I'm proud to live and work at Sapphire Weyr!
You walk into the Weyrwoman's Helper, Victoria's Weyr. It looks pretty epmty. Suddenly a beauitful firelizard pops in form between.
Steal Jewelett and DIE!
It chirps, and you notice a note tied to her leg, it's Jewelett, Victoria's firelizard, and a note. You untie the note and read it.
Hello traveller, or anyone else coming to visit me. I'm sorry I'm not here now, but being the Weyrwoman's Helper is hard work, espcially since the Holiday Season is coming up, and I just had twins....
I had Kalista and Quinlan a couple of days ago, from my weyr you cna visit them. M'ton is quite a proud father, since he won't stop bragging about his wife having the first children in the weyr. The holidays are almost here, and I better go, hope to see you at the Gather! Here's a pic of Galleth and me for you to look at.

Victoria and Galleth

White and Gold Rider and Weyrwoman's Helper

I'm a member of the Golden Flame Guild!

Open a door to your right quietly...
Return to the Weyrbowl

Thank you Jewel!