Age:28 (Rurouni) 16 (Hitokiri)
DOB : June 20th 1849
Zodiac : Gemini
Height : 5'3
Weight : 48kg
Eye Color : Violet-Blue
Blood Type : AB
Hair Color : Red
Fighting Technique : Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu
Weapon : Sakabatou
When Kenshin was a child, his name was, Shinta. He had 2 sisters (i found out they weren't really his siters, just women who wanted to protect him, I'll get their names here soon)  who both died before Shinta's eyes. The man was going towards Shinta when Hiko killed the man instantly. Hiko told Shinta that he would train him, but thought that 'Shinta' was not a warriors name and renamed him 'Kenshin' (Ken-Heart Shin-Sword, or the other way around =P) .
Hiko taught Kenshin the 'Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu', a fighting technique which Kenshin perfected. He was sent off to imperialists to start the revolution. During this, he killed a man that was going to marry Yukishiro Tomoe.
While Kenshin was fighting he came across Tomoe and after a while married her. Later on, Yukishiro Enishi, Tomoe's brother, came to find his older sister married to the Hitokiri Battousai and wasn't to happy. He never really liked Kenshin and throughout the whole time he lives, never changes his feelings.
I don't really know how the scene got about, but there were some people who were pissing (AKA umm gettin him mad =P) off Kenshin and he slaughtered everyone. While an attempt to kill one person, the man grabbed Tomoe and Kenshin sliced her. That's when he got his scar (I will be getting that clip in soon, if you want to see it) .
After that, Kenshin went into a deep sorrow and vowed never to kill anyone again, which is why he uses the Sakabatou. He became a Rurouni for 10 years until finally meeting up with Kaoru in Tokyo who thought that Kenshin was the Battousai. In that, we first hear Kenshin say....ORO! Episode 1! (duh) Try and look for it!
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