relationship."  She took a seat at the table.  "Its normal."

"But mom what if Rika dose make the same mistake and gets pregnant!"

"I'm sure nothing will happen dear.." She assured her.  "Rika is a very smart girl. She knows better."

"Maybe your right." Makino sighed.  "I'm over reacting..."

"Trust me." She smiled.


Ding dong!

"Guys you made it!" Kazu greeted them as he opened the door.

"No duh.." Rika raised an eyebrow.

Henry lightly elbowed her. "Rika.."


"Come in!" Kazu smiled.


When they came in they saw  teenagers dancing , drinking ,  some smoking , and a few couples making out.

"Wow sure looks like a huge party tonight." Henry looked around surprised.

"I'm shocked people even came..." Rika replied narrowing her eyes.

"Well lets grab a spot on the couch." Henry winked.

"Henry.." She blushed.

"Hey guys!" Takato greeted.

"Oh hey..." Rika groaned.

"Hey Takato." Henry smiled. "Glad you could come."

"Yeah me too! i told my mom this was a birthday party." he laughed.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." Rika replied walking over to the little ' buffet table'.

"Hey Nonaka!" Nikki grinned.

Nikki was Kazus friends sister. She was in the same math class as Rika was.  They didn't really get along too much....

"What do you want?" Rika glared.

"Oh nothing..." she grinned evilly.

"That smile is very reassuring..." Rika frowned.  "You got something up your sleeve..."

"No i don't...." She pretended to look surprise.  "Rika why would you think such a thing!"

"I can sence evil.." Rika replied pouring herself some fruit punch.

"Well...CYA!" Nikki then walked over to her friends.

"Hey guys.." She whispered.

"What?" Asked Nikkis friend Kim.

"Rika is taking a sip of the punch we put beer in."  She giggled.

"Really?" Asked Lizzy.  "Omg!" She started to laugh.

' What's their problem?' Rika thought to herself as he drank her fruit punch.  'This fruit punch taste a little funny...'

With Henry....

"Hey Henry." Takato tapped his shoulder.

"What?" Henry  turned around to face his friend.

"Rika looks kinda  drunk..." Takato replied pointing her out.

"HUH?!" Takato was right. Rika could barely walk. She kept bumping into things and knocking them over.

"I don't know how she could of gotten drunk..." Kazu was confused.  "All we have to drink is punch."

"Hey Henry!"

Henry looked to his side to see Nikki holding a cup of punch.

"uhh hey." He waved.  "What's up?"

"You want some punch?" She asked giving him the cup.

"Uhh no thanks." Henry pushed it away. "I'm not thirsty."

"Awwww come on!" She gave it back to Henry. "Have some before its all gone."

"Okay okay.." He said as he started to drink it.  ' If it will get YOU off my back...'

Henry then started to feel funny and a bit sick at the same time.

"Whoa....." He was getting dizzy. "What's in this punch?"

"Uhhh fruit punch mix?" Kazu asked.

"Someone must of did something to the punch." Takato said puzzled.  "Other wise how would Henry AND Rika get  drunk from having a little bit of punch?"

"Good question." Puzzled Kazu.

"Very.." agreed Kenta.

"I bet it was Nikki!" Jeri pointed to Nikki and her friends.

"God damnit Nikki!" Geoff yelled at his sister.

"Hahahha!!" Nikki laughed along with her friends.

"Thats not funny!" Takato warned.

"Yeah!" Kazu yelled.  "Rika will probably beat the crap outta me later!"

"Good." Nikki snickered.

"Nikki go  home before i tell  call mom and tell her what you did." Geoff warned her.

"Fine." Nikki huffed. "This was a stupid party any way..."

Then she left with her friends.

"I'm sorry about that man." Geoff apologized.

"Well no one was hurt." Kazu smiled.

"Well lets continue the party!" Jeri cheered.

"What about Rika and Henry?" Kenta asked.

"They will be  fine!" Takato grinned.  "Now lets party!"


Rika and Henry...

"Hey...whooa...Henry...." Rika smiled slyly as she fell  down on the couch.

"Hey....*hicup* ...Rika." He sat beside her. "You look sooooo sexy......." He wrapped his arms around her.

"Henry......" She grinned in a goofy way.

"What do you say...we *hicup* go some where more private.." he whispered.

"Sure..." Rika grinned.

Henry lifted Rika up in his arms and still very dizzy walked upstairs into the bedroom.......


They fell onto the bed making out with each other like mad. After awhile Henry pulled away to only take off his black shirt. Rika smiled and threw his shirt onto the floor along with hers......

dun dun duuuuuuun!!


