Asher's Stats
Name Asher
Rank Green Weyrling
Age 16
Sex Female
Hair Chesnut Brown
Eyes Baby Blue
Mate ---
Dragon Name Cheryth
Parents T'loano and Soernia
Siblings ---
Children ---
Place Of Birth Fort Hold

Cheryth's Stats
Name Cheryth( Twin is Green Arasith)
Age Hatchling
Sex Female
Mate ---
Dam White Celinath
Sire Brown Etatoth
Siblings 8 others
Children ---
Place Of Birth Aden Weyr

{{Let's go!}}
{{ I guess?}}
[[Cheryth, please think before you say.]]
The small hatchling was on the floor with her in the weyrling barracks, helping her sort some things. Cheryth had become hers in less than a great and emotional day. Cheryth's twin was in the barrack next to hers. It was strange, her dragon had a twin. They seemed to have an emotional bond too. A bond no one else had, such a strong bond too.
{{My eyeridges itch!}}
Asher smiled and started to scratch Cheryth's eyeridges. Cheryth's eyes whirled a happy blue-green color. She snuggled up against her rider and,Cheryth took a strange looking pair of shoes out of the pile on Asher's bed.
{{What are these?}}
[[They are called bath slippers, I made them, I don't know why my mother sent them, I hate them!]]
{{When I can flame, I'll burn them for you.}}
[[Silly, you aren't going to burn anything till after your first clutch, then you will become fertile and lay no more eggs.]]
{{Me? Lay eggs? You got to be kidding.}}
[[Nope, not one said word I said isn't lies. You will be the dam of one clutch, and then you will never lay again. Firestone makes you fertile.]]
{{What if I don't wanna?}}
[[Believe me, when your a adult dragon, you'll want to be the dam of one clutch, and proberly a brown or blue the sire.]]
{{No brown or blue will catch me, I'll out fly them all!}}
[[That's what every green says my love.]]
{{By the Egg of Faranth I will, watch and see!}}
[[You got that saying form me!]]
{{Where else would I get it silly?}}
[[You could of heard the weyrwoman saying that.]]
{{Nope, I've only seen Weyrwoman..Weyrwoman Bretta once, at the feast.}}
Asher remembered the feast from last night. Quite a celebration. And, there was the cute new white rider.
'Since a white is small, I bet by the egg that he would be able to catch her, whites are very fast dragons, and not overgrown firelizards, like they used to call Ruth, I read that from a few records written by Jaxom himself. By the egg you could barely see some of them, the ink was running, but I could make out that sentance,' she thought.
{{Ruth was no overgrown firelizard to tell you that, in fact, he saved Pern!}}
[[Cheryth, tell me right now, how'd you know about Ruth?]]
{{I heard another rider talking about him. Some have very good stories if you asked me!}}
[[Yes, some riders used to be storyteller's appritences before they were searched.]]
{{I hear many dragons bragging about how much their riders know. I boast alot about you, your so kind and intelligent. And pretty too.}}
Asher blushed at her dragon's compliment.
[[You're smart and intelligent too. Beautiful too. They always say.]]
[{Rider like dragon, Dragon like rider!}]
[[We timed that just right!]]
Asher started to chuckle at how she and her dragon were so alike. It was a true saying.