The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Who will survive and what will be left of them?
Five friends in rural Texas hear reports of grave robbing and set out to check on a family grave. Soon after one by one they wander into the murderous clutches of Leatherface.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2: After a decade of silence...The buzz is back!
A small town D.J. and an embittered Texas Ranger team up to stop the murderous Sawyer family affairs.The are lead to the Sawyer family hideout, a slaughterhouse under an abandoned amusement park.
Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III: The Saw Is Family
A young man and his sister encounter a perverted gas station attendant who threatens them with a shotgun. They take a deserted path in Texas to seek help, but meet up with a cannibalistic clan interested in helping themselves to fresh meat.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Next Generation: Still buzzing after all these years...
A wrong turn down a country road leads to a nightmare for a group of friends who are picked off one by one by Leatherface. Third sequel in this gory chainsaw saga.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003: You Can't Escape
When a dozen graves are desecrated in rural Texas, five young people in their 20's investigate, eventually ending up being chased by a family of cannibals, led by a towering and insane brute, dressed in human skins, called Leatherface.
3/15 - Today we changed the look and layout of the site a little bit. More changes will be made later on this week. We are also trying to get an interview with Bill Johnson (Leatherface TCM 2) Be sure to check back for that and we have started working on our Tobe Hooper and Marilyn Burns pages.
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