Next morning.....

O.o;; oh no looks like Rika is going to get into a whole lot of trouble! she was suppose to be home at 12:00 and its morning! LOL ^-~ same with Henry.

Rika woke up with the sun shinning on her face. She groaned and opened her eyes to find Henry next to her.

"Morning...." She yawned.

"Morning..." Henry answered back.

Then they both realized it.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" They both yelled.

Rika held the blanket to her chest.  "Did....we?"

"I don't know." Henry was trying to think back on last night.

"Oh god!" Rika yelled.  "I was suppose to be home by 12:00 last night!! my mom is gonna kill me!"

"Don't think i wont get in trouble." Henry slapped his  forehead. "I'm in for it."

"Henry if we did what i think we did....."

"Oh no! what if your....."

"Oh no..." Rika gasped.  "If iam then i'm grounded for life!"

"Oh great...." Henry groaned.  "What are we going to do?"

"Were not sure yet Henry..." Rika looked to her boyfriend worriedly.  "If iam....are you........will you.?....."

"Will i what?" Henry asked.

"Leave me?" Rika choked out.

"Of course not!" Henry put an arm around her.  "I'm just as responsible as you are for this."

"Henry..." She sobbed.

"Shhh...don't worry." He rubbed her back.  "Its going to be fine."

"I hope...."

Rika then covered her eyes.

"Okay Henry you get dressed first."


Few minutes later....

When Rika and Henry walked downstairs they found Kazu asleep on the couch and some other kids alseep on the floor.

"Looks like were not the only ones.." Rika whispered to Henry.

"Yeah." Henry nodded.

"Other kids are going to be in trouble as well..."

"Lets get home." Rika told him.  "I will phone you later."

"Okay." Henry kissed her.



"I'm home." Rika called as she walked in the front door.

'Young lady where have you been?!" Her mother screamed. "I was worried sick!"

"Sorry.." Rika took off her shoes.  "I kinda fell asleep."

"Well i'm just happy your safe." Her mother sighed with relief.

"Guess i'm grounded." Rika figured.

"No.." Her mother sighed. "Its not your fault. Just don't do it again."

"Okay.." Rika was surprised.  ' Thought i would of been in for it.....'



"Hey Henry!" his farther grinned.

"uhh hey." He waved.  "Sorry i'm so late..."

"Its okay. Rika called and told me you slept over at Kazus last night."

"When?" Henry asked.

"Just before you walked in." He replied putting down the news paper.  "Did you have a good time?"

"You could say that...." Henry took off his  shoes and fell onto the couch.

"Didn't get enough sleep honey?" Asked his mother.

"Um...yeah...thats it." Henry smiled nervously.  "We were up kinda late."

"Well hopefully you will sleep better tonight." His mother smiled.

"Yeah....hopefully..." Henry gulped.  He couldn't stop thinking about Rika. What if she was pregnant? he would be in so much trouble! and his parents might split him and Rika up for good. He could not let that happen.

' Rika....' He thought shutting his eyes.


Monday at school....

Rika couldn't concentrate in her math class. Her vision seem to get blurry and she started to feel dizzy.

' Whats wrong with me...' Rika thought to herself.

"Miss Nonaka! can you repeat anything i just said?"  The teacher  who was walking around talking stopped in front of Rikas desk.  "well?" She asked.   "Can you?"

"No......." Rika looked up at the angry teacher.

Rika was getting more and more dizzy.

"Is anything wrong?" The teacher asked who seemed to notice Rika was trying to sit still.

"Just a little dizzy..." Rika replied.   "Its nothing big."

' I hope this is just some bug i'm catching...' Rika thought.



Rika was at her locker just putting  a  math book away when all of a sudden Takato appeared out of no where

"HEY RIKA!" He shouted cheerfully.

"God damnit Takato!" Rika held her head in annoyance.  "Don't do that!"

"Sorry Rika..." He put a hand on the back of his head.  "You in a bad mood?"

' No i just got drunk and slept with Henry. So now  i might be pregnant! why should i be in a bad mood?' She  thought angrily.

"No i'm fine." She forced a smile on.

"Thats good." Takato smiled back. "Did you have a good time at Kazus party?"

"Yeah i did." Rika lied.  "It was really fun."

"I'm glad you had fun! now do you wanna come and have lunch with me and  Henry?"

"Sure why not..." Rika shrugged.

"Great lets go!"



When they were eating Rika and Henry seemed really quiet.  Takato found this very odd. Usually when they ate lunch together Rika and Henry would be so mushy with each other. But today.....nothing! no kiss  no "i love you!" ....nothing.

