Enneagram Universe Web Ring

Step One - Requirements

If you would like to join, your web site must have information about the enneagram about it. A site dedicated solely to the enneagram is perfect. Home pages are also acceptable just as long as there is at least One page about the enneagram or your type. If you do not meet this criteria, but would also like my site to link yours, please visit the Links section. If your site deals with other typing systems like the Myers-Briggs, then you could add your link. Even home pages which have nothing to do with personality systems may be added, although please put your page in the right category according to your personality (NF, NT, SJ, SP).


Step Two - Joining

Submit site to Enneagram Universe Web Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.


Step Three - Graphics

Please copy the graphic below to your hard drive, by right-clicking it and "Save As"

You then put this picture on the site in either two places: Anywhere on your main page just as long as people can see it, and/or on a special Web Rings page which lists which rings you are in.


Step Four - HTMLFragment

You then cut this HTML code and paste it directly below the Enneagram Universe graphic (euwr.gif). Remember to insert it as "HTML Markup", not directly into your page, unless your web creation program does that. But first you have to modify it. The E-Mail and Site Name is obvious, just replace the capital words with your information. For the ID section, upon joining you will be e-mailed A Site ID. Since mine is 1, my code looks like "ring=euwebring;id=1;prev5"


This <a href="http://www.oocities.org/lifexplore/webring.htm">Enneagram Universe Web Ring</a> site owned by <a href="mailto:YOURMAIL@DOMAIN.com">YOURNAMEHERE</a>


<a href="http://nav.webring.org/cgi-bin/navcgi?ring=euwebring;id=ID#HERE;prev">Previous </a>-

<a href="http://nav.webring.org/cgi-bin/navcgi?ring=euwebring;id=ID#HERE;next"> Next </a>-

<a href="http://nav.webring.org/cgi-bin/navcgi?ring=euwebring;random"> Random Site </a> -

<a href="http://nav.webring.org/cgi-bin/navcgi?ring=euwebring;list"> List Sites </a>-

<a href="http://www.oocities.org/lifexplore/webring.htm"> Join</a>

</center> <p>

After you paste it below the graphic, the final result should look like this...

This Enneagram Universe Web Ring site owned by Lifexplore
Previous - Next - Random Site - List Sites - Join


Any further questions can be addressed to me at lifexplore@hotmail.com! Thank you.