'From the unreal, lead me to the real. . . .'  Lao-tzu (b.604 BC)

Welcome to the Leyline Quest web site, opened at dawn on the old Celtic festival of Beltane in the first year of the Third Millenium.

Nowadays, most people who have heard of ley-lines associate them with dowsing and earth energies. They have also been associated with UFOs, geological fault lines, ritual funeral paths, Feng-shui, planetary healing, crop circles, shamanic flight, the search for the Holy Grail and anything else that sells books. The subject has become so blurred by its many different interpretations that the general public is beginning to look on this wonderful part of our heritage as a joke . . . Scots archaeologist Harry Bell invites you to join him in the search for a new approach.


THE INTRODUCTION is followed by a look at THE WATKINS COUNTRY and CONFESSIONS OF A NEW AGE PUBLISHER (with an interesting side trip to some HAUNTED CASTLES built on prehistoric sites).
THE NEW STRAIGHT TRACK highlights the failure of the THE DOWSING RESPONSE to detect Prehistoric Site Alignments, SHAMANIC FLIGHT is experienced first hand and A PSYCHIC TEST gives a good result.
TERRAIN ECHOES questions the validity of several astronomical alignments, RESEARCH AND REMINISCENCES is a prelude to ARCHAEO-ORIENTEERING, and after that you may continue the quest at ANOTHER TIME, ANOTHER PLACE.

Harry Bell, Cille Brighde an Ear