"Are you guys okay?"  Takato asked worriedly.  "You seem really quiet today."

"Just got alot on my mind." Henry replied taking a bite of sushi.

"Me too..." Rika said looking at Henry.  ' I hope he's okay....what if he hates me?'

"Did you want to talk about it?" Takato asked.

"No...thats okay." Henry  weakly smiled.

"Well okay. If you ever  need to talk i'm here for you guys."

Rika and  Henry nodded and went back to eating their lunch.

' I wonder what's bothering them...'  Takato thought looking back  and forth between the sad looking couple.  ' I hope their relationship isn't   falling apart...'

Rika looked at her hand noticing the ring Henry gave her when they made their relationship official.


"Oh Henry i love it!" Rika smiled warmly as she put on the ring Henry Wong her new boyfriend and first boyfriend had just given her.   It was a golden ring with two small crystals in the middle.

"I had to use my whole allowance to buy it..." He smiled.  "Well actually i had to use my allowance from last week and the week before.."

" saved all that money just to buy me this ring?"  Rika asked.

"Yeah...." He nodded.

"I love you so much."

Rika got all teary eye and hugged him. "I love you too." She whispered.  "For now and forever..."

Henry smiled and hugged her back.  "I promise to always be by your matter what."


'Henry....' Rika thought to herself.  ' I love you....'

And at the same time Henry was looking at the ring Rika had given him.


"What's this?" Henry asked as Rika slipped a ring on his finger.

"Because you got me a ring i thought i would give you one!" She smiled warmly.

"Oh Rika..." He smiled.  "Thank you so much! its just as beautiful as you."

"Oh Henry..." She blushed as they had their first kiss.


' matter what! i wont ever leave you.' Henry smiled. and put his hand on Rikas.  She looked up at him and noticed him smiling sweetly at her.

"Henry..." she whispered.

"I love you..." He whispered to her.

"I love you too..." She hugged him.

Takato on the other hand was very confused but only shrugged.


Block E

English class...

Rika was in english class with Henry. She sat right in front of him. She felt her dizzy and blurryness coming back.    But this time it was more affective. Henry didn't notice this because he was reading like everyone else was.

' Not again...' she put a hand on her fore head.  ' I feel a little sick too...'

"Rika Nonaka sit up straight!"

Before Rika could answer she fainted.  Luckly Henry caught her before she hit the ground.

"Rika!" He called out.  "Wake up!"

"You better take her to see the nurse."  The teacher told him.

Henry nodded and lifted Rika in his arms. With one hand to hold up her legs and the other to support her back.


Nurses office...

"Thanks for bringing her down Henry." The nurse smiled.   "She will be just fine so you can go back to class."

"Thanks." Henry bowed then took a look at Rika before leaving her.

' Poor Rika...' He thought sadly.

Just as he was almost out the door he heard a small wimper  call his name.  He quickly turned around and saw Rika with her eyes open looking around confused.

"Rika!" He ran to her side. "Are you okay?"

"Fine..." Rika groaned as she sat up.  "What happened?"

"You fainted in class. So i brought you down to the nurses office." He explained.  "Sure your feeling okay?"

"Would you like a class of water?" The nurse asked.

"No thanks." Rika shook her head.  "But could me and Henry have a monument alone?"

The nurse nodded and left.

"Henry i felt like this in math  class too. But it wasn't as strong.. as it was in english."  Rika told him.  "Do you think..."

"I don't know Rika..." Henry sighed.  "Thats what's been bothering me."

"What do you mean?" Rika was getting confused.

"If your pregnant then were in huge trouble! can you imagine what our parents would say? they would freak!"

"But what do you think about this Henry?" Rika asked her boyfriend softly.

"Well...." Henry scratched the back of his head.  "To tell you the truth i don't really have any problem with it."

"Really?" Rika was surprised.

"Well yeah...createing a new life is a really good thing."  Henry smiled. "Don't you agree?"

"I guess..." Rika sighed.  "But....."

"But what?" Henry asked.  "What is it?"

"I would have get threw the nine months....first the morning sickness then the mood swings , then the sore back......"

"Don't worry Rika." Henry put a hand on her shoulder for support.  "Were not even sure yet."

"Your right." Rika smiled. "I'm gonna try and calm down."

"Good." Henry kissed her cheek.  "Ready to come back to class?"


And with that they left.


After school....

"Are you gonna go see a doctor?"  Asked  Henry.

"I don't know." Rika sighed.  "Maybe i should take a pregnancy test."

"Then you should see a doctor." Henry said seriously.  "To make sure."

