January  -  Double Heart Oval Doily
                Tatted Corner Medallion

February  -  Medallion Edging 2 3/4" wide with size 10 crochet cotton
                  Tatted Cross Bookmark

March  -  Tatted Easter Eggs - Coverings for satin wrapped egg shapes

May  -  Roses to Keep Doily - 11 1/2" with size 30 crochet cotton

June/July  -  Round Medallion
                  Tatted Bridal Dress - For fashion doll

September  -  Delicate Tatted Doily - 7" with size 30 crochet cotton

October  -  Tatted Christmas Ornament
                 Round Tatted Medallions

November  -  Tatted Wreath for an Ornament or Pin

December  -  Tatted Christmas Bell - made with baby yarn
                    Kissing Ball
                    Wreath for Ornament of Pin