I am a citizen of the world, and my personal history is not significant. The world has to be deeply fathomed, and we may be the heralds for knowledge. Both East and West only assert this, in different words, but with the same intent. Perfection is already here.


I teach "History of Contemporary Philosophy" and "Philosophies of Far East" in the "Istituto di Filosofia", "Facoltą di Lettere e Filosofia" at the University of Urbino (Italy). I also teach "Psychiatry" at the same university ("Corso di laurea in educatore professionale, Facoltą di Scienza della formazione"). My interests are addressed to a synthesis of Eastern and Western Philosophy, within the perspective of Comparative Philosophy and Transpersonal Psychology.". I am aware that in the next century world philosophy and world psychology will manifest themselves, providing us with new directions to be followed.

I have elaborated a technique of meditation that combines Koan Zen and Sufism methods; in my opinion, theory and practice must be strictly related to one another.

My books cover different topics of knowledge, but have been written with a sole aim in mind: the discovery of the Self or of our inner nature. It is the only true endowment we can never lose.


ON NONSENSE (My Worldview)