Rika nodded. "Yeah."

"Did you wanna go and get one now?" Asked Henry.

"What a doctor?" Rika joked.

"Har know what i mean!" Henry tried not to laugh. Although it was hard to hide it.

"Yeah okay." Rika nodded taking his hand.

"Lets go."


"What do you need?" Asked the pharmacist behind the desk.

"We would like to buy a pregnancy  test please." Henry  asked kinda embarrassed as the words came out of his mouth.

The pharmacist  looked back and forth between the young couple but then  turned around grabbed a pregnancy test and handed it to them.

"Would this test happen to be for you?" She asked.

"Um no its for my!" Rika quickly said.

"Oh i see!" She smiled. "Sorry."

"Um its okay...." Rika looked at Henry nervously.

"That will be 20,000 yen." The pharmacist told them.  "Would you like a bag?"     (A/N  : 20,000 yen is 20$ in Japanese money)

"Yes Please." Rika nodded and handed her the money.

The pharmacist took the test and put it in a bag and handed it back to them.  "Thanks for shopping at IGA"

"Your welcome." Rika bowed then her and Henry walked out of the  pharmacy.

"Phew...did you see the looks she gave us?" Rika asked looking at Henry.

"Yeah...what a weird woman..."

Rika giggled but died down when she saw Takato walking there way.

"Hey guys!" He smiled as he walked up to them.

"uhh hey..." Henry said nervously.

"What ya got there?"

"Um nothing!" Rika put the bag behind her back. "Just nothing!"

Takato studied their   faces carefully.  "Are you sure? seems like your up to something."

"Of course not Takato!" Henry told him nervously.  "If something were up we would tell you."

Takato decided to let it drop......for now.

"Well okay." He said  slowly.  "Gotta go."

"Bye." They both waved as Takato walked off.

"Phew..." Rika sighed in relief.  "That was close!"

"Yeah." Henry sighed as well.

Beep! Beep!

"Oh crap..." Henry looked at his watch.

"What?" She asked.

"I got kung-fuu  lessons now."  He turned to his confused girlfriend.  "I  gotta go."

"Okay." Rika sighed sadly.

"Don't worry!" Henry lifted her chin up with his finger.  "I will call you as  soon as i get home."

"Okay." Rika said softly.  "Please hurry..."

"I will." Henry kissed her quickly then ran off to his kung-fuu  lessons.

Rika sighed again and  walked home thinking about if the test would show if  she were pregnant or not.  If she were then she knew how much trouble she was in for.  Plus Henry! she didn't want Henry to get in trouble....what was she to do? she was only sixteen and already she might be a mother.

' This has been a crazy weekend...' she thought to herself.


Henrys Kung-Fuu lessons....

After he finished his lesson for the day Henry fell onto the wooden  floor.


"Is something the matter?" Asked Henrys Master.

"No nothing." Henry forced a smile on.

"You seemed forceful today." His Master  told him.  "Are you sure?"

Henry nodded slowly.  "Yeah i'm sure."

"I don't think you are telling me the truth Henry.  And telling a lie is a bad thing to do."  Explained his Master.

"Your right Master." Henry sighed. "well..."


"My girlfriend......" he began.

"Rika? ah yes...bright young girl."  he smiled.  "What about her?"

"She might be pregnant...." Henry blushed deep in embarrassment.

"Hmmm i see..." His Master said calmly.  "Did she  see a doctor?"

"Not yet..." Henry shook his head.  "Please don't tell anyone Master!" Henry begged.  "Not until were sure..."

"Don't worry Henry." His Master stood up. "Your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks Master." Henry stood up as well.

"But if she is you and Rika cannot  hide it forever..."

Henry gasped.  Thats right...if she was pregnant Rika would show in a few months....

"Yes i know Master." Henry bowed.  "Bye!"

"Bye." His Master waved.  ' And good luck.'



'Okay...' Thought Rika.  ' the monument of truth...'

Her eyes widen in shock as she saw the result of her test.

' The plus sign means.......omg...' She put a hand over her mouth. The test has proven she is pregnant. Rika could feel the tears build up in her eyes. She was too young to be a mother! and Henry was too young to be a farther!  Rika fell to her knees in the bathroom crying.

"i..........i......i 'm pregnant....." she cried.  "What iam gonna do?!"

Rika then wipped her tears threw the test in the trash can and walked out of the bathroom.

" Henry  should be finish his kung-fuu lessons..."  Rika said to herself.


' The phone!' Rika told herself as she ran and answered it.


"Hey Rika its Henry." The voice replied.

"Hey Henry." Rika sniffed.  "I need you to come over right away!"

"Okay Rika." Henry said kinda nervous.  "I will be there as soon as i can."

He then hung up.

' I bet its about the test...' He said to himself as he walked out the door.


Because Rika thought Henry might wanna take a look a the test she took it out of the garbage can.  Still trying to face the  fact she was pregnant. She sat nervously on the couch waiting for Henry.  Her mom and grandmother were out shopping and would not be back for a few hours.

Knock! knock!

"Come in!" Rika called.

Rika heard the door slide open then shut again.

"Rika?" A voice called.  It was Henry.

"In here Henry." Rika called back.

Henry then finally made his way to the living room and sat beside his upset girlfriend.

"What's up?"  He asked.

Rika then handed him the test.

Henrys face then  got a look of horror.  He looked at Rika with a frightened face.

"The plus means......" He trailed off as Rika burst into tears and nodded.

"Oh Rika....shhhh don't cry." He pulled her into a hug rocking her back and forth softly.  "Please don't will make me cry."  He was getting tears in his eyes now.

"Oh Henry!" She sobbed.  "If my mother finds out i'm.......i'm.....DEAD!" She cried even harder.

"Oh Rika....i'm sure she wont kill you...." He continued to rock her. "I'm sure she made some mistakes in her life too."

"I'm a failure as a Nonaka!"

"No your not!" Henry looked into her red teary eyes.  "Don't say that!  your the most beautiful and smartest Nonaka there is!"

"Your just saying that cuz your my boyfriend." Rika sniffed.

"No i mean it." Henry got serious.  "You can ask anyone in school. I'm sure they would agree."

"How are we gonna tell our parents Henry?" Rika asked.

"I don't know." Henry shook his head.  "But we will think of a way."

Rika wiped her tears and looked into Henrys eyes.  "Your right....we will."

"But what do you wanna do about the baby?"  Henry asked her.

"I wanna keep it." Rika replied looking at her tummy.


"Yeah." Rika nodded.  "Do you think we should keep it?"

Henry nodded.  "Yeah i do..."

Rika smiled.

"We will make great parents." Henry smiled.  "Our baby is going to have the most beautiful mother."

Rika blushed. "And the most cutest farther."

"Why of course." Henry smiled proudly.

Rika giggles but it died down.  "Should we tell our friends?"

"Guess we could use some practice." Henry shrugged.  "So why not."

"Lets call them and tell them to meet us at the park." Henry told her.

Rika nodded and picked up the phone and started to dile Takatos number....


15 minutes later....

When everyone had met them at the park the group waited for the news.

"So whats up?" Asked Takato. "Anything wrong?"

"Yeah dude!" Kazu said.

"Well...." Henry looked to Rika then back to their friends.  "Kazu do you remember the party at your place last friday?"

"Yeah. Why?"

" you might of seen me and Rika got a little drunk....and well......"

"Whoa! whoa!" Kazu waved his hands in front of his face. " hold the phone! are you trying to say you slept together?"

Rika and Henry blushed deep in embarrassment and nodded slowly.

"So your saying you had sex in my parents bedroom!" Kazu was starting to freak out.  "Or was it in my room?"

"It doesn't matter!" Henry was getting redder and redder.  "Thats not the point."

"What is the point?" Kazu crossed his arms.

"Yeah what?" Asked Kenta.

Henry looked at Rika who looked back right back at him.

"You wanna tell them?" Henry asked puting a hand on hers.

Rika nodded.

"I....i...uhhh...."  Rika was very nervous about this.  How was she gonna tell her mother? she could barely tell her friends.

"Your pregnant aren't you?" Jeri asked seriously.  Everyone turned to Jeri and then back to Rika in total shock.

Rika nodded.

"Oh my god!" Screamed Takato.

"Oh no..." Kenta covered his mouth.

"Ewwww!" Kazu was discussed.

"What are you guys gonna do huh?!" Takato shouted at them.

"Takato yelling at them wont help." Jeri said softly.

"Its not our fault!" Henry glared at Takato.

"Thats right." Jeri said remembering how Nikki put beer in the fruit punch.  " I knew we should of kept an eye on you!"

"Are you keeping the baby?" Asked Kenta.

"Yes we are." Henry replied.

"Hey Henry when your parents find out can i have your computer?" Asked Kenta.

"No!" growled Henry.

Rika sobbed.

"Rika..." Henry hugged her.  "Don't cry...we talked about this already...."

"I.....I......I know but!" She couldn't finish.

"What is it?" Henry pulled her closer.

"My mom....." She chocked out.

"I told you. Your mom wont  kill you..." Henry crassed her hair.

"Yeah dont worry Rika!" Jeri smiled.  "You and Henry are going to get threw this together."

Rika wiped her tears and nodded.  "You guys are right..."

"Thats what friends are for..." Takato  growled. He was STILL trying to accept the  fact Henry and Rika were together. But this? oh this sent Takato right off the cliff.

"Well i gotta go!" Kazu stood up. "Cya and good luck!"  he then ran off.

"Me too!" Kenta ran off with Kazu.

"Oh i have  piano lessons!" Jeri looked at her watch. "Bye!" she ran off.

Takato sat there still pretty angry but his face softened when he saw Rikas face.  All teary sad. He hated  seeing her like he decided to be nice just for Rika.

"I hope things turn out  well for you guys." He smiled warmly.

"Thanks Takato." Rika sniffed.

"Yeah thanks." Henry smiled at his friend.

"Well guess i better go." Takato stood up and  started to walk away.

"Bye..." Henry and Rika waved.

"Do you think hes mad at us?" Rika looked up at  Henry.

"Why would he be?" Henry asked her.

"Well....Jeri told me he still kinda has a crush on me." Rika replied watching Takato leave.

"Well don't worry." Henry kissed her cheek. "I'm sure he will get over it."

" Hope so...." Rika  whispered.


Rikas place....

Henry and Rika waited for Rikas mother and her grandmother to come home.  Just as they almost fell asleep the door slid open.

"Mom?" Rika sat up.

"Honey i'm  home!" She called.

"Oh...hey mom." Rika smiled nervously as her mom and grandmother entered the kitchen.

"Can you believe these shoes were on sale?!" Makino asked her mother.

"Yes 70 dollars is quiet a sale..." Her mother chuckled.

"So maybe they werent cheap but still!"


"Yes what is it pumpkin?"

"Can  we talk?"

"Sure!" Makino  sat down on the chair.   "Hello Henry!"

"Um...hey." Henry waved nervously. "Mrs. Nonaka..."

"Mom you remember that party i went to?"

"Yes." She nodded. "What about it?"

" see....i.....i.......uhh......i......" Rika was trying to get the words out of her mouth but they just werent coming.

"Rika?" Her mother asked. Makino just hoped Rika was not trying to say what she thought.

"Me and Henry....kinda um........had a little too much to drink.......and........" Rika had butterflies in her stomach. She was getting closer and closer to telling her mother.

"Come on Rika out with it!" Her mother tried to force on a smile.

"I'm pregnant..." Rika finally said.

Rika looked up at her mother who was white as a ghost.  And her grandmother  who was washing dishes looked at her Grand daughter in shock.

"Please repeat that...." Makino choked out.

"I'm pregnant mom." Rika said again.

"Oh my gosh Rika......" Her mom covered her mouth in shock.

"I'm sorry....." Rika looked down.

Henry put his arm around her.

"Rika do you have any idea how to take care of a baby?" Her mother had an angry look on her face.

"No.....but me and  Henry are going to learn how."

"Your keeping it?" Asked her mother who was angry and shocked at the same time.

"Yes." Rika nodded.

"Rika i want you to give away that baby when it comes!"

"No!" Rika shouted at her mother. "I will do no such thing!"

"Well your too young to look after a child! and  you still have school!" her mother yelled angrily at her daughter.

"I will take home schooling!" Rika told her.

"You did this to my daughter didn't you!" Rikas mother shouted at Henry.  "You got her drunk and then got her pregnant!"

Henrys eyes widen in shock.

"HE DID NO SUCH THING!" Rika stood up very mad with her mother.  "In fact i was the one who got drunk first!"

Makino was taken back by Rikas words.

"Everyone calm down." Said Rikas grandmother who sat beside Makino.  "Makino you cant get mad at Rika for something you also did as a teenager."

Rika looked at her mom in shock. "You got pregnant when you were 16?" Asked Rika.

"17..." She corrected.  "And your farther left me when he found out...."

"You told me he died." Rika yelled at her.  "You lied!"

"I'm sorry i lied....i just didn't wanna tell you the truth until you were old enough..."

"Mom i........"

"And....i didn't want you to go to the party because i was scared it would happen to you......"

"Mrs Nonaka...i would  never leave Rika."

"Thats right mom." Rika looked to Henry. "Hes nothing like daddy was."

"I'm so sorry i yelled..." Makino sobbed.

"Now now...its okay dear." Rikas grandmother put a hand on Makinos shoulder for support.

"How will i tell my parents now..." Henry sighed.

"I can haddle that." Makino told him.  "Its the least i can do."

"Thanks Mom..." Rika smiled.

"Yeah thanks..." Henry had no idea how Rikas mom was gonna tell his parents.


6 months later...

Well Henrys parents didn't  like the fact that their son had gotten Rika Nonaka the models daughter pregnant. But after a long while of talking they finally said they will help Henry and Rika threw this. So Rika and Henry  bought an apartment that coast them 15$ per month. So Henry found a job at a super store while Rika went out and bought baby supplies and books on how to look after a baby , and what to do when it comes.  Rika was sitting on the couch reading " what to expect when your expecting."  Just as Henry walked in.

"Hey Rika." Henry called. "I'm home."

"Hey Henry." She called back.

"Boy iam ever tired." Henry yawned as he walked into the living room falling onto the couch.

"Henry i don't think i can get use to this...."

"What? the pregnancy?"

"No wearing a dress...."

This made Henry laugh.   Rika was wearing a long blue button up,  sleeve less dress.  Being six months pregnant she had no choice.

" you still find me  attractive?"  Asked Rika as she put her book down.

"Of course i do! i love you for you!" Henry smiled. "Not for your looks.....for you."

"Awwww Henry!" She cried. "Thats so beautiful!"

"Just like you." He winked.

Rika blushed.

"So been reading more of that book?" Asked Henry.

"Yeah i'm at chapter six."  She replied.

"Chapter 6?"  He asked.

"Yeah.  What to do when in labor."

"My girl is learning fast." He grinned.

"Oh yeah! i invited our friends over."  Rika smiled.


Knock! Knock!

"Right now." Rika replied standing  up while holding her pregnant belly.  "Can you get the door?" She asked.

"Sure." Henry walked and opened the door to see Takato and Jeri.

"Hey guys!" He greeted. "Come in!"

"Thanks!" They both smiled then walked in.

"Wheres the mommy?" Asked Jeri.

"In the living room." Henry replied.

As they walked into the living room Jeri smiled excitedly.

"Oh the baby is coming!!" Jeri beamed.

"Not for another 3 months...." Rika rubbed her belly.

"I cant wait!!" Jeri was so happy for Rika.

"Calm down Jeri." Laughed Henry.

"Do you know if its a boy or girl?" Asked Jeri sitting down on the couch.

"The doctor said he would let us know but me and Henry agreed we want it to be a surprise!" Rika held Henrys hand.

"Have you thought of names yet?"

"Yeah." Nodded Henry.

"What are they?" Asked Takato.

"If its a girl Sara."  Rika smiled.

"And if its a boy justin." Henry smiled feeling proud.

"Thats the names you got so far?" Asked Jeri.

" far." Blushed Rika. "Were working on it."

Knock! knock!

Henry once again answered the door and it was.....

"Mrs. Nonaka!" Henry was surprised.  "What brings you here."

"I came to see my little pumpkin."

"Its not born yet..." Henry told her.

Mrs Nonaka as well Rika laughed.

"She means me you goof..." Rika laughed as she came and hugged her mother.  "Mom what brings you here?"

"I just had to come and see how you were doing!" She beamed. "And i brought you something."  Makino reached into her purse and brought out a small book.

"Here you are." She smiled handing it to her.

"Uhh thanks what is it?"  Asked Rika.

"Its a book of baby names." She replied.  "I used it to pick out your name."

"Oh...thanks mom." Rika smiled.  "I could really use it."

"Yeah thanks." Henry said taking a look threw the small book.

"Your welcome!" She bowed.

"How about some tea mom?" Asked Rika.

"Sure i could use a cup."


"Ah!" Rika shrieked holding her stomach.

"What is it?!" Henry ran to her side.

"The baby is kicking." Rika replied looking at her stomach then back to Henry smiling.  "Feel it."

Henry smiled excitedly and put his hand on Rikas stomach and felt his new little boy or girl kicking inside.

"Wow..." Henrys smile grew wider.  "Thats amazing."

"Yeah..." Nodded Rika.  "I wonder if its a boy or girl..." She puzzled.

"Well  find out in 3 months..." Henry kissed her cheek and sat back down.

"Yeah..." Rika rubbed her belly.  "I cant wait..."

"Me either!" Beamed Jeri.

Everyone laughed.

"So guess Kazu and Kenta couldn't make it..." Rika figured.

"Yeah guess so." Nodded Henry.

"So whens the due date honey?" Asked Makino.

"May 15th" Rika replied taking a sip of her tea.

"Maybe sooner." Shrugged Henry.

"I will be sure to take lots of pictures!" Makino smiled.

"Wonderful.." Rika rolled her eyes.


Later that night....

"Can you believe were gonna have a baby?" Rika asked.

"Nope." Henry smiled.  "Its a mircale..."

Rika kissed him. "Yeah.."

"I can't wait for this little one to come."  Rika sighed dreamily.  "Its so magical."

Henry nodded in agreement.

"At first i was scared about this pregnancy....but now i'm not."

"Good." Henry rubbed her hand softly.

"I love you." Rika smiled.

"I love you too..." Henry smiled.

Then they shared a kiss...that lasted them for hours.


May 14th...

The baby had come eariler then expected.  It was 3 in the morning when Rika woke Henry up and now Henry was in the waitting room.  It had been who knows how many hours! to Henry seemed like forever.  When Finally a nurse came out.

"Mr Wong?" She asked.

"Yes?" Henry stood up.

"You have a baby girl." She smiled.

"Can i go see her?" Asked Henry excitedly.

"Follow me!" She replied.


When they arrived Henry saw Rika holding a very small child rapped in a pink blanket.  Rika looked very tired out but was smiling sweetly at her new little girl.

"Henry..." She whispered.  "Look at her...."

Henry walked over to where Rika was and took the small child in his arms. He had never been so happy in his whole life. As he looked at his daughters small face that was covered in the pink silky blanket. He moved it out of the way a little so he could get a better look at her sweet little face.  Her eyes were open and they were a light violet color.  On top of her small head was some dark blue hair. And her cheeks were a rosey color.

"She looks so beautiful..." Henry was stunned.  He and Rika made this small innocent child?

"I know..." Rika smiled warmly.  "Shes such a sweet angel."

"What should we name her?" Asked Henry.

"Well i found a good name in that book my mother gave me."

"What?" Asked Henry who could not keep his eyes off the new born baby.

"Yuna..." She replied.

"Yuna..." Henry said. "Thats a beautiful name."

"So Yuna is the name?" Asked the nurse.

They both nodded.

"Yuna Wong..." Rika whispered.

"And soon Rika Wong..." Henry smiled.

Rika blushed and her and Henry shared a kiss.

Yuna had no idea what her parents were doing so she just giggled with joy.


5 years later....

Rika and Henry had gotten married just last year and were now in their new home. A nice big house with lots of space. Rikas hair was just like her moms only the same old color. She wore a black tank top and blue jeans.  Henrys voice was a little deeper now and he  wore a blue dress shirt with black pants. Yuna had grown hair past her shoulders. She loved to run around the huge back yard and play horsey with her daddy and mommy.  Yuna wore a long sleeved blue shirt and light blue overalls.

"Mommy!" Yuna beamed as Rika walked in the door.

"Hey hows my baby." Rika smiled as she picked Yuna up and found her husband alseep on the couch.

"Shhhh." Yuna put a finger to her lips.  "Daddy sleeping."

Rika giggled.  "Not for long."

Rika put Yuna down and shook Henry.

"Wake up..." She whispered.

"Oh wha-?" He sat up. "Oh...hey sweetheart." Henry smiled as he kissed her quickly.

"How was work?" He asked.

Rika believe it or not worked with her mom to be a wonderful model.

"It was okay." Rika shrugged.

"Mommy!" Yuna cried.

"What?" Rika looked down at Yuna.

"I wanna play!" She whined.

"Not right now sweety." Rika told her.

"You said we go to stor!" She pouted.

"In a few minutes Yuna." Rika said.  "Now just sit and play with your toys until mommy says its time to leave."

"O-tay!." Yuna sat on the floor and played with her dolly.

"I never would see the day that you would be a model..." Henry grinned.

"I know." Rika smiled. "Hard to believe..."

"Now we have a wonderful family." Rika kissed  Henry.

"Yeah....i have a beautiful wife and a beautiful little girl." He kissed her back.

"Well me and Yuna gotta get going." Rika smiled and kissed Henry goodbye.

"Yuna come kiss daddy goodbye." Henry smiled.

Yuna ran and jumped into her farthers arms.

Henry kissed Yuna on the forehead.  "Be good for mommy."

"I will!" She beamed and ran to get her jacket.

Rika chuckeld.  "Well bye honey." Rika smiled slyly.

Before Rika walked out the door she said.

"By the way Henry i found out i'm pregnant again." Rika then shut the door.

"Rika wait!"

Before Henry could stop her she left.

He sighed and then smiled at the door Rika left out of.

"Oh Rika....." He said to himself.  "Thanks to you we made lifes little mircales."   He then shut his eyes and went back to sleep.

